Sunday, October 31, 2004

habari kwa ufupi

The summary for this week has been quite enlightening. Frustrating..yes but thats not new. It was one of those weeks that I felt took forever yet zoomed by as far as deadlines were involved:

Monday: big assignment due, and again, i cannot overemphasize this work is a biatch. Bogged down by totally mismatched schedules, theres essentially no possible way to win in this scenario ive realisedm with either you or a combination of your teamates bieng the team 'bitch/mbotch'. Theres no two ways about it.

Tuesday: big midterm: end up doing half of a semesters learning in a couple of hours..amazing what the mind will accomplish under pressure. Midterm went ok..but 4 years have taught me atleast wait for the results to come out. I also how much i enjoy project/system design. At work (after like a month of working at this research lab) i finally realise What it is all these researchers do all day! Pretty interesting stuff ..right under my nose too! basically if a pill to counter the effects of aging pops on the market, my feeling is this lab will have set the precedent. Made me think that working for a Biotech company is actually looking like not so bad of an option..constantly being on the forefront of technology give me a bit of a rush..

Wednesday: All pimped out for my grad photo!! which unfortunately wont be here for anaa 3 hold ya horses..but take my word for it..i felt good, so i mustve looked better. Plus we are in a age of photoshop so it wont really matter how the pics come out hehe..(there have been some extreme cases though!) More group drama. Turns out from a meeting that half of my team for tommorows presentation have NO clue one (as in have not even done the required readings) so..a lil red alert goes on in my kichwa and anxiety builds despite my feigned collected aura..Im thinking bloody hell..more preparation for me. Ah well a chance to look good infront of the much for teamwork in the faculty of management! Meanwhile in my other disastrous group(u know,,the one that had me cursing a few blogs back) finally have a sit down with the prof(under my recommendation) and he talks some sense into these jokers..unfortunately he doesnt want to break up the group, so instead he decides meeeh, why not make this a lil fun and 'survivor' -like : we all have the power to vote whichever member we feel is contributing the least. I seel my project proposal to them reluctantly, but efficiently nonetheless..So we meet kesho to build on it. A case of the times/circumstances making the leader(and not vices versa?)

Thursday: presentation day. Havent eaten a THING all day. Have half a KitKat bar right before the presentation to get a lil sugar in the system lest i collapse on worked great..not the most eloquent guy on earth..but hey..the ideas kept flowing. Turns out that high-sugar-before-an-exam theory might be on to something after all(basically sugar spurt in the system aides enhanced synapse reactions..a sort of high..lakini once the sugar level come back down..crash! just make sur eu have enough to last you the exam). My entrepreneurship class afterwords is GReat..our prof pretty much shafted us on our midterm, and in this clas we spent arguing with this enterprising market guru about how WE think porters five forces model should be used. This course is like an MBA compressed into 13 lectures..

Friday: polite. Jionis get all revved up for Chris's and Wanjiru's 70's theme bash. Pull out the Flayers and tight leather jacket and voila..shaft is reborn. Bash is a plot. Bombay saphire is One great bottle of gin.

Sato: nurse the hangis, scuffle to get some work done. Watch 'RAY' (ray Charles boigraphical flick for you those in living on mars) . Which is a moving epic of this great character. Quite ashamed i knew so little about the man considering his effect on soul, and R&B as distinct genre;s of music. Jamie Foxx absolutely Rips this role..if this is not a performance worht an oscar..I dunno what it. He gets right into ray's skin. Pity He's not alive to experience his the unleashing of his clone...Must see.

Time to exploit this bizarre phenomenon they call daylight savings and get me n extra hour of sleep!

one love,

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


AS arbitrary as your our blogging patterns..

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Job seekers DIARY!?!?!?!

Hey all,

I've been gone for really wrong right??? Oh well if you had my last two weeks uyou would empathise
Apart from turning 22 the rest of my life has been quite hectic.22 can you feel teh age. David thanks I loved the card. Saw it on my first day of Jobo....and I just smiled and smiled sand smiled and even let out a little chuckle. Sorry NAthan and yes Denis the most wonderful guy I know remembered and beat you by a few days.........................

Ok so musch for all the sweet stuff. The Job seekers dieary seemed to have died a death.

Well after Kibet told me to get serious withthe job hunt, I didn't. Oh well I guess some things never change.
I guess my next tid bit of advice is be yourself.

I really wanted a job at a certain isp ....lets call it ISP DoDo.. SO I just ke[t reminding them i was alive and presently I got a call to go in on the 11th of October. So I did and found they were obviously not working it m\being Moi and all. Anywya we rescheduled to the 14th I gota na interview and was hired. Wow cool beans right???? WRONG!! Come the following day they were like no you come in Monday we'll discuss your tems and everythign and have your worstation ready then. So Monday i fika work they tell me what a miserable allowance they are offering me coz I'm on a trial period. But again I can't star that day., Work station bado si ready. Cool.Actually this was quite fortunate since on the Wednesday they offered me the job I dropped my CV of elsewhere. ANd the elswhere people gave me an interview on Friday. So come Monday they had called me for an interview with their general Manager so it was quite a relief I couldn't start at dodo yet. I go up to my interview speak to them and go home.

Tuesday Morning I'm roaring for work I fika I'm told where my worstation will be etc. And then the person I'm yapping to is called to some abrupt meeting.Shortly after she comes back and tells me sijui my workstation isn't ready AGAIN and due to internal issues I can't actually start work that day sijui she'll call me.the other people aslo called me and offered me an equally mearger income and their intern period was three months.

That is the last straw. I feel insulted. Anyway i go home and sleep. So after a lot of soul searching I decided to quit. Plus, I wroteto the other company and asked tehm to triple their offer if they expected me to join them. Obviously these letters were bith hamble and very sweet.,Just like me.

Surprise surprise the other people agreed to employ me on myterms. Thought For today:::: PRAY Just Pray It got me this far.
Anyway I'm stealing office time to write this blog so in case I get sacked yu guys better find me a new Job........


Blog On


I think the joy in trading in stocks in the stock market is in the intrigue and suspense of not knowing the fate of your share the following and one may argue that trading in the stock market is to that extent a luxury only for the bloak who has further loot stashed elsewhere. The fluctuation of the EABL share price that Nathan cited [i cant confirm or deny- shan't pretend to follow the price of EABL shares- absolutely no spiritual/moralist grounds- i purposely avoid the morality issue] perhaps could be taken ambivalently because the downward movement of the price means that some guy who couldnt afford it a while ago, will now afford it- and for the company who's equity is being traded- its a plus because of the all-essential element of liquidity in the shares of the company which ensures that there's movement or trade of it's capital. Similarly for the guy who's already holding EABL shares at the time of the price drop, he is then afforded the opportunity to increase his shareholding at a reduced price and cross his fingers or rub his rosary praying that the price goes up. I believe that's also why EABL was forced to split its shares for the twin blessings of the primary and secondary markets- ie. a pseudo-fresh flotation of shares, while still increasing the bilateral trade of existing shares.
But for EABL selling an addictive drug in prime quantities... there's no doubting (i) that it will take much more than the 'Alcohol + careless sex = AIDS' campaign to slow down the pace at which my fettered and enslaved brethren [:) no offence to any die-hard beer fans!] sprint to the locals and upmarket pubs and (ii) that the share price will steadily rise, albeit with few ups and downs factored in by the harsh prevailing economic situation on the ground. (Man, i wish i was a top manager at EABL where the booze actually sells itself and i get paid for it)

Funny (commercial break)... you wont believe that i only learnt a week ago what 'keroro' means! And the jamaa who was enlightening me had a laugh! But where would Nonini surely expect me to pick up the word????

(At the risk of sounding like the absolute pessimist) Am not convinced that the split by EABL will benefit the small and/or new investor for long, because as certainly as i would get high on a sniff of cocaine- the price of the share will still definitely shoot up to the same astronomical figures in the shortest time. And u must take into account the fact that many dealers will not want to assist you to purchase the 30 shares that u may afford- many insist that the least they would be able to purchase is 100 shares. Ok... now as i continue to write- i feel more like an absolute pessimist/ pragmatist! My view is that, to purchase and deal in the trade of shares... particularly high cost shares like those of EABL and say StanChart, one needs to have his small fortune well stashed/utilised elsewhere with steady growth... whereupon the option of the stock market may be considered perhaps for the utilisation of the proceeds of these other chums or the loose extra chums that one can afford to lose in the event that the USA and our lovely IMF and World (God forbid) is swallowed by the ocean. But hey... thats why we need to invest in the small entities listed at the stock exchange- at least then, we can afford 500 shares at a go and gamble with it!

Anyone concurs?

Monday, October 25, 2004

Concoction of sorts

.finaly dawned on me that soulsytah ni nani,hi there!
Like i promised,am gonna get those snaps from coast soon,jus Vikki been siting on em then we can catch more of Deno hittin ma-poze and Chris lookin gone-gone.....
Man the EABL shares are doing well and looking very attractive all along. I have been tempted to get some in the past, and the share split now gives me a reason to commit. What scares me is the eratic nature of the share price. If Deno remembers, there was a time it dropped from 498 and reached an all time low,which if am not wrong was about 300. I studied the stock market as an investment rookie for my folks and realised that the share price graph of EABL has too many peaks and gutters,with a shockingly notable spike and resulting 'crash'. This seemed to occur after every price hike. Which has got me looking at them funny now that they are hitting the 528 mark.
But I do agree on the bit about what we do with our money as Kenyans. It is sad that we have inherited a drinking culture as a generation,and have cultivated it to a worrying proportion. I mean it always gets to me when i see guys at a bar,it jam-packed mind u,at 2.45pm on a wednesday or thursday. Dont get me wrong, I have no argument with getting keroro now and then, but guys are now making it dictate them. No wonder our economy is in shambles. We need to realize that our dreams will not hatch spontaneously from a brown bottle, but if we actively and delibarately pursue them from working hard and not doing hard work...big difference. Though i needed the wisdom of an elderly gentleman from the slopes of Mt.Kenya to realize this.
Away from the serious ol'man-vibe, hows everyone doing? A little bird whispered to me that Cowi's bday is soon. Till its confirmed when, am sure am the 1st to wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY with the narrow exception of Deno (if this blog didnt remind him...)
this looks out 4 now

Saturday, October 23, 2004

lol..FGM had its merits...

haha calm down women..before you descend on me like a ton of bricks given the heading of this topic., I first DARE you not to laugh out loud at my man Oyunga Pala's view of The new world order: THis mans take on the game, while disturbingly accurate, is bullet proof..


Friday, October 22, 2004

Have you heard?

Originally uploaded by Stef Noble.

Anyone with the balls to call?? Lemme start saying my prayers....

18 shilling dividends??!!

Wow.Thats a whole lot of cheese for simply owning a share. Anyone with money better start getting cash ready for slice of the EABL pie. They are anouncing the green light to the second ever split of shares after Kenol earlier this year..essentially a stock split means they makes shares cheaper by redistributing the capital within the company first. Yaani if i had 10 shares worth 100 bob, and kbl splits the ordinary shares to now cost 20 bob, my stake in the company will now be 50 shares..makes the shares more accessible to common wananchi like myself...

Yaani this is one of those industries where everyones winning bana...(umm except for those poor houswives who have to endure hell at 3am). You only begin to fathom the sheer power of the EABL business model when you step into a bar in Nai on a tuesday 40.0pm mid-end month, and it is already teeming....
Wheres this cash coming from? what cash are these young-middle aged folks saving? But no ones complaining..noooo not even the govt..they just made 15.something billion last fiscal year from taxing EABL! The they are far from sad - When i left working at the NSE this summer, EABL ord. shares were closing at around 459 bob. My guy, they are at 528 in a couple of months, despite what my ex-collegues at the NSE are calling a market slowdown.

So now that I will soon be able to buy shares at East Africa's most profitable company, should I really? I mean just how much longer can they continue to churn out billions of shillings in revenues? Will the working pupulation get any smarter with their money? I sure hope so. But come to think of it si if i owned shares at EABL..going for B.O.G.O.F.(Buy One Get One Free at the carni wednesday b4 9..ooh good timeswere had in the summer!) would be corporate Reinvestment of profits to spur turnover ama???!! As if we need one more reason to jwap!!!

My point..not sure if I really have one in particular or many flying around. I know one thing. We have got to start getting smarter with our money as Kenyans. Just dont drink it away. I know i know srt of presumptious coming from this capitalist dream that corporations have of infinite and boubless profit targets somehow leave me suspecting that it will be at someones expense.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

An Interesting Read

. I have just completed the most wonderful book about sexual purity that I have ever read my whole adult life. This book qualifies as the best not because of anything else but its brutal honesty. It is titled 'I Loved Girl', by Walter Trobisch.
Unlike most books, nobody sat for a long period of time making up the words and decided how to phrase them. Or what would sound write. It is just a collection of correspondence between four people which begins with a confession and ends in discovery of Christ's love and true love. I am convinced that every unmarried African youth (or not) , and anyone who like me had wondered about where to draw the line, and even those married with children should read because they will need to educate their children about sexual purity at some point.
The beauty of a non rehearsed script is the fact that the questions that were asked were completely blunt. Myths about relationships were tackled honestly. Illusions about the permissibility of sexual relations before marriage are brought to light and tackled.
I can't really give this book its due credit but I do recommend you get it yourself and read it. For those of you who don’t like to read books I'll encourage you that its only a few pages long (108), and totally gripping I only bought it yesterday and I have already gotten through it. (yes Denis I know you are thinking that I read at an abnormally fast pace already so that's no leverage) Honestly its not a hard book to read so go on, buy it.

P.S With all the good books we've had mentioned in this blog I'm thinking we should have a book column, in fact I think I’ll get to it right now.

P.S. I love the pics thing Deno. Sheer genius now we can all see what an absolutely gorgeous time we can have together.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Gun found at musicians house

Folks remember us making fun of feroze that last day of mine in nai at westlands????!!! lol..chungeni maisha..u might just get 'popped'...Nairrobbery the WORKS. Next time your getting carjacked at least make sure it not some 'g'd up' musician hehe..

the stuff they didnt teach us in std 5 GHC..

I was going to say haramberr or hitler, but thought that was a tad bit too harsh...
Soma this article on the Kenyantta administration and gasp in disbelief...

Ati lets go back to lunch??????!!
daym that was cold.

Monday, October 18, 2004

when God came after me

(hope none of you is a fanatical atheist... )

You know how easy it is to actually lose/misplace your bible... or have to search frantically for your bible on Sunday morning as u prepare to bounce to church... and how u can't possibly thereafter purport to have read your bible in the course of that week or month/year. (if u frequent church once in a month/year) Christmas believers! he h he.

This Saturday... on the one instance that i left the house... i got to the stage and as i was waiting for a mat and trying to let the rainwater drain off my jacket, some woman approaches. A pretty old lady who looks harmless, so i dont panic. And she politely asks, "Hello, do you mind if i share a verse from the Bible with you?"
Only God knows how flushed i felt in my mind! It hit me instantly how... the fact that i call myself saved and born-again (and all other holier references), really didnt distinguish me from the old man standing at the other end of the stage being 'accosted' by another Jehovah Witness lady, who i still doubt has a bible in his house. ( i have a number available at my disposal.) For the simple reason that my bible reading sessions had been squezzed out of my busy schedule.

Am convinced that God planted me at the stage at that opportune moment to communicate to me that i was really not being true to him and myself. And now, since then actually, i embark on a 'Meet the Bible Tour' where i aspire to make up for the lost ground.

Have a great week people... and find and dust those bibles!!!!!

a lovely weekend

hey guys... hope u all doing good. Pole Deno for the pin drop silence, been thinking quite seriously bout what get's 'my juices pumping' and i'm.... still thinking. Quite strange it is- that am not sure what exactly thrills me- meaning its been that long! since i was thrilled.

I dont jua what thrills me lakini... i jua what i call the perfect weekend. I just had one: a weekend spent in bed under the covers reading a novel. Man! i had a blast (not a blood-rushing blast; a kawa chilled out blast! he he) particularly because this novel that i'd been reading was finally taking shape and the characters, fully formed in my mind had taken life forms... motion picture, the works! The book's called PEACE MAKER by Gordon Kent- bout some covert US Defence project and loads of Navy vibe- and a pretty rendition of the events leading to the death of the 2 Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi (was it?) that led to the strife. Amazing tale! I could hardly put the book down to take a washroom break!

am currently having a plate of ugly red fries for lunch in the office... its a struggly getting through them...

nyway, the weekend was as cheap as they get and sadly ended faster than i hoped it would. Now a new week begins... and am determined to find out what thrills me... soul searching and pulling few stunts here and there. I shall report back!

Now i must bounce and dispose of the ugly plate of fries that is staring at me! The joy of fries- that you can get satisfied having touched half of it! Do stay alive people and blog on!

God's after me too

I soo hear you! I am a born-again Christian, and I love HIM and I dedicate my gifts and my life wholly to Him, but this weekend at a little performance I had, I realised that thats not enough, and Im not immersed in the Word and my whole life needs to reflect His love, and I really shouldnt have to say anything
I was singing 'The Prayer' and after the performance, this lady comes up to me and says 'I really hope you use that voice for the Lord.' and then she looked at me funny. so i say I do...and in my head im half cursing her for being 'judgemental' but as i was driving home, I started thinking to myself,
if i didnt have music as my ministry and an opportunity to share my beliefs and passion...would n e body really know that i was a Christian?
and to add to that how am i feeding my spiritual life, if im not even tasting let alone 'eating up' His Word?
so...God...yeah you got me! and im on it...and now Ive said that in front of a WHOLE bunch of we got the accountability thing goin on...nitasoma!
unfortunately for me, im not all that savvy when it comes to these million making ideas and entrepreneurship and stuff...thats why i keep people like y'all around;) emmm but i did find this article that i thought made sense... its about Africans and entrepreneurship..and whether its a possibility for us or not...
if u come up with n e SICK classy, cool ideas that u need implemented...i can do that. hook it up!

What Makes Me Tick...

My heart........hahahh

what makes my heart race.
Well in all my years the pone thing that has made me reallyfeel great is going after something and getting it. I love accomlishing stuff. I like plannig something and hearing eople say oh that can't work and proving them so wrong. OR even myself sometimes I plan stuff I'm not even sure I can handle and just getting it done is a high enuff forme. I also love jsut putting a smile on someones face. Just the fact that my presence changed someones life is soo wonderful to me I'm not sure anything beats that feeling .

Hey Rachel welcome home!!!!!!

Where are you chris.. Yo know i miss ya

Sunday, October 17, 2004

pins dropping...

haiya this silence is bothering me...There are waaay too many people on that list of contributors for one day to go by without a blog..i understand yall are busy but...
Still waiting for the rest of the responss to my post..
Most notably missing in action is WANGU!!!!! what corner of the earth mezad u..hope u aight. throw us some love!
THomas..i wont even get started.
Kibet..I got you.Patad your email..i will affirmatively confirm by end of next week if you permit me that amoutn fo time.
Chris..i know things are dhiiiick on the finacnial end..lakini holllllla.

and drumroll please..ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for irtual insanity's newest sensation..the bold..the beautiful.. Rachel N.!!!

Ok Rach..not that ive introduced you as bold..theres really no escape..your first blogpost is anxiosly awaited..(no pressure hehe). We want to know what you had for breakfast..that ka dude who hit on you in the mat, or how annoying u think that ad is. Toa stress, shout obscenities, spread some love, what you say when you have nothing to dont phil knight sez, just do it. Blog! very therapeutic i promise.

Ok time for bed. wish me luck on my midterm folks..

Thursday, October 14, 2004

me and some pals in canada

angie and chris

castles in the sky

.pole for the absence. deno, i know wat u mean about Lady Ent. she's nice and all oozing emotion,but like a black widow or a female preying mantis she can turn and bite u where the sun dont shine. After my business classes i was on a high too,but cant say it was better than sex, which i dont get much of any way....even started a business dealing with compiling legal documents, briefings and case studies. our overheads were looking ok.but like deno experienced, my business partners let me down. when ur goin into a deal make sure ur prepared with everything, including info on ur partners. take time to study them find out who they are then see if they're up to the challenge. this will also cut the image that u are thorough in ur undertakings. so now most of my ideas are in the "in" box in my brain gathering dust. but quoting Winston Churchill, "Never,never, never,never give up!" That by the way is the entire speech he gave a group of school kids(i think) who had been anxiously waiting for him for like yonks!
shifta, learnt the lesson the hard way too. always look at something and have faith in yourself.....gotta go mr&ms usiu pageant is tonite and guess we all know not to keep a lady in a red dinner dress waiting....cya all
PS: Tip of the day......dont play with matches!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Thats it - Im in love

my new found love? Her name is entrepreneurship...i have them serial entrepreneur genes in me that are genotyping and blooming relentlessly - I am engulfed by business Ideas day in day out. My Entrpreneurship classes this sem are helping to keep my from pointless idealism and air castle building, and i feel like i am capable of lifting off into this neo-like flight into any entrepreneural venture...Only i am anchored back to earth by my relatively small but growing network base.

It begins with almost a an hour or so of mental toiling and undirected brainstorming. Usaully when you arent thinking of anything but thinking of a lot of things at the same time..umm not as eloquent as id like but hey u follow. Out of the blue, as I feed my kichwa with more input; news, articels,and of recently voraciously reading randomn blogs, a spark suddenly ignites the fire. The proverbial, cartoon-exploited lightbulb wakas, and there is a steep sudden crescendo of all your synaptic ends vibrating in choir-like unison: the combination of tacit understanding and conviction of your new found brilliance becomes somewhat palpable into a virtual reality for like a split second; it is an orgasmic feeling. Way better than sex. It lasts much longer too. I dunno. I think its just me.

It appears I am aslo less constrained by factors such as poor inital reception and competing ideas, i find my ideas adapting rahter fast and growing - a great feeling of adaptive learning. The dynamics behind proposal design and building a concept from scratch get my juices pumpin for real.

I just had the feeling, which is why i thought id etch it in stone here and sort of provoke a whole conversation on what gets ur Juices pumping. I would like honest answers in your own blogposts doesnt have to be noble or smart at all..Jus curious what you'll get MOST excited about thats fairly progressive and uniquely personal. Nothing is an acceptable answer..with possible reasons why your such a boring person.(that cant be possible if your on the blog though)

Haiya..lets see whos first to respond..

Monday, October 11, 2004

there is nooo excuse

.there is absolutely no excuse for silence other than two jobs, adn a laptop that decided to infect itself with like a thousand viruses despite my futile attempts to put up firewals and all.( I HATE SPY WARE). having said that! how is everyone doing!
i hope we all cool and have settled back in to school and all...bad groups, all niters and people who lose our exam papers included!
deno...havent tlkd to u in a minute..was with ur aunt and the lil cousins at church this weekend. They all well and are lookin good...growing up too.
its thanksgiving monday here in Canada and the thing thats been on my mind this that
'whether we know it or not we have MORE THAN ENOUGH in our lives. Friends, family, food, wit, name it....we have been blessed beyond measure adn sometimes we have sooo much that we just let it go to waste...enyewe we are spoiled rotten! so lets all focus on giving thanks for what we have, what we dont have, what we want...basically for EVERYTHING! and dont let any of the things that u have go to waste.
i have to dash and finish a paper due keshos! but to everybody...HAPPY AND BLESSED THANKSGIVING!!!!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Lets Test My Hypothesis


SO I did the test and I too was the great Abe so I'm thinking htis is the only dude these people actually have. So someone else do try it and lts see what happens

Friday, October 08, 2004

take a breather

.hey y'al seems alot being going down.Pole Shifta i missed ur bday bash here...HAPPY BELATED! deno,wats ur paper about?maybe i can give u a few pointers,just to get u started. Abt ur grp mates, u gotta take it to them,be tough,make it clear its either u with me or against me. If all else fails,just report them to ur prof. Usually, am sure u know, u are being tested on leadership qualities and the prof will then be in the best position to recommend u. Hi y'all kina Kui and the others who dont talk....
gotta go now...trying to get cubes!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Truth or hoax...

lol after my frustrated rant...hehe that was fun


I am stuck in a group with absolute MORONs...morons morons morons morons monrons morons morons morons morons monons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons. I wANT OUT. CURSES. matter of fact. I am emailing the prof. call me a cop out..but i need to graduate - with or without them.

Had to let off a litle steam. theres plenty more where that came from. no such thing as teamwork alongside selfish, ignorant, childish,disorganised morons. I dont go without fault. I failed in my assumed leadership of this group. However this is a fast sinking ship, and you have to know when to jump out. Thats it .enough whining. I'm emailing my prof. too tired and frustrated to explain my predicament people.sorry.I'm sure your all smart and can figure this one out.

Ok. back to my paper that i am experiencing tremendous writers block with. Anyone know of anyway to special tricks to get back into writing form? I'm as coherent as u go. my pont exactly.

Hopefully someones life out there is more pleasant than this.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Dear Shifta...


May you a live a long and jail-free life!!!!!

Mad Love,

Charlene, Kibet and the rest of the crew (yes... Dennis et. al- u can squeeze in right here!)


. Wsup good people,

Rachel Njuguna (we are in the same campus) says a great wassup to yo'all. She adds that she mailed some two punks (namely, Dennis and Chris) and she's chilling for some response!!!! ha ha. I advised her accordingly- that it might be a long wait! ha ha.

Anyway, she says wassup! I'l hook u up wit her email address soon.

Blog on!

Monday, October 04, 2004

Job Seekers Diary -ctd

I can hear you all going FINALLY. Yeah so I slacked of after two weeks of job hunting. To be honest I started a project on the side of my job hunting which took up all my attention. However apart from taking up all my time it gave me a clearer idea of just where I want to work. So with this new info I am armed and ready to attack anywhere that even suggests they do what I want. Which is ISP provision if ya’ll have contacts in these areas please let me know. Anyway I’m back in Nairobi this week so Nathan you best hola t me especially because my cousin is also entering the Miss USIU contest.In fact the express purpose of my visit is to deliver the outfit she will be wearing for the Evening wear section. I might come support ya’ll but I’m home alone with my bro this weekend so probably not.

Ya’ll be good now you hear.

P.S to all you rude people who read Denis’ blog to his babe…..hebu you watch your backs I’m on the case…(be afraid be very afraid)

Sunday, October 03, 2004

DRE's final album?

WolOLO...what can i say...I am salivating for this album; I'm probly the last Dr Dre enthusiast
to hear about this..yaani his "the chronic" follow up album: The detox. Considering 'dre 2001' is still a classic 3 years down the line..How how is this going to be? dont want to get my hopes up too high. We are only talking about tthe greatest hio hop producer the industry has ever seen. no dabate here...(i already feel guilty about downloading the entire album once its available in the pleasantly dark underworld of Bit torrent..)

Friday, October 01, 2004

What Makes a Supercomputer Super?

Had fun reading
Intel, IBM, Apple seriously need to hire this guy. Jobs,Palmisano, Gates..listen upp!!!