Saturday, April 24, 2004

Muchos gracious

I was telling Kui the other day that i think i have found my "thing" ..u know..the thing that gets u up in the morning..the thing that drives u go about ur work..the joue de vive as they would say here in montreal, the Zest for life the..ok ok so i'm sure u get my point..I think for me it might be connecting people. Connecting people. I get un unusual kick out of it... I anabashedly admit that this whole blogger thing has me going bananas man..I am trying to get eeeveryone together through it. And when i find that folks like Kibet take time, pay money at a cyber(albeit a meeagre amount of sijui 1 bob a minute) to come and blog..aaah my heart glows!! It shouldnt come as any surprise then that I am into software gadgets and gizmos that get people together and amount to sharing of Data..Thats where I'm headed i think. Just not enough hours in a day I tell you..(same number that Einstein, Mendel, and Donald Trump have though).
You may think this is just as pointless as my other blogs haha but noo..i think its rather quite significant..
In that Ive put a finger on that 'thing' and this blog is history in the making. watch this space!!

On a lighter note...It seemed that what was lacking in the site was a slight competitive feel to the blogs..u know..something to get the juices pumpin and get u folks on ur typing away on a regular!! Supposedly Blogging daily is supposed to increase your IQ, so My freinds..all is not lost!! So in true Democratic fashion, I have added a new poll on the sidebar that will be used by its pretty apparent that we will all vote for think only the candidates with the most blogs in a week will be considered...The idea is to vote for the most engaging(not neccesarily lengthwise or Kui would win hands down), interesting thread author for that week.

Pigeni Milolongo Kura zipigwe!!!

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