Thursday, September 09, 2004

coming of age

.damn!i admit am rather slow at this technological advancement thing,so bite me! Britain was in the dark ages longer than anyone else,but look at them now.
Hi there. Am Nathan, 21, sexy Scorpio is my sign. Incase ur asking who let the mad guy in,u got Kui and Deno to thank/curse.
For all those who didnt make it to coast when we went,twas a blast!Mad fun, guys hitting on kina Shiko and Kui on the way to the hotel (dont tell anyone, but they quietly admitted they liked the attention they got from the matatu guys). Coast is a plan,and Deno was a genius for carrying the cooler, whose contents got the better of Chris when we went for a ride on Deno's "yacht" Brazil! Hope y'all remember Mr. BigFish....
got more drama but for now gotta fly, the lunch line in the cafeteria is beckoning. Brace urselfs.....


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