Saturday, February 26, 2005
Somali reppin Nai
Soobax that has brilliant scenes of Nai that take me waaay back. The Isich (Eastleigh) schenes are especially telling since Starehe wa very close by and memories of taking Number 9 circular'sin my form 1/form 2 days come flooding back.
Nuff talk..check the video out..its moto moto
talk about Bad publicity
Standard's Dennis Onyango explains how the
Bad publicity evoked from the Kimunya's, Mwakwere's and Kiraitu's of our Home country.
Quite worrisome indeed..I feel like this is once again KIBAKI's Fault for not having a Hold on his ministers. His delegate-and-step-back mode of leadership is clearly coming back to bite him iin the ass. A case can be made for Moi's Micromanagemt of his ministers, becuase if anything they maintained some level of decorm as far as Foregin relations were concerened...or do I just have a short memory..
Thursday, February 24, 2005
what is your greatest fear?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us, we ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, georgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God your playing small does'nt help the world. There's nothing enlightening about shrinking down so someone won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give others permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
[Marianne Williamson]
But does he say
Obwanga is finnaly a fully fledged blogger. I am proud of this mofo..developing into a true guru infact he was telling me how he had to build configure and intergrate the wordpress (Blogging management tool) server from scratch!!!!!!
So I present to you the very 3 converted blogger from VI (remember i ordained myself blogg-evangelist a long time back)Relax mental and MJ...I'm not pubah(!) or DonCorleaone..just think of me as the benny Hinn of the kay-blogosphere hehe..Chris's (remember the Gay guy in the pic i posted) Marafiki
Naaa hiyo si maendeleo
* i clear MY THROUGHT * - Little did we know how bad he really was!
more on the self admitted
THe stehouse langa..and eti she nyima'd (denied) Biwott! u know its bad when a langa wont do you..
THe bar talk in Kenya must be at a crescendo!!!
Memoirs of an Entrepreneur pt 1
Needless to say I will not divulge anything lest I am googled in the name of VC due diligence, but i will most definitely feel free in talking about the lessons learnt in this relentless, voracious pursuit to fulfilment. Thats right folks, its not all about the ching ching..lesson number one.
It is vastly rewarding to dream a concept, find talented cohorts, motivate those cohorts to share your vision, build the business and technical framework (aka business plan , Techncal documentation & whitepapers) and endure the grueling battle for venture capital..if you even need it to begin with.
sounds like a bore? really idont do this thing the justice it deserves.
Lesson number 2 learnt today: Trust your gut feeling when it comes to people(partners, competitors etc). 97% percent of the time..your intuition will never fail you - it is this invisible ether that communicates the unpalpable and seemingly imperceptible.
Lesson number 3: Never underestimate the neccessity of a STRONG TEAM. THis one..a lot of people go wrong on, simple and obnoxiously obvious as it may seem. Most 'superstars' oft
are so indulged in their semi delusional self confidence that they become insecure with the fact of having intellectual/skilled equal or superior. Weaker candidates ( such as myself :-) ), often find no qualms being amongst brilliance and energy will i refuse to concede are beyond my own..(did i meantion the weker lot are most oft in stubborn denial) - this is perhaps the ONLY way me and George Dubya have something in common - we have great teams. and TEAMS win far more frequently than individual superstars.
so i will step down from my high horse of fatherly advice and come back to earth hehe..more on the memoirs..promise to try to be faaaar more interesting next time..
"coz U cant knock the hustle"
-Sean carter
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Nicholas Gichu: KenyaBlogs awards
I'll most certainly help you find the tools to do this: (Mental the full guru I'm sure will have ideas)
Nomination Period?
Arbitry Management..(I TRUST NO KENYAN to run this thing haha)
TO be honest, not trying to steal any credit here, i have definitely had this in ind from the very day i began blogging - But while i feel there a whole bunch of us..Dont think we have enough to do a meaningful vote. I see the kenyan subspace of the blogosphere expanding exponentially in the near future, so i had initally thought wait. However given the positive responsive on ur blog, i clearly stand to be coreccted.
My dear vitrually insane..mnaonaje?
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Global blogger action day called
Dedicated to all those Fired, incarcerated, and killed for voicing their opinions through any medium. May freedom prevail!
Monday, February 21, 2005
A tribute To Kibet....
What did I learn from this jua the way people have to LEARN something from every disastor.. that i have a wonderful friend in Kibet Chebii. I mean the minute he heard about the accident he was totally comforting and making plans to see me and make sure i was alright. This isn't the only reason the tribute goes to Kibet its also because every time I have needed him since I came back to kenya he's been there. Be it to chauffer me some place he wasn't headed move me into my new house hang out coz I totally miss Denis, help write my cv coz I need a job....ala yaani I can't find any situation of consequence this past five months that he hasn't been there for me. So thank you for everything Kibet..
Kenyan Blog Meme- Wambui
Favourite Kenyan Drink : tangawizi (sp?)
Favourite Kenyan TV programme : what was it called?.......oh!.....Taharuki
Top 3 Kenyan hand outs: didn't do much of that .......then.....
Top Kenyan holiday destination: think coast? ( me thinks, lil' ol' nyerian me)
3 Kenyan phrases you use a lot: 'but do I say', 'si ndiyo' , 'ai!'
Three things non-Kenyans say about Kenya/Kenyans the make you go 'hmmm':
I heard this joke on comedy central that this lady was narrative about sports. Being a sports hater, she couldn't understand how all the marathon runner looked like anorexic people run to the nearest burger joint. And that not the jist of it. SO many shoe companies endorse these competitions (nike, adidas, ...), only to have the race won "by a Kenyan who never owned shoes before". Aki!!
Three things about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
Man, we have such big foreheads.............
Three things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know:
Not all of us run for a living ( and I've owned shoes for the better part of my life, thank you)
I am Kenyan because:
I haven't met more gracious and caring people than my peeps.
You should all take a crack at this. It's pretty interesting. Das vidania!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Kenyan Menus
Tonut na maantasi-5.00
Homelet Plain-4.50
Jai na zgonji-5.00
Tenku na ukali-6.00
Jabati Pantika-6.40
Gugu ya ingo-50.00
Gugu ya genjik-25.00
Mgade Poflo-6.50
Zdrungi kafu-1.50
Matonto na Mihoko-30.00
Zamagi ntoko-23.00
This is as seen in a kiosk in Khakhameka (kakamega)
Jayi shikombe ndoko 5/=
Jayi shikombe kupwa 7/=
Jabadi msima 10/=
Mandasi kitoko 5/=
Mkuu ya gugu 25/=
Gugu Kupwa msima 100/=
Ukali mlima 15/=
Zubu wa msima 12/=
Fiasi garanga (jips) 15/=
Ukali wa mawimpi 11/=
"Karipuni nyode pila jugi na vidina. mkiyendako mruti tena azandeni yap yap!."
Have a smiley day.
fate? best believe it
Anyway, its a saturday afternoon and i thought i'd stop by and see what's on all your minds (those who regularly blog their minds away). My saturdays this semester are usually spent in class studying international economic law (which explains my fascination with protectionism, lome convention and all this economics which the developing world just spectates!!!) and after the 3 hr lecture that ends at 3pm, i head towards Langata Womens Prison and thats where today i kubalid that some things occur just by ill fate.
I've visited Langata Womens three times (how do you spell thrice? this doesnt feel correct!) for a unit that i undertake at campus called Public Interst Clinic, being my service to the community, and every time i visit the place i get so drained because of the sad circumstances in which the chiles we attend to found themselves charges with hideous crimes.
Last week we interviewed and gave legal advise to this lady who unfortunately found herself charged (among other people) for the murder of five teenage boys who were burnt to death...typical mob justice. This mother heard her kids scream and she ran to the scene of the lynching, whereafter some guys spotted her and the following day cops picked her up and she was charged. The incident took place in the year 2000 and the chile has been in remand ever since! The hearing of her case was completed but as fate would have it, the Judge handling her case was among those fired for being corrupt and her case had to start all over again 1.5 years ago. So five years down the line, the woman is still waiting for the case to be heard.
Now this week, another sad tale... the chile we interviewed lived in a property in the sq and her sister had an affair with the owner of the main house. So one day the owner of the main house, prob in the middle of the blossoming affair, gave the lover his wife's clothes. As fate would have it, yet again, the main house was robbed shortly thereafter when the house owner was away, and upon his hearing of it.. he decides that the family living in the sq are the ones who stole the guys TV and Radio. So now, these chiles have found themselves in the middle of a judiciary that only appreciates time, when the paycheck is being collected... adn there's really nothing they can do to help themselves out; at least not until they can afford legal representation.
More tales could be churned of the way fate can hit you really hard where it hurts... but i'l spare u the story. But in the meanwhile, just be glad that you know a lawyer :) and try as much as possible to stay out of crimes way... because u could be the innocent victim that the cops pin down jus for teh heck of it.
Fate ... may i not suffer its wrath until next saturday when i meet more victims!
Friday, February 18, 2005
Let us heal together!!!!
anyway read on:
Kenyan boys have thier Manhood restored - literally
Virtual Insanity
*Dont you just hate when people make snide cocky remarks just to be funny? this guy leo annoyed the heck out of me by insinuating that I am uncultured
a) becuase i admitted to not knowing the meaning of a hasidic jew
b) I am unclutured becuase i am african.
Bear in mind i have known this kid for 4 years and we kid around with eahc other..but the guy really knows which buttons to press, just to get a chuckle out of the equally obnoxious girls...I swear i will surely be responsible for drop kicking the mofo after one more of his snide comments
*My Insomnia is officially BACK. I cannot go to bed before 430am..often after my RELIGIOUS reading of randomn kenyan blogs..(mind you ive become much of a nazi nowdays when it comes to selection..dont wander very far from the local tree) - I get u feeling drugged and guilty for sleeping till 12-1pm, then work like a dog till 4am, then my blogreading addcition takes over!!! aaah the vicious cycle
* I found it rather ironic that whereas the likes of Ms K and mama junkyard (aka Kui) are in Full DETOX mode(sorry gals..didnt mena to advertise it or anything), here I am in full CHAFUACHAFUA mode - hopelessy trying to gain weight.
I eat on average once a day - I honestly jus forget to eat sometimes, but when i eat..i DEVOUR. leo i gave 2 twleve inch Subway sandwiches in a go.. lol mpaka the chics at work make fun of me calling me the 24-inch man..*to which i smile deviously* (for those of you unaware, a subway is jus a looooong sandwich with lots of stuff in it.. - geez i take u folks in kenya for bad..).
* A good friend of mine cut her hair today - it was the most bizarre thing. when i mean cut..i dont mean cute trim..i mean eeephuuuu(*my finger rubbing over my lower lip*) . I mean she had initially struck me as one of those trendy miros but shock on me. Girl went kojack. Aparently it was a personal battle, one of those things you do to prove something to yourself...I mean she has this love affair with her hair, but it will always grow back , so why not do something different? easier sed than done you think..well thats exaclty the point she told i didnt know quite what to make of it. Apart from the fact that everyone in the library copy room now thinks she's Lesbian, she handling it well. Ok at the risk of soudning calculatingly deep and introspective, i will say that her story really inspired me to be more proactive and adventerous about change and challenginging oneself to do new RADICAL things..radical atleast by your own definition. its only hair for petes sake..
* we Univeristy gods have smiled upon us we have a one week break, viz reading week starting this weekend - or slack week as it is also known...I intend to play LOTS of on my jumpshot, and get my game back...a few michael jordan videos will help to get the tempo going...then i can reclaim my mojo come our next intramural game. I am terrified that my team is going to meet an all black team pretty soon, (there arent that many black folk in McGill to begin when ou hear of an all black team..they have got to be good), hope i dont injure myself trying to be young again...
*ok nuffs enuff..its 324 am. show some dicipline!!!!!!! *slap myself with my left hand as i type with my right*
Agricultural Subsidies and its effect to the developing world (kibet)
European Countries (and Canada soon)still insist on Agricultural subsidies
and aid to their farmers while fully cognisant of the adverse effect that
this will cause to the agricultural sector of the developing countries'
economies who cannot compete with the products subsidised by the Rich
countries' governments. Free trade? Someone somewhere's lying!
This article's quite enlightening:
'A study by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund illustrates
some of the distorting effects of subsidies on markets such as cotton. If
world cotton prices were not depressed by subsidies, the number of people
living in poverty in the African nation of Burkina Faso could be cut in
half within six years, according to the study, which notes that subsidies
account for about one-third of the $35,000 average annual income of U.S.
cotton farmers. The per capita income in Burkina Faso is less than $1 a day.'
Kibet Chebii
Kenyan Blog Meme
-Ugali, sukuma and my mother's steamed crispy chicken
Favorite Kenyan drink:
-Del Monte's Fresh Pineapple Juice. Favorite Kenyan TV programme:
Top 3 Kenyan hang outs:
-Since am no clubbist, I just hang out at food joints such as Wimpy, Walkers and Tacos
Top Kenyan holiday destination: Nanyuki-Green, fresh air, 100 bob horse-ridding and quiet.
3 Kenyan Phrases you use a lot: 'wacha nikuambie' 'weeeeeeeeee' and 'woiyee'
Three things about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
-What happens to the men when they come abroad? Kenyan men down under are such gossips and pretenders even more than the chics.
-Politicians and Kenyans at large are soo dramatic.
-Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....can't think of any other thing...
Three things non-Kenyans say about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
-'Ehh you Kenyans are rich. How come sooo many of you study abroad?'
-'Is a Kenyan tribe a village? (What kind of question is this?)
-'Do you have lions in your backyard?' (sirrry, nyang'au... do you have Kangaroos in your backyard?)
-'Did you come here on a boat and were you sponsored?' (Eti now i am an asylum seeker)
Three things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know.
-A tribe is not a village na tunajua kupanda kazi ngumu.
-African-Americans are not from Kenya and vice versa. (That's what my landlord thought a few months ago).
-I don't know every single Kenyan in Kenya and outside Kenya.
Complete this sentence: I am Kenyan because...
-I love being Kenyan ( i enjoy and feel like one), i love Kenya,i love Kenyans, i behave like one(there is no doubt about that) and i want to die one.
And finally - list 3 members of the Kenyan Blog Ring you wouldlike to see complete this quiz.
-It would be good fun to read anyone's response to the quiz.
Blog MEME !?!?!?!
Mukimo beyong the shadow of a doubt
* Favorite Kenyan drink:
Sour Porridge Meru style and that thing they call Tusker Malt...forget the brown bottle.
* Favorite Kenyan TV programme:
It has to be its from my childhood but how could Inspector Sikujua escape my memory and the gunshot victims who would go down way after the bullet had hit them....Dunia ina mambo...
* Top 3 Kenyan hang outs:
Wa ok I've not really been around that much...
But Bobs definately had its handle on me ( though when I went back there is was slightly tired)
number three...I've not been to impressed elsewhere butits probably because I haven't gone out that much.
* Top Kenyan holiday destination:
COASTO no doubt
* 3 Kenyan Phrases you use a lot:
1. ala
2. come srowry
3. me I
* Three things about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
1 Has to be how people can rave and pint sana when they are bila chums..
2 Celebrity status Quo!!!!
3 The click that runs Kenyan entertainment
* Three things non-Kenyans say about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
1 Are you a princess?? Is your father a great chief!!!(just coz I can afford a university education) to which I say yes and yes.
2 Do you know so and so (yes Kenya is one big hapy family I know everyone)
3 Did you find it hard to fit in here (England) with the culture shock white people and buildings???(WHAT!!!!)
* Three things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know.
2.WE LOVE KENYA AND YES WE WANT TO GO BACK THERE (we are not all asylum seekers)Our country is great regardless of western opinion and we have a lot of pride in being Kenyan.
3.AND so what if I can't run its not embedded in the Kenyan Gene structure.
* Complete this sentence: I am Kenyan because...I was born here, and for some unknown reason that breeds an awful lot of patiotism in me.
* And finally - list 3 members of the Kenyan Blog Ring you would
like to see complete this quiz.
I woulds said Mshairi but you've alredy done it
I would say all of VI's participants I love their views on stuff
no one else really
Thursday, February 17, 2005
The politics of technology
I am excited at the aggression with which African nations are claiming back one of their most prized possesion: Their indeginous LANGUAGE, and its use in the global economy.
Doesnt the Unicode consortium strike you as a lil neoColonialist? I mean its not a technical issue..for petes sake Bulgarian (no offence to any of our beloved bulgarian readers) enunciation can be encoded into the unicode character set..The article hits that sucker right on the all comes down to business and the money.
A linguistic issue? - cmon..we can compromise that retardedly complex pronounciation of combining b and v in kimeru..just let us put a foot into the door..
Face it : Africa is a high growth market in the ICT industry, so if we have to learn friggin English to get a good educaton from your country, isnt it only fair that you learn Swahili to gain ground in our regional market.
But then again..who said Business is meant to be fair...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
kenyan blog meme
Favorite Kenyan food:
nyam chom/kuku choma...only kenyans truly know the definition of a barbeque...none of this 'hot dog' 'burger',crisps and pop that passes for a bbq in Canada!
Favorite Kenyan drink:
k...its not really kenyan i dont think lakini OLD MONK and Bond 7; deno/ chris can attest to this. but then...since im off the alcohol for a while (*gasp) id have to say mala and on a cold morning....wimbi!
Favorite Kenyan TV programme:
MIZIZI HEAT...yaani comedy galore
Top 3 Kenyan hang outs:-
*the cork - village market, open mic (thursdays) and those random afternoons over the summer on the way home from jobbo....
* Bob's - its really just a parking lot, but wa wa wa...theres NOTHING like bobs when u are in coasto and its 7 am inthe morning!
* Qs and the whole westlands 'strip' they manage to fit soo many people in there i dont know! as for kenyans taking the party out onto the streets...hmmm I LOVE IT
Top Kenyan holiday destination"
*for quiet, relaxing classy holiday....Mt Kenya or the new cottage complex in Naivasha...i think its called Green Range
*for the FULL muenjoyo where what happens in Coasto stays in Coasto....COASTO (north coast to be specific)
3 Kenyan Phrases you use a lot:"
* yaaniii
*as in....
Three things about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
*how can a kenyan be bila jobbo/ not in biashara... and constantly broke...yet you will still find them out on the rev?
*the fact that almost every estates 'local' is at the Cop station....hmmm, maybe i been in canada too long, but when i think cops i think...ud better be sober and FAR away frm a vehicle
*who put these politicians into office and how come i didnt get picked?
Three things non-Kenyans say about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':-
* 'wow' its sooo modern...its like a city!
* so are there like animals and stuff all over the place? Do you have like wild pets? (yeah...we had to sell my pet panther to get my school fees)
* where did u learn how to speak English (..ummm we have schools in kenya...and they arent all just under a tree)
Three things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know.-
- KENYA is NOT A CITY!! its a country
- imagine we do more than just run .....and imagine not ALL of us run!
Complete this sentence: I am Kenyan because...thats where i was born and thats where my heart is....kenya till i die!...but true say...i cant wait till this dual citizenship thing comes into play so that i can take some money from here and send it home (Kenya)
* And finally - list 3 members of the Kenyan Blog Ring you would like to see complete this quiz:
well i guess i should say all the VI people who have not yet filled this out...but specifically...those who havent been blogging for a while...
habari moto moto
regarding the recent weak reshuffle:
Mt kenya Mafia flexes their muscles.. I can just picture these folks in a large boardroom ironing it all out..sounds organized crime sio???? Cant bleive such a small group of men have such a potentially magnanimous impact on a countries direction.
Then sir Edward puts his proverbial money where his mouth is with the leaked dossier-
Ali mwakwere - what u think of that? ati waste management..sounds like the sopranos!!! Man oh man Kibaki has been aswatch for how long exactly? what does he do all day at statehouse?
Kenyan Blog Meme - Deno
Look out readers..ive asked other team members to do dont e surprised to hear from more than just me.
* Favorite Kenyan food: Nice semi firm Sembe with nicely done Matumbo..(3 years ago i would never have admitted to this hehe) is to die for..kienyeji chicken soup with mitishamba only like my grandpops can make it, Mbuzi choma and some hearty pilau
* Favorite Kenyan drink:
PILI!!! IMARAA kama simbaaaa smoothest barley to go down this young throat (it gives Becks compe)
- maziwa mala with tooons of sugar to go with the matumbo meal above..
* Favorite Kenyan TV programme:
-Up Close and Candid with wahome Muchiri (not sure i got his first name right..lakini the jamaa has some very deadly tact and balls to go with that tact. Maze the day we'll have that stuff on DVD!!! If you(nicholasG) can get 24 season 4 in KENYA, why cant i get upclose and candid in CANADA???? not fair..
-Also crossfire on kissFM sundays when it was new and fresh with Mutula kilonzo, and two other politicians whose names escape me right now.
* Top 3 Kenyan hang outs:
-Q's, aka crooked q's,
-the cork - village market: thursday night with open mic and university night jus too deadly ,
-Carni - kichaka bar was just world class,
-Bob's in the North Coast (the fact that i gave should tell you somethin...that hanye is unparalled in Kenya)
* Top Kenyan holiday destination:
* 3 Kenyan Phrases you use a lot:
"foko jembe wewe"
"usilesiii" (think Nyambene)
"iz a bila "
* Three things about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
- their capacity to fill up bars any time of day, any time of month
- How the news is just sheer entertainment, politics is super vibrant(atleast relative to canada)
- They are everywhere, doing everything..give me a profession, and i will give u a kenyan somewhere doing it well..
* Three things non-Kenyans say about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go 'hmmm':
- You speak English soo welllll (to which i'm thinking foko jembe wewe..what did u expect would come out of my mouth)
- why are your names so haaard ot pronounce ( I'm thinking coz ur dyslexic son!)
- Do u have tall building in Africa? (this one i never answer)
* Three things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know.
- We are in EAST AFRICA..EAST buddy EAST! EAST!
- kenya is PROPERLY pronounced (keh(as in ketchup) - nyuh)
- No lions in my back yard for petes sake!!!!! ok so i own u..i didnt kill one for my initiation ceremony u like me now huh..(i was man enough to admit it..)
* Complete this sentence: I am Kenyan because...
my mom and dad are kenyan????? i didnt see where this one came from hehe..but really..coz There is some way that I am genetically engineered to give back to my country and community
* And finally - list 3 members of the Kenyan Blog Ring you would like to see complete this quiz.
-Sanaa (pressure makes Diamond)
-Mawazo na mawaidha (in his impecable swa)
-NicholasGichu(provides full vicheckos per kawaida)
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Ever wondered what i'm so busy doin?
I just figured since I'm all talk with this entrepreneruship thing..(lately Ive been telling ANYONE willing to listen how pumped up i am about becoming an entrepreneur) , better put ur money where your mouth is early..More on my entrepreneurship exploits soon ..
when they talk smack about your country...
I am blown away each day by the quality and cicheko's derived from reading their many posts: todays case in point: Ms K's thinks she's the last infant standing...I think she's the the first blogauthor whos entertained me so much with one post!
Shades of black
I understand that it is black history month and all, but i think by my very point, we should celebrate these past heroes as individuals, rather than as Black people, otherwise we perpetuate the very thing we are trying to extinguish: the perception that we are one and the same beneath the skin. can i get an AMMMEN..(feeling like Kenye on the pulpit over here...)
Monday, February 14, 2005
interesting yet sad fact...
Now, once you bear in mind that the only thing that Kenya exports is agricultural produce.. the dilemna comes into correct perspective. When our agricultural produce, which was protected by the LOME Convention, is stripped bare of the said protection... our coffee and tea sector will collapse and we can only imagine what will happen to the rest of the economy, if no measures are taken to reduce the production cost of our produce, rehabilitation of our infrastructure among other fundamental changes that need to occur in our country.
Someone ought to stand up and shout!
what they dont tell ou at the grammies..
I love to read about these behind the scenes Stories of Victors as they walk up their path of duty..
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Who'd have thunk!
In other news...Kanye just lost the best new artist award!!! - but in all fairness he lost it to Maroon 5, who i must say..i enjoy in a road-trippy sorta context. And miss Alecia is lookin ravishing as the day we first met...(im beyond delusional when it comes to this chic!!)
I have a bad feeling Kanye might get sidelined under the premise that the 10 nominations were enough publicity for him!! that will hurt..
-ok scrap that..he just won best rap grammy speech ive heard, every really.
go Kanyeeeeee
blogu ya maana
Lakini inabidi msome Mawazo na mawaidha ya mwandishi huu..ambaye isipokuwa hatakustua-stua na ujuzi wake wa lugha, ata kustua na ujuzi wake wa mambo leo leo.
Friday, February 11, 2005
turn up the insanity
mr Ken Muriithi!!! yes yes..THE Ken Muriithi hehe..
Karibu bana..make ur presence felt!!!(no presseure hehe)
(theres tons of archives to sorora just so that you get a feel of wasup.)
now let us break out in song , dance and ululations..(a ri ri ri ri riiiiiiiiiii)
Let me just say the Ken I met this summer was a lot more poignant/serious/pensive/got-his-shit-together than i can remember..But thats not saying much given that i dont remember Jack about most people....
in the words of John legend....
Holllla holla hollaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Un friggin Believable
Just when i thought I could be shocked further by this guy - turns out he's a HLS alumni '91 .!!!!They cant be terribly proud of him..
His comments on Githongo's resignation?
"We dont fight corruption by running away"
Un-friggin believable. Only the guilty take such a defensive stance.
I havent been this guys biggest fan, so it may seem ironic, but i am a tad pleased at his reaction.. the idiot is tightening the noose round his own neck.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
MKA Trivia: (drumroll) THE ANSWERS
Who said these words?
1. Eva. Instead of saying, 'the sun is rising and the cock is crowing,' it was during the Mrs Sucrose play.
2. Scholastica aka Schola of boys dorm. How can the boys forget her(sigh)
3. Yes it's Charlotte. I did not expect anayone to get this one. Kui, well done. You will get your Belgian chocolates, this year, God-willing. Anyone feeling kiwaru, that Kui is getting chocos? If yes, then you should have answered this question correctly.
Who are these people?
1. Priscilla, rest her soul. I did not know that she passed on...sad indeed.
2. Good old Mary
3. Mr Wachira. And yes, he had a big butt and a distinct cologne that smelt like a mixture of Brut and Blue Dawn perfume.
4. Her name has just skipped my mind. She was our Art and Craft teacher after Mrs. Whitfield left. Does anyone remember her name?
5. Mr. Mirobi
6. Irene Kibz, how can ya'll forget?!!!
7. Thomas F. S., Mnamjua
8. It was Mr Njau, and Mr Wachira was his assitant. Remember he also taught us how to dance to the song? Ahhhh those good old days.
9. Wangu, and Mr. Sucrose was Evelyn Waigi (the one who fancied Nathan for 3 whole years, ha ha ha)
10. Mr. Makathimo. Woiiye, his receding hairline...maybe now it has receded mpaka the neckline.
Ex MKA who was Mr Stanley... I vaguely remember this name.
By the way, do you guys remember this melody, Matu na Ndeke dush dush dush, X2,X3 or X infinity.
when it all seems so futile
Knowledge of self is incredibly important.. I think...It is the arch enemy of denial & pride, and as a result leads to far more progress. next time you ask for help - think about the people trying to help, put yourselves in their position.
I've come to find When you accept your faults and admit your shortcomings (at the most basic and personal level) you are able to pick up a lot faster, minus all that baggage.
my $0.02
What a vote of confidence
Or are the U S of A just trying to frustrate our efforts to effectively fight graft? How can u place so much faith in one individual rather than the institution as a whole, even before hearing the precipitating factors behind his resignation?
Bet you didnt know..
..Sulphur Dioxide emissions in the US have decreased by 30% since 1980..
..Lung cancer is the leading cuase of cancer death in North America..
..It takes more petroleum to make a paper cup than it does a styrofoam one..
..Malaria kills 3000 children each year..(kinda puts the tsunami into correct perspective)
..Nyamchom(charcoal broiled steak) contains trace amounts of Benzopyrene, a known carcinogen..
..It would take u about 100 nice nyamchom steaks to accumulate the amount of Benzopyrne taken in from smoking one cigarette..
..that I'm using this forum to study for exam later tonight, and that I wont remember most of this stuff at 11.00pm (the exams at 6pm)..
..obscure facts like these will never get you laid..
.. no one really cares..
..I'm wired on cofee..
..i got up too early..
..that i hate making powerpoint slides..
..i dont care that i'm rambling..
..I actually feel guilty about blogging at work..
..that I'm really going to go now..
Who said these words?
1) "The sun is crowing and the cock is rising..." no idea!
2) "Remove your clothise (clothes)" No idea!
3) "If I ate one more piece of pie, I'd die..."(whoever remembers this one, i'll get for them a box of Belgian chocolate) I’d love some chocolate… but I have no idea. Was I in a different MKA???
Who are these people?
1) She used to leave her breakfast tea in the girls dormitory from 8 in the morn to about 9 usiku on a particular locker, then she'd resume to finish that very very cold tea Not having spent much time in the girls dorms, I wld only speculate that it was the Late Priscilla??
2) She was in the boys dormitory then she went to the girls dormitory. Good ol’ Mary
3) He was a GHC,CRE and SWA teacher. Had a big butt(am very sorry for saying this, but this feature was very separate from the rest), wore spectacles and wore a very distinct cologne. Lol! Didn’t notice the butt… but the rest fits Wachira perfectly!
4) Her sister was a librarian Can’t place a finger on the librarian… let alone the person
5) Looked like a 1960-70s Motown singer, but instead of a curly afro, he was bald. Mr. Mirobi, (sigh!) the elusive Swahili…
6) Was known as Sbolding because of her shoes. No idea!
7) Which also reminds me, he was known as Thomas Frajes Saabaaaaaa-badey, by the boys (this one is very easy). One and only tattooed Sababady
8) He taught as a song with the following words, "Mwari wa maitu hika narua...Kinyarwenje". Wachira or Njau…no definitely Wachira (& no I don’t sing it in the bathroom! Surely pple… 9 yrs later and u still singing THAT song in the bathroom!!! Listen to the radio!)
9) Known as Mrs. Sucrose Not sure.
10)During Monday assembly, he used the piano as an accompaniment to the following songs, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made, when i think of God's creation am amazed..." and "Am with you and you with me and so we are all together, so we are all together, so we are all together...". Makathimo….we never did get along well. I always undermined the guy esp after Dillard left…at the back of my mind I THINK HE WAS A HOAX!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Just hit me that Deno has alot of time on his hands, or he's just a nice guy like that. Thanks for all the vibe bro, but couldnt view the blogs yesterday.
So, i got late going to uni this morning coz i was going to pick my ol'man from JKIA. So I left the house at 6am, no breakfast, no shower, just brushed my teeth and fled. His flight was landing at 6.35 so didnt wanna get late. I got there in time, with a few close encounters with some typical Kenyan that for later.
U know the way they search cars at the entrance? The guy infront of me had diplomatic plates, but the mheshimiwa wasn't in. But the cop just saluted and waved him on. I had my dad's car, was feeling all high and mighty, when I was waved down and subjected to the indignity of a search. This after reading in the paper that there is no legislation allowing searches of any type. A search should only be conducted with the consent of the individual, and am sure the last time u wanted to get into that building in town or else where u didnt want some stranger gropping u inappropriately.
So i get to the terminal, but alas!!! (eng compo from MKA) There was no parking. Why? Some halfwits calling themselves qualified drivers, and proudly brandishing our tired-ass licenses (thank God they're computerising em soon) can't park! So i squeeze into this crack of a slot, and dare anyone to scrape me!
The flight got delayed by about 30 min, but the shocking thing was a flight from London came 40min early. The passengers waited for their guys to pick them, but most left by cab. Imagine the drama of several families ready to break into song & dance only to here that their blood is already at home.
I find my dad, and he tells me of his drama. On a flight in India, some guy had cardiac arrest. He was attending a conference with colleagues, so there were quite a number of docs on the plane. An Indian doc swung into action, only to run out of steam. He didnt know how to resuscitate the guy, and the cardiac massage he was doing was not accompanied by administration of air to the victim (shock on my dad, he later learnt that the Indian doc is actually from Aga Khan in Kenya, and was on his way from cardiologists' conference on cardiac resuscitation!)
So my dad and his pals came to the rescue. But their efforts were hampered by the inadequacy of the airline. They had no oxygen tanks, the valves were broken, they had no adrenalin that is crucial for jumpstarting hearts, nor did they have the big needles for intrathorasic infusion. Lest to say, the guy died their, with his 3 daughters looking on.
Moral of the story? ---- Don't give a Kenyan a media to rumble always be thankful for every moment you share with your loved ones.
PS: How many accountants does it take to paint a 7m by 8m wall?
Monday, February 07, 2005
Gmail invitations
if you dont know what GMail probly dont deserve one anyway..but since i'm such a up.
RE: Trivia trials
1) "The sun is crowing and the cock is rising..." Priscilla?
2) "Remove your clothise (clothes)" Mr. Njau
3) "If I ate one more piece of pie, I'd die..." No idea
?Who are these people?
1) She used to leave her breakfast tea in the girls dormitory from 8 in the morn to about 9 usiku on a particular locker, then she'd resume to finish that very very cold tea PRISCILLA my she rest in peace U mean she kicked!!!????
2) She was in the boys dormitory then she went to the girls dormitory ....Mary( Chris comment?)
3) He was a GHC,CRE and SWA teacher. Had a big butt(am very sorry for saying this, but this feature was very separate from the rest), wore spectacles and wore a very distinct cologne ..........Don't know abt the cologne part, but twas Mr.Wachira
4) Her sister was a librarian ....Search me
5) Looked like a 1960-70s Motown singer, but instead of a curly afro, he was bald
MR MIROBI (my man and the boys nightmare WASEMBE NYINYI) ....Yes, was sure Cowi &Mirobz.......good one on the wazembe vibe!
6) Was known as Sbolding because of her shoes Not the faintest
7) he was known as Thomas Frajes Saabaaaaaa-badey, by the boys (this one is very easy) Thomas Turbine
8) He taught as a song with the following words, "Mwari wa maitu hika narua...Kinyarwenje" Mr Wachira in collabo with Njau, the lyrics are in my post
9) Known as Mrs. Sucrose .....pass
10)During Monday assembly, he used the piano as an accompaniment to the following songs, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made, when i think of God's creation am amazed..." and "Am with you and you with me and so we are all together, so we are all together, so we are all together..." MR MAKATHIMO ...he made music boring for me. Had some serious receeding hairline
- It brought about an epidemic of epic proportions, almost all were in the dorms sick. wat disease? Mumps
- What was Ms.Sonia's cat named? NO CLUE
- Which movie did the boys used to watch on the way down to their dorms? Lets just say it was big screen, by the window near Sonia's cottage
- What was the name of Sababady's dog? Sukie...or something close
- Had brown teeth and used to run like the wind,when not teaching math? Mr Matu
- These two fought over a certain guy (rumble in the jungle!) ..sorry Cina, but u and Husna had a go!
- Who was the guy who used to skive P.E. coz he had instructions from his doc? Chris bana, when he was seriously lazy
- ?Navraj and this guy were as thich as thieves. He is Ch....... Charanjit
- This guy was the 1st to realize we were being bitten by red ants at camp, and chics saw his strip tease from the sanctuary of the bus. Who he be? Me, after the chics had left for the bus
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Who said these words?
1) "The sun is crowing and the cock is rising..." NO IDEA
2) "Remove your clothise (clothes)" CAN"T PUT MY FINGER ON IT
3) "If I ate one more piece of pie, I'd die..."(whoever remembers this one, i'll get for them a box of Belgian chocolate) CHARLOTTE (how could I forget I loved that kid)so where's my chocolate????
Who are these people?
1) She used to leave her breakfast tea in the girls dormitory from 8 in the morn to about 9 usiku on a particular locker, then she'd resume to finish that very very cold tea PRISCILLA my she rest in peace
2) She was in the boys dormitory then she went to the girls dormitory MARY
3) He was a GHC,CRE and SWA teacher. Had a big butt(am very sorry for saying this, but this feature was very separate from the rest), wore spectacles and wore a very distinct cologne MR WACHIRA
4) Her sister was a librarian NO CLUE
5) Looked like a 1960-70s Motown singer, but instead of a curly afro, he was bald MR MIROBI (my man and the boys nightmare WASEMBE NYINYI)
6) Was known as Sbolding because of her shoes Was this Wambui??? I have a vague recollection
7) Which also reminds me, he was known as Thomas Frajes Saabaaaaaa-badey, by the boys (this one is very easy) THOMAS totally given away
8) He taught as a song with the following words, "Mwari wa maitu hika narua...Kinyarwenje" THIS WAS EITHER MR NJAU rest his soul OR MR WACHIRA I"d have to be a guy to know for sureloved the song though sing it all ovver the place
9) Known as Mrs. Sucrose WANGU MUTHONI WACHIRA
10)During Monday assembly, he used the piano as an accompaniment to the following songs, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made, when i think of God's creation am amazed..." and "Am with you and you with me and so we are all together, so we are all together, so we are all together..." MR MAKATHIMO (like why do i rememebr all this ???)
It brought about an epidemic of epic proportions, almost all were in the dorms sick. wat disease? NEVER CAUGHT IT DON"T REMEMBER
What was Ms.Sonia's cat named? NO CLUE
Which movie did the boys used to watch on the way down to their dorms? TELL US ALL
What was the name of Sababady's dog? GOODNESS WHATS WITH YOU AND PETS NATHAN!
Had brown teeth and used to run like the wind,when not teaching math? MR MATU (or should I say your guess is as good as mine)
These two fought over a certain guy (rumble in the jungle!) UNLEASH my guess is too volatile may cause new fights..
Who was the guy who used to skive P.E. coz he had instructions from his doc? HMmm now why didn't I think of that?
Navraj and this guy were as thich as thieves. He is Ch....... Charanjit..???
This guy was the 1st to realize we were being bitten by red ants at camp, and chics saw his strip tease from the sanctuary of the bus. Who he be? COULD IT BE CHRIS?<em>Only guy I remember seeing doing some ritual dance in front of the fire while taking his clothes off... Musta sold the idea to Nelly ...chris bana where are the royalties???IS???
So tel me how'd I do...
Who taught his song?? I'm Raisa Bambaisa Stickalaisa Fafaasi I'm Raisa Bambaisa Stikalaisa I am !!! and Taught us about the googliplex I believe.....
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Sheki legi
Beats me as to why, but probly the same reason I'm into underground/semi underground music. I like to be in the loop! So now that ive shibad with this wicked African MP3/audio blog to my ears content, I introduce to you: Benn Loxo du Taccu. (did i mention one of my new years resolutions was to get more acquainted with African music?)
I know i am YEEEARS late , lakini Right now my 3 favs are:
Quarter life crisis? maybe. Hopefully someone out there can relate.
Uchambuzi Maalum wa siasa
Politics these sides why lie is Booooring. so boring i have nothing to tell you about right now.They struggle to get folks to watch the news huku. thank Heavens for the Nation and Standard online.
U are usilessi ..
Shame on all of you for not contributing if your actually visit. Shame shame shame.
It doesnt help your cases that we know you are all a noisy bunch with Strong opinions. Shame. Shame . Shame.
(dont sneer..guilt has been known to word trememndously well, and has got to be used now that ive ran out of ideas.)
ok my five minute break is over...back to enviromoental chemistry.(dont ask)
Friday, February 04, 2005
1. Sip the vodka, don't gulp.
2. There are 10 commandments, not 12.
3. There are 12 disciples, not 10.
4. Jesus was consecrated, not constipated.
5. Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass.
6. We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the late J.C.
7. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as Daddy, Junior and the spook.
8. David slew Goliath, he did not kick the shit out of him.
9. When David was hit by a rock and was knocked off his donkey, don't say he was stoned off his ass.
10. We do not refer to the cross as the "Big T."
11. When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper he said, "take this and eat it for it is my body." He did not say " Eat me" .
12. The Virgin Mary is not called " Mary with the Cherry,.
13. The recommended grace before a meal is not: Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub, Yeah God.
14. Next Sunday there will be a taffy pulling contest at ST.Peter's not a peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
"Say hello to my lil friend...."
I recently organized a talk at here on campo for my fellow geeks where we had Dr. John Buchanan, video game guru and head research scientist at EA (guy was fired from his first job for playing video games believe it or not) come speak to fellow geeks about the future of the gaming industry. Brilliant guy and talk in general - I was pretty happy with the turn out too - but these guys (EA) have nailed it right on the head. His take? The future of gaming is in STORY TELLING .
The premise? the same elements that make good stories make great games. read on.
The late Brando to reprise 'Godfather' role on video game
Date: December 15, 2004
Source: AFP
LOS ANGELES, Dec 15 (AFP) - Hollywood legend Marlon Brando will reprise his Oscar-winning role as Don Vito Corleone in "The Godfather" in a new video game that will be released more than a year after his death. The Hollywood Reporter entertainment industry publication said Brando's likeness would take the lead role in a digital game based on the legendary mafia family's exploits to be released in the last quarter of 2005.
The game developed by Electronic Arts (EA) will be based on both Francis Ford Coppola's 1972 movie in which Brando starred and the original novel written by Mario Puzo, the Reporter said. The video game company acquired the rights to use Brando's image before his death of lung failure on July 1 and is working with Paramount Pictures on developing the product.
While few details about the game have been released, "The Godfather" will allow adult players to take on roles alongside Brando as members of the Corleone crime family.
As video games become increasingly sophisticated, companies including EA have bought licenses to major motion pictures in order to turn them into digital entertainment.
EA struck a similar deal with Warner Bros. for games based on the "Harry Potter" movies. And "The Godfather" marks the second major crime drama to find its way into the hands of game creators. Vivendi Universal Games is developing a game based on Brian De Palma's 1983 movie "Scarface."
With Al Pacino's "Scarface" character due to launch in North America at the same time as "The Godfather," drug lord Tony Montana will potentially be pitted against Don Corleone in a market share turf war.
RE: Kanu sham
gotta go wifey has come
RE: TRivia
freaky i still remember that song (and sing it in the shower every now and then).
She was in the boys dorm then went to the girls--- Mary (Chris can tell u more about her.....).Bald guy- Mr. Mirobi.
It brought about an epidemic of epic proportions, almost all were in the dorms sick. wat disease?
What was Ms.Sonia's cat named?
Which movie did the boys used to watch on the way down to their dorms?
What was the name of Sababady's dog?
Had brown teeth and used to run like the wind,when not teaching math?
These two fought over a certain guy (rumble in the jungle!
Who was the guy who used to skive P.E. coz he had instructions from his doc?
Navraj and this guy were as thich as thieves. He is Ch.......
This guy was the 1st to realize we were being bitten by red ants at camp, and chics saw his strip tease from the sanctuary of the bus. Who he be?
MKA Trivia
Who said these words?
1) "The sun is crowing and the cock is rising..."
2) "Remove your clothise (clothes)"
3) "If I ate one more piece of pie, I'd die..."(whoever remembers this one, i'll get for them a box of Belgian chocolate)
Who are these people?
1) She used to leave her breakfast tea in the girls dormitory from 8 in the morn to about 9 usiku on a particular locker, then she'd resume to finish that very very cold tea
2) She was in the boys dormitory then she went to the girls dormitory
3) He was a GHC,CRE and SWA teacher. Had a big butt(am very sorry for saying this, but this feature was very separate from the rest), wore spectacles and wore a very distinct cologne
4) Her sister was a librarian
5) Looked like a 1960-70s Motown singer, but instead of a curly afro, he was bald
6) Was known as Sbolding because of her shoes
7) Which also reminds me, he was known as Thomas Frajes Saabaaaaaa-badey, by the boys (this one is very easy)
8) He taught as a song with the following words, "Mwari wa maitu hika narua...Kinyarwenje"
9) Known as Mrs. Sucrose
10)During Monday assembly, he used the piano as an accompaniment to the following songs, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made, when i think of God's creation am amazed..." and "Am with you and you with me and so we are all together, so we are all together, so we are all together..."
I will post the answers soon. Cheers
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
leadership is...
..working tirelessly towards a dream only you can see..
..keeping your head while everyone blames it on you..(a la IF)
..motivating people when you see no way out..
..never asking of individuals what you dont require of yourself..
..communicating your energy and spirit in deed..
..taking risks when no one will..
..not management..
..being able to empower others with YOUR vision..
All this I surmised this week. Have you lead this week? Have you lead today? More importantly Will you Lead tommorow?
I rest my case
After all those low blows from Chris about my sexuality(posting up a pic with me holding anaa silly handbag)..I think you are now looking at smoking gun evidence of the real villian !!!
The love interest(in black shirt), for those of you itching to know, is our good neighbour Mr Mwaura, who just happens to be collateral damage in the pic that is meant to showcase our dear buddy Chris's closet tendancies. Dude on the left is our Token White friend with some serious hair Gel going..(what is it with Jungu guys and their affinity to massive amounts of hairgel)
But wait..I'm confused..i was pretty sure Chris and Shiku were having a thing (the two have been going at it for a while now in Camera ever since they fell madly in love with each other over in Coast last summer) - While this may seem like a very desparate attempt to Get them to Blog (i have been known to bring out the best in people by any means neccccessary), I'm just doing my fellow readers the honourable duty of some romour-mongering that cant hurt once in a while.
So bwana Chris to salvage your masculinity?? what would your momma say???(muhahaha Ive won this round)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Dawn of a new KANU
in which KANU delegates carried out their national duty of ensuring that
our political structure has a solid and formidable opposition with
reasonable grass-root support thereby facilititating democracy. Lets give
it up for.... KANU!
Whereas KANU is busy getting its act together, NARC is busy squabling
about having or not having elections. Would you believe that i have no
idea what there problem is? Ask me what the hullabaloo is all about and
i'l have absolutely no answer. Mara some of them want elections, others
dont want; mara Ngilu (apparent chairperson, even that is not clear!!!??)
goes to file returns at the Registrar's office and the following day some
miscellaneous idle-heads (NARC idle-heads) fika the Registrar's to
challenge Ngilu's returns... its just a mess.
I already see where my vote is going in 2007, do you?
...its interesting how it has become very taxing to follow the news and
developments of the constitution in the making; i gave up a while ago- jst
waiting for the thing to be passed and we go on with life. Fight about
more important things with whicher power that'll be!
Kibet Chebii