Wednesday, August 31, 2005

fall '05

...excited, she said,"ain't it great to be back in school!!" And i actually mean it. Something about not having to see the same old boring faces from work day in day out just gives me a refreshing feeling. Or maybe I've been in school for so long that I've actually began to enjoy it.....who knows. Well, back to trying to get into classes this first week, so I can graduate this sem. , YES! For some reason I feel that I'm probabbly the only person reading this that feels that way after reading david's posting. Hang in there, as always it will soon be over, then we can enjoy the pleasures of job hunting..........can I get a yeee haaaa! Be blessed!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

talk about being MIA

hey all!
first of all thousand and one million apologies for the leave of absense!
i know that everybody is busy andyet they have all been able to blog...lakini clearly my multitasking energy is being overused at jobbo and so thats why!

Apologies aside! maisha is good...God has been much faithful with the new job and the relocation to the new city and the new apartment and all that fun stuff. working for a company that makes chocos however is not very good for the waist line, so now I am focussing on working out etc,
if y;all want details of the company i work for...please feel free to hit up and I work for the canadian division known as Effem Inc. more shop talk.
sorry to burst the "we love kanye bubble:("
i just wanted to drop in to give all you kanyeezi fans a little food for thought. Yeah his music is the bomb...havent really listened to his latest album...but i know frm college dropout that man has mad skills...
but...there is a slight issue with this mans attitude! yaaani talk about feeling that he is the ish.
He was in toronto a couple of weeks ago and really let it be known how full of himself he is...
videos dont lie so chk out this link, and read the email that is circulating....

other than that! hope u are all well and blessed!
much love
I got this e-mail from my homie Dr. Jay de Soca Prince
who works at FLOW93.5fm in Toronto... I rushed back
from doing my show in Ottawa to get back home to
Toronto to catch the end of the now historical Marc
Ecko GETTING UP FESTIVAL, and this fool's arrogant
attitude just ruined the smooth vibe the whole weekend.

The words that followed are Jay's detailed account in>
the VIP, I was doing other ish so I wasn't at the
afterparty. This dude needs to get back to what we call
earth and get his head outta the clouds for real, that
karma will come back Kanye. You just lost one of the
most important cities in hip-hop outside of the States
along with a bunch of fans. DON'T "EVER" COME BACK TO T-DOT AGAIN... We don't play that dawg, we serious!!!
I've personally added a link to a video recorded at
FLOW 93.5fm of Kanye West's interview:

You be the judge!!!

Can you believe Kanye West?
Okay, I've read interviews with him in magazines and
seen his outbursts on TV when he didn't win an
award...but this guy gets the "kakahole of the month"
award for his behavior at the club this past Sunday make a long story short, he was hired to be a
special guest host at METRO and he apparently gave
strict orders that he only wants to hear Hip Hop while
he's in the club...okie dokie scene...he doesn't get the award>
for that cuz in my opinion, if the promoters are paying
him a big set of money and are caving into his demands,
then you can't blame the artist (no matter how ignorant that it was)...but I can and will blame Kanye for the "kakahole-ish" behavior he displayed... Lil' Jon, Ludacris, Mos Def and Lil' Scrappy were all inside the club enjoying themselves...this I saw with my own two eyes...those artists and some Toronto Argos, Mo Pete from the Toronto Raptors and a whole set of ladies were in the VIP just chillin....
Then Kanye took the mic and said that he felt disrespected cuz he was in the club for 45 minutes and hadn't heard one of his songs yet...he proceeded to say that he rules the radio and that he will never come back to this establishment mind you, I'm standing just a few feet away from him and this guy just had the most pompous look on his face..

He continues on how he felt disrespected and then the DJ on the other mic tells him that its still early (I think it was around bar closing time) and he has to wait for the tribute...they start to rinse a set of Kanye West tracks but the kakahole grabs his people and exits thru a back door...
None of the other artists seemed to care about his departure and neither did the crowd...perhaps this is all a publicity stunt cuz his album is coming out and any publicity is good publicity, right? For me though, Kanye needs to humble himself and perhaps then people will pay him the respect he feels he deserves...

this Sunday, the very first track on SOCA THERAPY will be>>>Maximus Dan's "Be Humble" in honour of the "kakahole of>>>the month".>>>>>>>>> PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Where is the music?

Hey guys hope ya'll are well. Do you know where can I get the following songs?
1. Hey Mr DJ-Zhane
2. Request Line-Zhane
3. Cosmic girl- Jamiroquai
4. Let's take a long walk- Jill Scott
5. Getting in the way-Jill Scott
6. The way (i think-in the music video, she's in an art gallery)-Jill Scott
7. Fantasy-Earth, Wind and Fire
8. He's the greatest dancer-Sister Sledge
9. Heaven-Tavares
10. Bad girls/Sad girls-Donna Summer


Monday, August 15, 2005

Been a while

Ok clearly VI has hit new lows getting spammed by graduates dot com: still trying to figure out how i got infiltrated.

Brief recap (not in any priority):

Day Job: I hit new stress levels that i didnt know were possible. Last friday I had my first big deliverable and it got kidogo more neurotic than I am used to. I was so tightly wound thursday u couldve used me to turn turbines...My boss is gone for vacation for the next 2 weeeks, leaving a vaccum that im already being sucked into: I could either look at it as a major opportunity to shine, or to be burdened by the thought of the magnanimous expectations of the rest of the team. Should be a fun 2 weeks..even im looking forward to how well i'll improvise matching up to this incredulously well organized chap that is my boss.

Side ventures: My bro's and family stumbled accross a feature piece regarding my humble entrepreneurship venture in the Globe and Mail which i am purposely not going to give a link to lest I accrue a gang of groupies. It really wasnt as big of a deal as it appears, given that the Globe and Mail is among the most respected newspaper in Canada - . Made some good leads into getting support from an academic front - pitched it to one of my favourite profs and he bought it. Aligning business objectives with pedadogy is more of a science than I expected, but I'm sure we can make it work.

Social: Talked to the folks after a *while* and it was interesting tossing the blame back and forth concerning whos tupad who..I hypothesised that they are paying the consequences of throwing me in boarding school at such an early age: I quickly learnt to disillusion myself from how much i Miss those i love the most as a sort of knee jerk to avoid home sickness. who knowss..Mt kenya mmight have done its damage, but it surely had its benefits... My folks also made a point of NOT telling me that they made a house call to my significant other's Diggs with my grandparents. What does this all mean?????? are mbuzis being kaguliwad in my absence? woi I'm losing my mind at these clandestine agendas..

AoB: living in the 'student ghetto' , as much as i whine about it, has its benefits...This week is Frosh week @ McGill, a period that should usher in the green vicarious freshmen from all over the world into the illusion of a world of hedonistic nirvana, intersparsed by some academic activity known as lectures. All an illusion, but it'll be fun helping to paint it if invited to any frosh bashes...
Also, forgive me, but I have to brag - I went to church! On my own volition. Put all my 'urgent' errands aside. Dragged a friend along. It was polite. I found i was more critical about the message than I remember. I was sifting , picking and choosing the sermons precepts. The prodigal son was mentioned a couple of times, reinforcing my lack of belief in coincidences...It was edifying all the same. Highly reccomonded for all those who suspect their hearts have grown too cold..

Reading: The tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell. Great start, and interesting point of view on some of the issues tackled by Steve Levitt Freakonomics, which i malizad listening to some time ago, (amen for Ipods and and audiobooks). Crossing the Chasm by has been a slow read for me coz i never get good closure to absorb it mzuri. The River Between has still been my most satisfying climax building read of the summer. I am making steady inroads into pre-colonial kenyan folks and uncles better watch out next discourse we more walking ove rme wth that ..'aah u just born the other day.. us we have been there and done that" talk hehe.

Listening to: Late registration album: my latest endeavour is to critically assess kanyes new Joints before it gets into the hands of the callous masses who will most probly not allow it to escape the curse of the sophomore jinx.
Otherwise Msanii's radio blog is absolutely sick and provides me with the much needed hit of Kenyan hip hop whenever Im in the zone at work..*hebu rudisha*!!

Randomn thoughts: You are/become who you hang out with.

Friday, August 12, 2005


yes! it's over, am now officially on holiday. with that hangs the dark cloud that i recluse and hardly approach this thingymajig to communicate with the outside world, so don't send the cops after me.
jus did my last exam feels great. ironically it was a law exam, so Kibet we're kinda on the same boat. feel bad about the joblessness, thats why am trying to be an enterpreneur, though a broke one. But got some ideas am trying to put into action, some are working, so with your prayers, am hoping to teach Kirubi a thing or 2!
thank God i changed. i was one of those guys who had a fit on the dance floor, hurricane dancers as they're called here. I used to feel that i had to share my zest with those around me, love me or hate me, ud go home remembering me.
but my girlfriend made me watch Hitch, you know when Will teaches the fat white dude how to move, not gyrate. Am now a proud recoverin hurricane, but sometimes i miss those days. Dancin became my aerobics session, and when you get home you're so tired u wake up sore like you had returned from doing battle with the Archedians.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Hey guys. Hope all is well.
'Why do you hate clubbin'?' I get this question all the time. Hmmm why do I hate clubbin'? From the top of my head there are four main reasons. By the way I never go to the club willingly. I just mysteriously end up there. My friends and their tricks...I fall for them all the time.

1. I am the type of person, who people will always designate as the driver. Why? Because I am the type of person who does not like the taste of those drinks appropriately named piss, by some clever or not so clever person. The point is, I hate being the designated driver. I constantly fear that someone's bowel contents might end up in my car or may 'beautify' my clothes at like 6 am in the morning, when I am so tired and I want to sleep, but noooo I have to clean up my clothes or my car to get rid of that nasty nasty stuff and smell.
2. There are those people who like to sit down in the club and watch people dance, as they are having their drinks. Well, these people can be placed into 2 categories: Perverts and People who just like to sit down in the club and watch people dance, as they are having their drinks. I fall into the latter. I enjoy sitting down and watching people dance as I am having my drink. I do find it really interesting to watch people, as they dance or cuddle or slip and fall or fight or whatever is to your liking. There can be that guy who is dancing like a duck, whose wings are not where they are supposed to be. Instead they are tucked under its belly and as it tries to walk the legs hit the wings and it is like it...(if you are not following, I am talking about the duck and how it relates to 'that guy') is going to fall but it quickly regains its balance and this goes on repeatedly. It gets too frustrating to watch this guy dance like he is almost going to fall but does not. I wish he would just fall, get over with it!

So, I shift my eyes to this woman, the type of woman who is dressed in environmental clothes. Environmental clothes are those clothes that happen to be green, brown or grey in colour. Her hair is either red or she has these greasy, untidy-looking dreadlocks. She is standing in the middle of the dancefloor. Its like her legs have been nailed to that spot. All she does is wave her hands in the air, miming the words of the song being loudly played, as the disco light shines upon her. She feels like she is one with nature, one with the song and one with the club:the music is in her as she is in the music. She gets boring to watch. Even you can't watch someone waving their hands for a whole 3 hours, can you?
The next thing I see is a person running from one end of the club to the dancefloor. This person dances by throwing his hands in all directions and jerking his legs, as he works the dancefloor. He doesnn't realize that by jerking his hands and feet, he may face legal suits the next day. The cause of action- Intention to Cause Grievous Bodily Harm. In 2 minutes the dancefloor is completely empty and Mr. Jerking hands and feet is the only one there, now jerking his whole body, working it like the world is about to end in a millisecond. I look at the dancefloor people. They have this look on their face, the look that says, 'Why is this freak of nature trying to ruin our night?!' These people want this maniac to grace the dancefloor with his absence. They are afraid to assist him to achieve this (probably by use of force), for fear that they may end up not having their beloved eyes or teeth. Next thing you see, is this lady coming from where Mr. Jerk came from. She has this embarrassed, no very embarrassed look on her face. I assume it's the girlfriend because it can't be the mother and it can't be the sister. She convinces him to leave the danceloor. She now apologetically looks at the dancefloor people and they respond by having this 'your boyfriend, aka Mr. Jerk Freak, might not have a body to jerk next time if we see him on this dancefloor again' look. However, my friends at this stage think am very bored, so they drag me into the dancefloor, cheer me on, encourage me to dance-I shift my legs to the right then to the left, wiggling and woggling my head, as my hands do this dishwashing action. I see other Africans facing us with the 'what the...' expressions on their faces. My friends then encourage to go back and have a sit. I think they are embarrassed, well why did they ask me to dance in the first place, if they knew I like to sit and watch people dance as I am having my drink?!
3. You meet the weirdest people. Taxi drivers, stalkers, taxi drivers, stalkers and taxi drivers. Why taxi drivers? One of them stole my mobile phone, the other one of them kept giving me this slimy, sleazy, licking lips, undressing, drooling, icky look. To top it off he gives me his number tells me to give him a call. I got off the taxi, a kilometer away from my place and had to walk home at a time when the owls are thinking, 'what the hell is this small, dark like night human doing walking at this time? let's give her a scare. whooo hoo hoo...' And so instead of walking, I ran home like a mad person. All this so that bwana taxi driver wouldn't know where I lived.
4. Being a cheapskate, I hate to spend money. So, if I go to the club I don't buy any soft drinks. I choose to drink water. I hear it is embarrassing to be with a person who drinks water in the club. Is that so?
There goes...If you allow me not to be the designated driver who likes to watch to watch people dancing while having a glass of water, then we will have a jolly good time in the club.
Cheers guys.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

should i sigh or smile

Campus is finally ending this Friday, but strangely the feverish excitement that i anticipated has refused to check in- sadly too i must add! For various reasons actually. First, the lack of any campus experience is the lousy side of whole the parallel night school idea, at least for a first degree.The evening appearances for four years doesn't really allow you to do anything exciting that you can write home about- or ficha from your kids when they ask for a narration of the university days of the early 21st century. No tales there on my part!

The second reason, why i suspect i lack enthusiasm is the unemployment rate. Yeah, i know the problem couldnt be more emphasised in every media gadget (blogs included) but it has only recently become real to my mind in the last few weeks. I personally, praise the Lord, have the comfort of having a job to slide into (or continue with). But for the bigger part of my class, full of enthusiastic lawyers (starting Friday) eager to get their legal minds solving problems and anxious to make chums are about to go through what i think will be the most trying period of their lives.
Background. For an law graduate to become an Advocate, you first need to have one year of pupillage (internship basically- but where you rigorously carry out research and other work at a law firm), thereafter a diploma must be obtained from the Kenya School of Law ( which involves doing exams- at diploma level! for the same courses that we studied and passed for our LLB). Thats like 1 and a quarter years gone. Then after the School of Law clears you, your name is forwarded to the Chief Justice to find time to gazette your name and swear you in. It usually takes the CJ between 1 and 1.5 years to gazette the names (and woe unto if your called Yvonne or Zeno!) Back to the problem. So first hurdle: my over 300 classmates have to find a law firm among the few firms existing in the country. Second hurdle: survival with the remuneration of a pupil which ranges from KShs. 2,500 to KShs. 12,000. About 5 firms in Nairobi pay between the range of 15-17k and they are terribly competitive at that! Third hurdle, after we complete the one year of pupillage, you have to find your way to School of Law (now situated at Karen) for classes for a period of time, which must be paid for and accomodation sought (major problem for guys who were subsistent on HELB loans). At this time, the law graduate is jobless because the firms don't usually retain after the year of pupillage and he is somehow to survive in Nairobi for the purposes of the School of Law classes, and thereafter start the job hunt again either for a place to hold over as he awaits his admission into the bar, or a place as an Advocate of the High Court. Well, am sure that the events immediately after my last paper tomorrow and our subsequent class party should be incredibly exciting.

It would be bit better, i think, if we'd get our degree and just be thrown into the market- where i then have to struggle and sort myself out. I think that's easier than the hassles that the system forces us to undergo. My take? I think its just a means to have as many people fall out the wayside and thereby limit the number of people who enter the profession.

Monday, August 01, 2005

I need a girl pt. 5

Kazi si kubaya..just the daily frustrations of a working man here..amidst the ever fleeting paycheck.

meanwhile I somad this and was awestruck at the audacity of Our kenyan folk..haha yenyewe it can't hurt to dream - even about Chelsea...p.diddy video quality au sio??

Did any of you get to meet Mr. "I smoked but I did not inhale?"
not even a glimpse? aiii

Hope you are all timam. much love.


wow, vikki that must be a blast. us guys are still stuck in that kiss era, so they only play 1song from that album.speakin of music, maybe you guys can help, esp Deno. there's this song chris had, Africa by Akon we played it at the hotel. am wonderin where i can download it from, fre ofcourse! also 'Hip Hop' by Dead Prez. am getting into the whole political rap thing, u know music with a message, not just about chics&spinaz!
can anyone help me out?