Friday, January 27, 2006

The Surgery is Done!

hey guys, am just out of dental surgery.Yes, I thought I would be in anaesthesia land at the moment but LO! the dentist did the surgery when I was fully awake. The dental tools were a nightmare-first it was a very big needle, then a blade, then a drill, then the suction pump, then the drill, then a hammer, then am told to relax- WHO CAN RELAX WHEN THEY CAN SEE NIGHTMARISH DENTAL TOOLS ENTERING THEIR MOUTHS! After that it was the stitching. I think the dentist stitched my tongue because he and his assistant shouted "Ngai", then he said "Oh ni sawa sasa." Right now I look like a Raila who has one swollen cheek, hell, am even talking like him. Anyway, am thankful it's not as complicated as I thought.


Anonymous said...

Get well soon Viki!

Orkoiyot said...

Brave damsel! Vicki, am certain u look as pretty as ever with one swollen side. None-the-less, may it subside soon...

Nakeel said...

Hope you have recovered and had some nyamchom by now.. Remember to brush your teeth when you eat sweets, biscuits and those sweet sugary things..

ms_cleo said...

hi, it's all up hill from here, sweetie. Got my molar taken out last year, but I know you agree when I say it's so much better than having it in, au sio? Take care!