a) the pungent smell of remandees deprived of a variety of sanitary luxuries,
b) the Prosecutors lamest excuses for not producing his witnesses in court,
c) the mumbling of the witnesses while i struggle to scribble notes,
d) the guy sitting beside me dosing and always finding his head ON MY SHOULDER!!!!, etc
Wednesday i had a fresh irritation...well, fresh but sad. You know how we cry that Prosecutors in this country are incompetent; today i encountered a totally lost Advocate attempting to prosecute a matter on behalf of a governmental agency. This guy had totally no idea bout how to lead evidence. Almost all witnesses he called turned out to be useless because they were the wrong person to produce the documentary evidence. The Magistrate actually took time out to give the guy a quick class on evidence. The poor guy had to close his case without much documentary evidence. Sad day.
But Oh! Thursday compensated for the sad Wednesday. Guess who decides to stand in front of a bulldozer at 2am in the morning! Tsk tsk tsk.... one of my good old Professors! So this guy gets a call in the wee-est hours of the morning that some church is to be demolished by City Council and jumps out of bed- bundles his security detail out of their slumber ... and quicky rushed to the scene of the drama. Prof, upon reaching the scene, while still panting tries to reason & negotiate with the askaris. When this doesn't work he lifts his hand (hitler fashion), positions himself right on the monsters path and dares the askaris to continue.

You'd imagine that the Prof. would take up the matter with his peers (Minister for Local Govt or at worst the Mayor/ Town Clerk) instead of negotiating with Askaris (and later on branding them as drunkards at work). But again, what doesn't kill you can only makes you stronger (or wiser). Am confident the guy has gotten a hint or two on how not to stop midnight demolitions.
Kibet - what a lawyer week - way to put a lifes touch to such a nearly tragic event..
on a serious note lakini after i read the bulldozer story, I couldnt help but think of the other side of the coin - what in the hell is wrong with these askaris and bulldozer driver??? No value for human life bana - kivutha kibwana or not - Show some restraint in running people over!!
And this is what activists do anywya ama?
i like the way you are in touch with the lawyer in you.
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