Sunday, October 08, 2006


Wow, it feels good to be blogging again. I have been so busy and as a result, have lost my blog mojo. Anyway, here is the 411…

The Power of Prayer

My friend suffered from a subarachnoid haemorrhage (brain haemorrhage) 4 weeks ago. It is like an aneurysm. Apparently, some people are born with it and the affected brain vessels can burst at any time. The neurosurgeon told my other friends and I that our dear friend was not going to survive the operation. You can imagine how that felt…all these emotions-shock, disbelief and grief. I remember praying and feeling and consequently feeling a sense of peace. Anyway, the operation took about 4 hours and it was a success. The neurosurgeon told us that she would be able to talk or walk for quite a while and guess what? Guys prayed for our buddy to have a quick recovery and guess what? She was talking on the 2nd day after the surgery and walking on the 4th day. She was discharged after 3 weeks. The neurosurgeon was like he and the other doctors have never seen anyone recover so fast. Moral: Prayer is really powerful and it works.


So, some of my friends ask me why I listen to old music. What the hell is wrong with listening to old music?
To understand music, you must be open to listening to all types of music. EWF as you all know is my fave group of all time. To me, music (arrangements, vocals-falsettos harmonised with tenors, the number of modulations or key changes that they have in one song is amazing, the members were talented-one guy could sing, play the trombone, play the base guitar and play the cello) = EWF. Just because I love EWF doesn’t mean ati that I listen to old music 24/7/365. I do listen to contemporary music. However, most of the songs these days lack sincerity and creativity. The good contemporary musicians for example the Legends, the Bailey-Raes and Wyclef Jeans are not given the media recognition they deserve. That is, here in Australia. Anyway let me stop rambling I was really pissed off at how my friends attacked me for listening to old music.

On a lighter note…

The BOLD and BEAUTIFUL relationships as of now…

Eric Forrester married to Stephanie Forrester = Ridge, Thorn, Felicia and Christine.

Christine marries some guy with HIV, adopts and African child and disappears from the program.

Ridge hooks up with Brooke Logan, then they break up when he meets Taylor and marries her = Thomas and girl twins.

Eric separates from Stephanie and marries Brooke Logan = Eric Jnr and Bridget.

Taylor ‘dies’ in a plane crash I think, Brooke divorces Eric and marries Ridge, then she falls for Thorn, marries him and divorces Ridge.

Taylor comes back to life and her life continues with Ridge.

Taylor ‘dies’ again. Brooke decides it’s Thorn no more. She goes single…you might think.

Eric Jnr, when he is all grown up, meets a chic called Amber and marries her. Amber’s ex is called Deakin, by the way. Deakin falls madly in love with Bridget and marries her. Deakin thinks Brooke is sexually attractive, so he sleeps with her. Their union produces a girl child. Bridget is pissed off, divorces Deakin.

Brooke is all regretful and s**t about the above incident. She falls madly in love with Ridge and they get married again.

Then comes a twist.

Stephanie slept with some Italian guy called Mossimo Morone when she was with Eric. So, it happens that she got pregnant and Eric thinking it’s his child marries Stephanie. You guessed it. Ridge is not Eric’s child.

Mossimo is married to this woman whose name I can’t remember. Let’s call her Eve.
Mossimo and Eve have a son called Nick. So, Nick is Ridge’s half brother.
So, something bad happens to Ridge and everyone thinks he is dead. So, Brooke in her so-called grief sleeps with Nick and gets herself pregnant.

But noooo…Ridge is alive and well and pissed of at Nick but forgives Brooke and they live happily ever after… or not!

Thomas, Ridge’s son starts to sleep with Amber. Bridget falls in love with Nick and they decide to get married. On the side, Deakin and Eve almost have a ka-thing.

Eric and Stephanie kosana and Eric starts to sleep with Eve. Then…wait for this…Taylor comes back to life. She comes back with this Italian guy called Dante. So, Ridge has to choose between Brooke and Taylor and to please his mum. He chooses Taylor. But Ridge is not in love with Taylor, so their relationship is not so smooth. Brooke at this time starts to fall in love with Nick. Ridge leaves Taylor and starts hounding Brooke.

Felicia comes into the picture and sleeps with Dante. They have a baby and get engaged. Dante starts to fall in love with Bridget and they begin to have a secret affair.

Brooke’s father comes into the picture. He sleeps with Eve and Taylor. Brooke and Nick get married.

To the above complex Bold and Beautiful relationships, my housemate says, ‘everyone in Bold is going to hell!’



Cowi said...

And it is true they would all go to the bold...I mean of all the wierd families. I'm not hating though.

Missing you too vicky

coldtusker said...

I was reviewing my earlier blog entries on Olympia & came across your comment! I hope you did buy some coz you were on the money!

The price has shot up... see the latest blog entry I made!

ms_cleo said...

Eh, vicki, either you've kosad something to do, or you're a die-hard fan (I'll go with the former :) ). To be honest, u lost me at "Eric Forrester married to Stephanie Forrester =" . Just kidding, awesome update!!

v-key said...

LOL, yes it was 4.30pm on a Monday, I was bored and stressed coz it was Monday. there was nothing else to do but watch Bold with my housemate and that is when we started to make a diagram of all the complex and incestous relationships...