Yes its me
I'm back from the dead..... Actually its no real death I've just had the nastiest internet experience since before the internet begun. Well I have been blogging since I got here but haven't had a chance to upload so heres my dirt in brief::::
21st July 2004
I hop on that plane at Heathrow and i'm thinking no way am I turning around absolutely not. so after a rather bumpy ride very terrible weathe over northa sfrica I touch down in the motherland.Have no real clue as to who I'm really meeting at the airport. So anyway I meet this super nice guy on the plane. Offers to carry my bags buys me chocolate asks for my number the works..anyway I decline the bag handling but couldn't say no to the chocolates cos they aren't even for me so even if he wekas kamuti its not my eef. Slooooooow queue at the stamping area but by now the authorities think I'm withthis dude so they rush me through. Get my bags easy peasy and I'm off to declare that i have nothing to declare. My new found friend goes through before me and the guy at the desk once again assumes I'm with him so no questions are asked.Huge throng of people at the welcome home joint and silly KUI isn't wearing her contacts so I can't even see. So I'm walking out like a girl on a mission and I hear the most wonderful voice in the world say my name..No its not my mother just my best friend in the world D, so hey i'm like soo happy and relieved and my welcoming commitee just gets bigger with my sweetie Shiku and finally my dad. Its of to some club for the night though and I almost got back on the plane at the sight of my room...... My goodness what a rip off..... Can I really survive Kenya????? My hearts really and truly convinced that I can't. I go to bed totally disturbed wondering what kind of mess I got myself into.....
22nd July 2004
Get up early fnd a note from my dad meet for breakfast at 10:00am. Something else begins to dawn on me.......I have to start saying daddy may I all over again....Can I hack it......???? Anywya I walk aroung Nairobi. Rush to the NSE to say hello to Denis only to find the man not hard at this a technical appearance job he's pulling....I later discover he had a close shave with the cops.Forgiven... What now. Well I hola at my sis and then chagne some money coz I really have none. Its great to be home afterall...air smells right people look normal and my hearts at peace. After breakfast (at 12:00noon trust my dad) we head home.
Get home sleeeeeeeeep..
23rd July
UNeventful go see my aunt. Acquire a line so hola
My number is 0720384527 best use it or I'll not be too pleased. Seeing as i had to rememeber it.
24th July
Get my car a very tiny and old toyota pick up, but who cares I'm mobile. Little do Iknow since the folks have been letting everyone at work drive it tovarious errands its not the same baby I knew a while back. Give my frienda ride to her place and halfway there....the car JAMS..... what the heck am I going to do. My dad is God knows where My mom is still in UK and I'm in the middle on nowhere. Thank God for mobile phones we manage to salvage a rescue operation.
Drive home quite shaken Watch Project Fame all evening for comfort.
25th July
Church...Good stuff Nice to be back. Not too used to the singing but i can hack it. Give my frined a ride home. Halfway back home the gears jam>>>>>>>>>>AAAAARgh what to do.Anyway Get some sense back int0 the vehicle, which by the way won't open up through the drivers side. GO home disgruntled.
Find dad awake . Asks for the papers...I can't even be bothered to go back into town for them. Who men get into that death trap way!!!!!!!!!
26th July
Wake up and ask my dad for permission to go to Nakuru. I think He's suffering from severe paranoia. He won't let me take a mat. He would rather reorganise his schedulea dn take me himself. Anyway what the heck.There goes half the day. gfet to Nakuru late afternoon by the time I'm hooking up with Chris'O the days' over. Anywya it was worth the look. Great to see him bearded hunk of a man, close attention to that..
the Full shags trip. Yaanmi I don't even have reception I went boldly where safaricom hasn't gone before. But i don't mind this Friday I'm seeing my peeps. You'all gonna be in MKA right? See ya then.
But yeah I get the full treatment. Have a poor chicken killed in my honour almost had a goat done too but i threatened to make a call to the KSPCA (yeah right)
28th July
Get home. Make my dad some breakfast tell him about my elaborate plans to go to Nai this weekend and get a huge rebuttal. I can hardly believe It. I am mad as hell. I can't believe it. Do they still depot stowaways because I'm seriously considering it. I'm going crazy!!!!!!!!!! WHat is he thinking. Thats where you find me today at a very slow internet joint I discovered venting my frustrations out on this poor blog.....
and let God take care of you
Na huo ndio Muktasari wa habari
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