Thursday, July 22, 2004

Nairrobery : day 23

OK if you ever catch me talking of the ills of corruption...someone, please weka me upside the head..hard. I will surely deserve it after today...

Super Late for work leo this morning..I am in robot mode..everything i do is perfunctory beyond measure..I'm doing everything possible to minimise my lateness.
So Jump into the car,and driving like a madman i am , but no leo i have to be slick.
You see the rest of Nairobi folk in cars are jus dumb and I have allll the answers..How can they be so blind as not to use the Westlands road(the one leading from graffins going alongside Bubbles/toona tree) to get into museum hill roundabout(vs waiyaki way)!!!!

Lo and behold..before i know it..i'm turning onto incoming traffic..
Did i mention this is a traffic bottleneck and there are cops around like flies to shit.
Clearly oblivious to this, in TRUE KENYAN DRIVING i agressively cut into the slowly trickling traffic going down towards the
roundabout..but it is not even 2 seconds before this cop JUMPS infront of the mots
Oh yes..he's here for no one but me.

So I listen keenly on the insults he hurls on me and my forsaken 844, then play the innocent, broke student on internship whose been away for so long the road signs dont quite appear like they used to. He aint budging. He keeps throwing in the words 'mahakamani' and '2000 bob' i play it kool..
u know..the straight-as-an-arrow non-delinquent from Canada.

My silence seems to calm him down. It is amazing how much worse you will drive with a cop on your passenger side..intimidation factor in full effect. Ok long story we play back ad forth ping pong responses, each taunting the other to take it to the next level; My rationale is offering this punk my 5 sock would be incriminating myself live; one it goes against my moral grain, and 2 he could legally descend on me like a ton of bricks for offering him one..(we are in post Kanu Kenya i am thinking..) So his collegue, watching in mounting amusement(either at my brutal, but feigned, naivete or this cops subtlety)interjects.."aaa lakini huyu,(cop) ni mtu mzuri..muoongee vizuri hata haja ja court case.."
Jamaa had not even finished his sentence when the cop stands up, yanks out his wallet and hands me 5 sock..I'm confused..But he stands there , open palmed staring stright at the thousand shilling note in my wallet...

Ohhh i get it..this is The payoff.(no really..I am that naive sometimes) My on spot rationale was eish...The time invovled to get this case over and done with is far more valuable than the 5 sock
AND my license expired a few days was a no brainer. He had pocketed the cash before you could say "scum sucking leech".

So enraged , i leave. Speaking of road rage. And you thought THe states was bad. this will def leave you thinking otherwise. Mr Obell I'm afraid..has gone cukoooo testing too many of those aids drugs.

So there u go. I have been corrupted - and have become corrupt. Dnt say u werent warned. Yes pennance is what i seek. Moral of the story is..u think you know..but u dont know. Only when u
are in the circumstances.

Jana i watched "paul" Kamleh pattni on TV as he trampled over some inexperienced cross examiner. I felt embarrased for the poor fellow. In fact the more i watch these proceedings,
the more i realise that this here man mr Pattni, saved and delivered as he is, will emerge from this fiasco of a tribunal a HERO. A complete hero. I mean, the dude was 25 when he
was pulling off these schemes. 25 and ur chilling out, handing the president of Kenya gift suitcases worth 2 mill. FUnding off entire election campaigns. Dont quite advocate for looking of goverment billions..but his presentation of the 'truth' sure leaves u with
slight admiration for the man. He is as slippery as they come.
I hear when he chucked the 1000-person strong list of people he had somehow paid..folks (and their peers) were checking to see if they were NOT on the list. How sad is that.

OK enuff for today..keshos i'll try break down a day in the life of a broker. suggested watch: Wallstreet(Martin Sheen). Ill flick.
Have to go reserach on some cheap villas for my impending trip to the Kenyan Coast. Any ideas anyone?

One love form the land of Anglo FLEECING.

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