Monday, November 29, 2004

Msichana was Apple Computers

Deno, that Aubade Apple woman ('blog topic welcome baaack') should be removed from the blog bana. Whenever I open the blog, people see that pic and think am on a porn site or something. I have had to convince like 10 people that am not a pervert and that this is not a porn site. see ya'll.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Let's go to the Land Down Under.....

Hello guys, hope you had a good weekend. I just spent time with my friends, and that seems to be the most interesting thing for me to do here. Otherwise, am hunting for a holiday job, working in a factory or something, just to keep me occupied over the holiday and to keep me indoors since it gets very hot herre (35-45 degrees).
Just wanted to tell you something about the land down under. Aussie was discovered in the 17oos, but the first British people (Captain Cook and his guys + some criminals) settled here in 1788 on the East Coast. Australia was declared 'terra nullius'. This latin term means 'no man's land'. The Europeans did indeed find the Aborigines here. The Aussie Aborigines as some of you know are aware, were a nomadic people. Because they used the land in a way that was inconsistent with the European way of utilising land, their land was therefore declared terra nullius. That is, they did not cultivate on the land. Further, Aussie was terra nullius, because the Europeans thought that the Aborigines were uncivilised and were without a centralised system of government or had no recognised form of government or law.
The Aborigines belived that the land belonged to everyone, the land was to be shared and so they did not cultivate it. They also had a decentralised system of government, so they did have some form of government.
The British forced the Imperial Law on them and tried to make them civilised. This factor began to slowly damage their unique way of life.
In the 1960s, early 1970s, mixed blood children began to be a problem for the white Aussies. So, the government decided to infultrate these mixed blood Aboriginal children into white society, by forcefully taking them from their families and ensuring that they go to white schools (to be taught the white ways) or were adopted by white parents. This was called the 'Stolen Generation Policy'. Again this damaged their way of life, caused problems such as identity crisis for many of the kids.
However, the concept of terra nullius was abolished in 1992 in a landmark High Court case known as Mabo v. R.
Currently, the Aboriginal people are unemployed, they are beggers, have high birth rates among the young girls, girls are raped by their fathers, and violence and alcoholism is prevalent among them. They are also treated as second class citizens by the white Aussies. Honestly, I have only met like only 3 Aboriginal people who do not display the above behaviours. So, who is to blame for all this? Aussie's history is very sad and in a way has affected their future. Hope this info will be insightful. Cheers.

On Women...

Its two weeks prevention of cruelty to women in Kenya. We've already missed a couple of days. Think we should do something in honour of this. I was thinking maybe we could each write a clip a bout a woman who we think should be protected from it someone youlove, admire...loather doesn't matter OR youcan write your views on the subject of domestic violence against Women or rape etc...just do somin...


To all V.I residents it has come to my attention that not all of you aer aware that this is a PUBLIC blog. Yes it is accessible to anyone on the net who chances us so just be informed...

Are my blogging days over...??

At the beginning of this blog I think I had quite a good input to it but lately I seem to have less and less time to say hello to my favoutrite people. Reason.....well my life is moving mega fast. too many things going on at once and too much work to do anything. So I thank God for a shift on Sunday when no one else is around and I can just bumb at work and hola at you guys...

Since we last met I have had WONDERFUl things happen to me in a row....


I am now and auntie. For those of you who know my sister Wendy well she gave birth on the 15th of November to the most adorable little boy who I am sorry to say Wangu got to cuddle before I did...Kinda bitter but Kinda glad for having such great friends. Kibet donned a suit to see him (not but thats the running joke he came in after work) Brian was there for labour Delivery and the aftermath...I mean thanks all of you who supported Wendy I love ya...The pictures by the way are on their way I have been meaning to put them up for a while noww but keep forgetting the USB drive at home....


That weekend for all you coast goers I managed a trip to Mombasa. Yes Nathan I beat you to IT HAHAHAHA...(evil laugh). I stayed at Travell... ooops choking on a lie...Ok so the company was payinng and didn't want to spend too much money I stayed in some cottages right next door to travellers. Had a really great time. Needed the time off work coz really it gets too busy sometimes.Yeah I met SEAN (big fish to those who know him) and he was asking whether we were going down for christmas. He want to take us to teh cliff for a barbeque of seafood and that..special romantic cruise for me and yours truly was thrown in for effect ..but you guys ain't around wassup!!!Anyway don't think I'll be having to time but if its there and we can u Kenyan residents should let me know and you can meet Big Fish


I now have a place to live. Yes it is the cutest two bed apartment I ever saw(in Kenya anyway). Hit me and I'll give you the exact location. Thanks to Kibet for showing up to help with the for the rest of you residents make sure you show up for house warming...let me know when ....


Got my first pay check....Don't even think it. I can't trake you out can't buy you lunch and can't cant't can't whatever it is you are thinking. The house move has sucked deep into my pockets I have no further recesses left. Plus I'm planning to do a course to improve myself (and no tis not a drama queen course) thats gonna cost my ass...oh well the end will hopefully justify the means.....

Hey Denis about the gifts I'll suggest
a) cute 3.5 year old niece - A cousin to play with Kids love that do you rmember when you wer that age and could boss someone younger than you cha mama and get to be the mama and send them everywhere punish tehm etc...

b) 29year old fashioned baba semi-eccentric home onwer (thought kinda counts for him )

Explain why you cannot provide a cousin for his daughter(no wife no job turned on by comps not women, etc...) and suggets he make anothe juniour if his kida happy so is he.....

c) 28 year old sister in law techie, doting mom (theres this written law for inlaws that u dont have o go the extra mile ama?)

Same as b above. Add the you are soo great at being a mother you should have another kid etc loads of that sugary stuff you are very able to concoct...

d) 25 yr old investment banking analalyst (he got me a knife(one of those camper ones!) for last enyewe it migh be time for revenge)

Revenge is IDEAL here. IF suggestion b and c do not suffice a solution to your connundrum well then use the camper knife he got you last year to threaten him into getting cute 3.5 year old niece a cousin to play with.....

I trust that should sort out your christmas givings on a very friendly budget of $0.

If b,c and d fail well then it might just cost you sperm and heightened responsibilities as you will have to resort to a.....

Happy hunting......

Saturday, November 27, 2004

santa uko wapi?

soooo, what are the plots for the sikukuu?

I am thinking I feel like a good ol family christmas, soi'll probly be off to Vancouver to reunite with the ret of the Gikunda siblings..And i it just hit me...Gift ideas!!!!!!!!! it is officially festive season so christmas deals are already being yanked off of shelves these sides..And since i'm self admittdly the worst with gift ideas..i thought id ask u guys for help. so heres who I have to shop for..and the factors behind the choice

a) cute 3.5 year old niece (she so young she probly wont remember if it sucks haha)
b) 29year old fashioned baba semi-eccentric home onwer (thought kinda counts for him )
c) 28 year old sister in law techie, doting mom (theres this written law for inlaws that u dont have o go the extra mile ama?)
d) 25 yr old investment banking analalyst (he got me a knife(one of those camper ones!) for last enyewe it migh be time for revenge)

so PLEASE chip in your ideas..keep in mind this young brother is on a student budget, so lets not get carried away.

Friday, November 26, 2004


SUP GUYS! hola! que tal estas?jus tryin to practice the crap spanish i've picked up in a class am required to do.and we said 8.4.4. was useless.....happy 4 deno now that he's movin on up with em Ipod kids.damn wish i had one of those stil in the era of pple who've refused to let the 'casette' go.
man am stressed.the semester is over so am tryin to cram my neglected reading into 2wks.then my statistics teacher threw us a curve ball.he wanted us to go and make a probability demonstration and present it in class,saying it'd contribute to 25% of the final grade. oh,did i say that he wanted us to do it on Java,even though only 2guys have done Java. so after causing that we cant be expected to learn a programming launguage in a week, and stil read for his cryptic course, he settles that we can use any program as long as we present here i am hunting the web for a demo. any ideas?
hows everyone?damn that burnin undies thing was a killer!nice one vikki.
will be goin down to coast over Jamhuri, and will stay at Severin. kina deno and chris will remember it as the hotel that was neighbourin wea we stayed. but ol'man wants to drive down, i think he found out abt Chris' pal the taxi guy! am surprised we didnt die, but wat would Deno tell Shiko's mum...
let me do this,wen i get a demo i'll sound the trumpet and y'all can join me 4viceroy and ol'monk with lemon rind cocktails!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Da Vinci Code

Hey its me again, I have finished my last exam. I should be happy but am not.
Who has read The Da Vinci Code? If you have not I thoroughly recommend that you do. It is an adrenaline pumping thrill ride, full of suspense that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Best of all it's extremely engaging. In my opinion, not many books reach this high level of engagement, except Harry Potter 1-5 and other few books, Cina will agree with me on this.
However, this book is capable of making Christians and atheists alike mix their reality with the fiction in this book. I know my reality got mixed up, with the fiction, that I was so afraid. I had to stop reading the book for 2 days, until I was back to reality and my reality was that the book is... well... fiction.
Further, the first half of the book is overwhelming, with too much information being provided, that is too much too handle, for a small brain like mine. The second half is light and more enjoyable. I also found the constant interchanging of English words and French words a bit irritating. From the book, one can infer that the author appears to have his own personal grugde against Christianity, which I did not like.
I would also recommend that you watch the movie Quills-strange but very interesting movie set in the Victorian ages. Take care guys.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hey Guys

Here I am again. Am bored just chillin' do to my exam. em well just have a good day and God bless.
Kibet: What law units do you do in uni or what areas of law are relevant in the Kenyan legal system? I need to know so that when i choose my electives, i can choose units which can help me in Kenya.
Deno: The haiku's were never graded by the way and what is BIT TORRENT?
Take care guys, God bless.

Thank God for Kenya

Hi guys, how are ya'll doing? am fine studying for my last exam, maritime law it is. Kibet is there maritime law in Main? do you do it as a unit or an elective?
Anyway, in one of my Theology tutorials, one guy was giving a presentation about refugees and theology. For his presentation, he brought a refugee from Liberia. The Liberian guy told us when the civil war broke out in the 80s I believe, his family was killed in front of him but when the guerilla soldiers tried to kill him, something mysterious at that time happened and his life was spared. So, he told us, he ran away to neighbouring Guinea where he lived in a refugee camp for 15 years, and then he got the chance to come to Australia. He said he thinks God spared his life for a reason and I see why. I just thought that wow! thank God that Kenya is a relatively peaceful country, even though the politics and the economy are mbaya. Look at Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast now? That Liberian guy has no home to go back to and he does miss his home. We are lucky we have a home to live in and to go back to, and that is Kenya. Guys, I thought that I should tell you this story. Please thank God for Kenya and pray that God keeps it peaceful. cheers

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

and just when i'd got one too!!

Shoot..if id only come accross this like 2 weeks ago before id made the switch..
Jobs better get his eyes on this
iPod vs. The Cassette lab test...

welcome baaack

kweli..I feel how mase felt to get back in the game!(much as i hate the catchy nursery rhyme-soudning track..)
Sadly I suck at multi tasking, and this week, last week and next week I'm knee deep in exams..and i havent been able to kep to my usually(?) consistent blogging habit.(for some LUCKY reason i get to be stressed earlier this year wohoo) final papers and presentations all tighly bound into this explosive potent mix that almost seems like its meant to make a nigga go absolutely bananas..

I'm holding up thus the skin of my teeth albeit. I feel so much more of an apprentice entrepreneur than an engineer this sem. last week alone i feel like ive done an MBA three times over or so - perfecting my skills in time-pressured commnication(sending bits and peices of assignment over msn hehe),gracefully but subtly yeilding to highly unproductive group members, handling mass amount of paper and electrnic documents, surviving on noodles and mchele for like a week, leadership through delegation (basically sold my project idea to a friend), meeting with industry folk and begining to fret over how soon u'll be in their place(they didnt seem like a veyr excited bunch - and they were in a game development studio!).

On the flip side..some rather pleasant moments were had lasst week too..I aced on of my midterms that i wasnt expecting of those nice surpises like going to the bathroom in a restaurant and coming back to find the food you ordered waiting for u..wierd analogy i know. I got to be regarderd as the 'superstar for this course' this week, despite the fact that i can only attend 33.3% of all classes(i have another course the same time).

Additionally i got what u might call a rather sexy return on my investment on a new computer this week. This has been a moment i have waited long and patiently for...and my mkebe of a dell desktop has not made it an enjoyable wait either - nonetheless the rugged DELL 2100 celeron 855mhz has served me well for he past three years..he's a retired general now..he willl become my dedicated slightly overcapable tenge...
When i laid my eyes on this hottie right out the box...why lie I got a hard on.
This sleek white Mac OSX powered thing is a gem. If this is what it feels like to be cool, i aint going back! she's is incredibly easy to use, and just a delight to look at. Steve Jobs jobs is not paying lip service marketing this coolness factor - this is value for money, however skewed my value system is. SO far this week she has been on my lap all day everyday hehe..

I once blogged about those annoying ipod kids on my campus grounds in the early days of VI, who'd have thought i would turn into them so soon???

B4 I forget, take a look at the kenyan blog-ring link on the blogs of interest at the sidebar..The goal is to introduce Kenya to this phenomenon..slowly but surely...
Yu can play your part right here..but this is another inherent beauty of blog-comunities..U can contribute , here, there everywhere. Communities , just like relationships, are built through willful contribution alone. Whats your role in the community? everyday u get a chance to define it!

Let me get some rest and hopefully I'll make it through this and next week alive.
Hope u are all being productive in whichever corner of the world u are in..

one love.

The Burnt Underwear


hey guys, missed ya'll this weekend, but unfortunately, it's very quiet again. Am ok, just finished my 2nd exam-torts exam, Kibet might know what I am talking about, it was on negligent misstatement and trespass to land. Am feeling a bit down since i did not finish the exam. there was too little time. However, I want to tell you guys a very gross story. My friend has given me authority to tell the story, as long as i withhold her name.
Anyway, my buddy had 2 mboff underwears, but she also had a pack of 20 brand new lovely underwears, which she never wore. I think she was attached to the mboff uws or something. It was winter at the time, so clothes take like 3 days to dry if you do not have a clothes dryer and she did not.
So, the day before she had gone clubbin' and slept at some chic's place. She had an early engagement the next morning. When she went back home in the wee hours of the next morning, she had a shower and washed the uw she had been wearing. She went to get the other mboff uw but found it was wet. She was then in a dilemma of "Do I still wear the mboff uw or open the new pack of uw?" She went for the former, so she had to look for a way to dry the mboff wet uw. An idea struck her mind-she had seen some Aussies on TV, using the microwave to dry their stuff. So that's what she did, she put the mboff wet uw in the microwave and set the microwave on high for 2 minutes. I think she thought that was the best idea she had ever come up with to solve a problem. After the 2 minutes elapsed, she went to get her 'dry mboff uw' but it was not so. The mboff uw had been cooked, fried, steamed and boiled in the microwave. Well I did see the uw she kept as a token for me to see. That was both gross and funny at the same time, I checkad for days.
Cheers guys.

Friday, November 19, 2004

what the?

what the hell are we supposed to send to this email? viki 

Do you Yahoo!?
Discover all thatÂ’s new in My Yahoo!
hey guys how is everyone doing?em just wanted to tell Kui am not on msn-the uni closed the connection, maybe for security purposes. however, my cell no. is +61421204296, we can talk in private then, is that ok? ok.

Take care mates, cheers.

Kenyans and our comfort zones

U know its only in our mother land that we rant and rave then go back to doing things the way we did before our explosive outbursts. U see guys have been cauzin wow about the astronomical ngata prizes but u cant gather enuf support for mass action. Like that thing Kibet was telling me abt skiving MObil and the likes, it worked well in Britain, but here guys are slow to their feet. This is one of the areas main campus student leaders and their mercenaries would fare well, without the car-stoning part......
Then the issue of the Kenyan dress. funny that we dont got a name for it, we just labelled it 'kenya uniform'. Kinda reminds me of the time some skirts came and bambad our mamas back in the mid 90s, now dont be shy we know y'all chics hav that thing somewhere at the back of ur wardrobe, ama it the thing you dorn after a nite of clubbin.....
i know am inviting the wrath of women, but thats VI 4ya!
todays fact; did you know that you cant sneeze without shutting your eyes.....?its to counter the explosive pressures built up, that can lead to explusion of air upto speeds exceeding 130kph.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

confessions pt.1

hi everyone!gotta make a confession, no i have not sired any random kids in rift valley, Chris is alone on that!
u see that nice car (deno's gonna luv this part)...well its not real. It exists but i dont have the pleasure of keeping the keys and driving it home at night. if its any consolation,it is one of my dream cars. i still have the Sunny that we (wangu,kibet,chris....)made that death trip to baringo in.But why lie that baby can fly!!
Speaking of cars, nice to hear that sister's doin it for herself. congrats viki on the car,klunker or not it gets u from point A to B so screw em! that tech of the gas pump also caught some of us unawares some years back so dont be embarrassed its the Kenyan in u. u know us guys wont believe the tank is full mpaka tuione ikimwaga! but gosh girl, u have posted so much feels like i've been gone for mad years! keep up the syk tho! kinda shocked to hear u dont like not a clubfreak but i've been known to shake my touche preety damn hard up in the club ( gosh that sounds like am such a baba).
Sup Thomas!!!!was crackin homy?bin a while?man i've become fat,lazy and cant swim more than 2lengths bila needing CPR.
man Kibet has hit the nizzle on the hizzle...the shizzel wit de pizzo is crackalakka!ok got carried away by Snoop....that biz of boycotting Mobil,BP/Shell is a plot i have played my part and fwded that vibe allova dawg, but on my way to uni its Shell that sells the cheapest ngata. plus they make things worse this stations,by contaminating the ngata so ur car coughs and grinds to a halt. Am sure u guys saw that story in the press about 100s of cars that got messed after fuelling at some funny unbranded petty.....point being dont fuel where the attendants spit at ya when u holla for a receipt!
for all those who missed the coast plan last time pole to rub it goin again!!!!got an offer to go down on my bday.....(subtle hint...) for a week all expenses paid for. eg all the keroro na manyake i can stuff, plus pleasure of watchin the Arsenal-Man.U game at Bob's. Man.U kicks ass!!
by the way chris and deno, Vicky sez a big up to ur asses.she couldnt believe the syk chris had for the splitting on us for a chic+joint...nice combi tho. she luvs u guys coz now she cant get enuf of double gin and tonics.
gotta blaze but dont worry......the squirrel never scratches its behind in a maize field.. jiunge nami tena kuwaelezea uchambuzi huo. mimi ni wenyu Nathan Waweru, nikiripoti kutuko Naiiiiiroobi, kenya!

PS; imagine Sigei is goin gangho implementing that silly rule ati bars should close at 11pm, plus not allowing kina club Caltex/Mobil!!!imagine,,,lakini hata akifunga bar.....

in from the cold

ok b4 i start verbal spewin, someone pliz tell me how i can view all the nice pics u guys are posting. I AM NOT SHY TO ADMIT HAVING BEING OVERWHELMED BY THE TECH! someone pliz.....hold me


Is it just me or does progeressive soudn like some people blowing their own horn??? Do I sound bitter? If I do its because i am. I am jealous of all the wonderful bloggers on this site. Especially since my blogging has become so below par I'm embarrassed to sign my name on it... however I did find something thought provoking that someone else wrote which I must share with you since it'll make life seem that much more managable. It seems releveant not only to those outside of this country but to those here as well your journey is still just as real.His name is Ben Okri and I can't commend or recommend him enough to tall you litelarists if such a word exists but join me would you for a fefw moments of inspiring thought. Here it is

To an English Friend in Africa

Be grateful for freedom
To see other dreams.
Bless your loneliness as much as you drank
Of your former companionships.
All that you are experiencing now
Will become moods of future joys
So bless it all.
Do not think your ways superior
To another's
Do not venture to judge
But see things with fresh and open eyes
Do not condemn
But praise what you can
And when you can't be silent.

Time is now a gift for you
A gift of freedom
To think and remember and understand
The ever perplexing past
And to re-create yourself anew
In order to transform time.

Live while you are alive.
Learn the ways of silence and wisdom
Learn to act, learn a new speech
Learn to be what you are in the seed of your spirit
Learn to free yourself from all things that have moulded you
And which limit your secret and undiscovered road.

Remember that all things which happen
To you are raw materials
Endlessly fertile

Endlessly yielding of thoughts that could change
Your life and go on doing for ever.

Never forget to pray and be thankful
For all the things good or bad on the rich road;
For everything is changeable
So long as you live while you are alive.

Fear not, but be full of light and love;
Fear not but be alert and receptive;
Fear not but act decisively when you should;
Fear not, but know when to stop;
Fear not for you are loved by me;
Fear not, for death is not the real terror,
But life -magically - is.

Be joyful in your silence
Be strong in your patience
Do not try to wrestle with the universe
But be sometimes like water or air
Sometimes like fire

Live slowly, think slowly, for time is a mystery.
Never forget that love
Requires that you be
The greatest person you are capable of being,
Self-generating and strong and gentle-
Your own hero and star.

Love demands the best in us
To always and in time overcome the worst
And lowest in our souls.
Love the world wisely.

It is love alone that is the greatest weapon
And the deepest and hardest secret.

So fear not, my friend.
The darkness is gentler than you think.
Be grateful for the manifold
Dreams of creation
And the many ways of unnumbered peoples.

Be grateful for life as you live it.
And may a wonderful light
Always guide you on the unfolding road.

March 1991
Ben Okri

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Moblogging here we come..

Hey folks. OK . not to break Viki's Very interesting thread/ train of thought that i'm sure many will soon respond to..(eehhheeeem Anto, Cina, Nduta, Shiku), just a quick addition i thought would be super cool..(ok yeah its finally dawning on me that i'm a geek after all)..

So your probly wondering what this 'moblogging' is all about. Basically its bloggin from your mobile device/cell, in those moments that absolutely have to be captured instantaiously on cyber space..u know..that ka time when u just won the lottery, or when u just got that new great job, or when u kissed someone and it sucked, and u just had to tell the world (no not really, but those of us who care here at V.I.).

So this is how you'll do it. you'll send an email to our secret Virtual insanity email address, which will be instantly(or not so instantly) published.
How can you send an email thru SMS
? well for those of u on the mighty SafariCom, heres how.

And wheres the email address that we should send it to
? well i wouldnt be very smart if i put it here now would just log on to blogger and u'll find it where u type in your blog..

This has never really been done before, and i'm really anxious to see how(ir IF) it will work esp since i'm bila cell. so go on..make my day.....(its only a Kobole to make me smile..I'm that easy to please).

cheers. This techie(soounds much nicer than nerd) needs rest.

Marriage Fever Part 2

Deno and Chris are you siding with those tubuddies of mine eh? Kumbe nyinyi mnanichekelea pia? Sawa tu. (jus kidding). You guys bana there is a bad shortage of jamaas here in Perth, drought kabisa. Mpaka when a new Kenyan jamaa lands in Perth, chics home on him like a swam of bees. Like I've semad, all the good Kenyan ones here in Perth wamechukuliwa. Am afraid to go 'international' you know Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc etc. i love Kenyans and anything Kenyan. Na waAussie aiiii... WaAussie hapa ni wapsycho, honestly. The chics who've gone out with Aussies always end up breaking up with them and the reason..."you African girls are not adventurous enough..." ( i'll give you guys a hint. Adventurous means handcuffs...leather whips and I leave the rest to your imaginations). Ama they stalk you. My friend was stalked by an Aussie bana it was no joke she was really freakin' out. So, you see my problem, nipate prospects wapi after I've finished uni?

Marriage Fever

My exam is in like 15 minutes now. What the bloody hell am I doing?
Anyway, this thing about marriage... I was talking to Shifta the other day and telling him that so many of my friends are getting hitched (3 in Kenya, 3 here in Aussie).
So, some of my male buddies were laughing at me, telling me I need help coz ati I have never fallen in love and i've been single since i ever stepped into Perth(it's been my bloody choice to be single). They then started to sema that am 22, by the time I finish uni i'll be 24, then i'll do my articles for 1 year so i'll be 25. Ati and coz all the single Africans here are not worth it, the good ones have been taken, I won't have a relationship here, ever. Then ati i'll kaa in Aussie for like 2 years trying to pata cash tusaidia me mother coz she's sacrificed lots for me (love you mum), so i'll be 27. Then i'll rudi Kenya have a relationship and break up, then i'll be 28. By 28 my biological clock will be ticking to its final phase. I was soo pissed off with them. Kwani who do they think they are planning my future like that? By the way these tubuddies of mine have been tormenting many 24-27 year-old, single Kenyan chics about marriage and not getting the right guy. They are also very pissed right now.
However, wise, wise Shifta gave me some advice...He told me that these things should not scare me, I don't have to rush....coz all good things come to those who wait. Hope he is right.
Is marriage fever hitting other places as well?

Karibu wageni

Cina, Shiku, Anto na Nduta, karibuni sana. Kwa nini watu wamenyamaza?
Am doing my first exam in 30 minutes and am here andikaing a blog. God help me. I am not even doing my last minute reading. Blog members pray for me, am not looking forward to the exam.
have a good week guys. Cheers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 of the day..

I am always amazed at my good friend's insitence on Listening to the mainstram of mainstream music - top forties type music. I mea doesnt she get the same buzz from experiencing something others dont even know exist?? I mean i think thats probly why i dig underground hip-hop or soul.... My friend thinks i'm jumping on the popular university student trend of counter-culture: conforming to non-conformance.

Interesting hypothesis, but its beside the point..I write to introduce to the next big thing in R&B. My hope is that he doest get marginalized to the mainstream, but given his appeal, its only inevitable. John Legend is the chosen one, why lie. First time i heard him crooning on 'used to love u' I wasnt ati moved, but i was curious. After listening to the rest of his album a few weeks ago , that was it. He's got the Denis seal of approval. Vocal prowess, Lyrical content(hes a song writer), and general vibe(you know its a winner when u find yourself trying to figure out the words of the track in the shower). Highly recommended listen for anyone who appreciates non-mainstream music.

This is not just any seal btw..same seal that 'discovered'(haha a few months after clive davis i guess) Alicia Keys, Jill Scott, and Kanye waaay before they became the musical icons that they are today.

He's so good, I'm actually going to BUY his CD. enuff said..skiza some snippets of this guys talent here.

Monday, November 15, 2004


Ati bar at 3?
we're a generation of
young drunks, auwi?!

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Here's my haiku. I hope it's really a haiku in 5,7,5 form.

Grey, dusty,dirty
Congested but full of fun
With hot hot men


Saturday, November 13, 2004

haiku Nairobi

OoPs I mistakenly did a 7,8,7 haiku heres my 5,7,5 I counted the syllables on but as two forgive the forcing

Good Better Best
But When You Meet a Cop
Toa Chai Jo


Beautiful the night lights
They however cannot hide
the memory of its gloom

Haiku Contest: Nairobi

Doesn't the sound of
kenyatta market nyamchom
with tusker, rhyme well?

Friday, November 12, 2004

tuna wageni..toa biscuits na juice..

Before i get to the heart of todays thread, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together ...Drumroll please....

for the two very beautiful,talented, most recently diagnosed virtually insane..Anto Shiku and Cina!!! So go on folks..dont be shy..Follow in Viki's steps..not sure you'll be able to keep up, but u can most definitely try. I have to make your entry as public as possible so that you dont disappear under the radar and feel obliged to contribute..(no one said this was going to be easy hehe). rules? only one: there are no rules. so go on.. let it out..

OK its late but i have a suggestion for all those non wimps who are game. I propose a HAIKU contest. Those of u clueless folk who shouldve been paying more attention in your lit/poetry classes can read up here. here are the rules:
Start date: Saturday 13th November

End Date: Monday 15th November
Submition: Basically your haiku should be a new thread on the blog with the title "Nairobi"

Voting: On a scale of 1 - 10, audience shall add score as a comment. when voting for a haiku use whatever criteria(or cobination of) u like..humour(viki would win hands down), structure, flow, nature of ideas, etc.

Limitations: None. Can be any Kenyan language ( as long as you translate anything beyond English and swa ). Can be on anything as long there is some relation to Nairobi. More than one submition is allowed ofcourse..

Prize: Bragging rights for the life of this blog. And most worthwhile..respect from yours can you say No to that?

for All those in favour, kindly register by typing "I'm in" in the comment box for this thread, just so that i see how many of you are procrastinators like myself..(NB this competition is best done when you should be busy doing something else..)

remember..this is only for the NON-wimps..(and all you old V.I. members dont let me down we are trying to impress our wagenis!!)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Help! my car's gonna blow up!

mlisema I keep 'em comin' eh? well here is another experience. Get ready, it will be a very long blog, not for the faint hearted.
I got my junkie car I think 4 months ago. So, am new at car stuff, in general. I really needed a car coz you can't get a nice job here in Perth, without having a car.
B4 I got the car, I used to rely on tumahandouts from guys. I used to call my friends to come pick me up from work. Alternatively, I would call a Taxi. Mind you, I used to get to work using 2 buses and a train and the trains and buses here stop unfortunately at midnight. I used to start work at 5pm and finish at 2am. (I used to work as a kitchenhand-serving food to about 2,000 people on a good day and washing, wiping and storing the 2,000+ plates after they are done-it was no joke). After finishing work, it was dark and scary and most of the time, I did not know how I would get home. I would just sit outside and wait for someone to offer to give me a lift. I hated asking for lifts from these junguus as an alternative, since they are really selfish people.
I used to get like $10 an hour, and the Taxi ride from the place of work to my nyumba, is about $40-$50. So, my salary was mostly used on the Taxi rides. I got so fedup, I just bought a car and I quit that jobo as well. I now work for the elderly, helping them around the nursing home hostel and providing companionship.
Anyway, that's not the story. I went to the petrol station last weekend to fill up my gas tank, as petrol was really cheap on that weekend. Like Kenya, petrol prices here have just gone over the roof. I went to fill up my tank with the logic that $20 is half tank, so, $40 must be full tank. That was not so. As I was filling the tank, the petrol/gas pump stopped removing petrol at $35. I wondered, kwani why has it stopped, anyway, I continued to force the pump to remove petrol, the $40 had to be used, there was no wasting. As it fikad $38, the pump kataad to toa petrol. I was thoroughly irritated, the $40 had to be used, yote! I continued to force issues. At this time, I was looking at the sky, thinking to myself, 'it's such a beautiful day, blue sky, birds singing....' To my surprise, I started to feel my jeans get wet. I knew I could not have peed on myself, no way. I looked down and I saw petrol gushing out of the tank and splashing onto my jeans and onto the ground. Just then I thought, "Woi Ngai fafa, I am finished, the car will burst into flames, no one can help, there's too much petrol on me and on the ground, ninakufa leo. I then started shouting, 'Help, help, help', and I was running around my car, throwing my hands in the air. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, but I was just scared out of my wits. The thought of losing the car and consequently losing my job was too much for me to bear. Someone had to help this 'crazy African' girl. Well, the petrol station attendant saw me running around my car, with my hands in the air and shouting for help, so she ran out. She looked stressed and worried at first, then her facial expression turned to that of utter amusement. She looked at me and she had that look,'what is this girl doing?' She told me to calm down and close the gas tank, with that kaknob thingi...oh you know what am talking about. She then poured water on my jeans, tushoes and on the ground. 'Is that all?' I asked in disbelief. 'Yes, you can now stop panicking, but the next time the pump stops removing petrol, it means that the tank is full, do not insist further. (She was explaining this very slowly, I think she thought am very stupid or something...well for those who are reading this blog, I have to defend myself...I am not, well......stupid) How long have you had this car?' she asked, '3, 4 months...', I replied. Another embarrassing moment for me.
That's the story hope you will enjoy it. Cina, I've seen your kaprofile. glad to see you're around. I miss you, write to me. Cheers mates have a good weekend and a good next week. God bless.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

obwanga they are coming for you..

Haiya usiseme hukuambiwa...Hiyo mini studio yako..nakwambia utashangaaaa (sababu yangu ya kutumia lugha sanifu ni ili ni waconfuse mdogomdogo. Huskii hawa wadhi hawacheki...

lets jus hope for your sake they dont have a swahili translater at hand when they decide to begin the manhunt!

Bugger na Cock

I am here again...I may start to be an annoying presence, but I am just hooked (Kibet your prayers have been answered). I just thought I might tell you of one of my many experiences here in Aussie.
The Kenyan accent has been a source of embarrassment but more so, has been the source of my utmost pride. I still have the Kenyan accent and I wouldn't change it for the world, am a true blue Kenyan! Anyway, my friend and I went to the local McDonalds fast food outlet, a week after we had arrived here in Perth. We both wanted 2 medium fries, 2 cheeseburgers and 2 cokes. Here goes the story:

McDonalds check-out operator: Hi can I help you?
My friend: We want 2 buggers, 2 fries and 2 cocks...
McD check-out op: Sorry?
My friend: I said we want 2 buggers, 2 fries and 2 cocks...
McD check-out op: Could you please hold on, let me call the supervisor
(My friend and I are now reminiscing about how in Kenya we would have already got our tuburgers and our Wimpy..Mnataka nini? Tunataka bugger mbili na cock mbili. Ngonjeni dakika mbili nitawaletea....aahhhhhhh
McD Supervisor:(interrupting our happy nostalgic thoughts) Yes ladies, can I help you?
Me: We said we wanted 2 buggers, 2 fries and 2 cocks, how long does it take to get these things, what kind of restaurant is this, your service is so poor.......blah blah blah (am now pointing at the menu) that is what we want.
McD Sup: Oh oh you want 2 burrrrrgers, and 2 cokes, I get it. Your accents ladies. Where are you from? Anyway, I'll get them for you in a sec. However, the next time you order don't say's an insult (it means idiot, bastard) and cock is a male hen, ladies, he he he (laughing himself silly).
Well I have never been so embarrassed.

Ok, well next week will be exam week for me. Then, uni will close and we'll have the summer holidays. I am not really looking forward to the hols because I know will be soo bored, I prefer being at uni. Yes, this might be hard for you guys to understand but uni is much more interesting than an Aussie summer holiday. Sometime ago I asked Kibet to suggest ways in which I could spice up the holiday or ways to kick out the boredom. I would like suggestions from you guys as well. The suggestions should not include going to the club (I hate clubbin') or getting a boyfriend (I really don't have time for romance...yet).

Wow, it's really raining heavily outside and it's summertime, beats me. Well, take care mates and all the best. Cheers.

Chocolat or V.I.?

hmm, i think i spoke too soon last time. I said i did not think that i would be a regular but alas!I am bloody hooked to the blog. I am thinking of ditching my daily chocolate intake for a daily intake of V.I. That is, replacing one good thing with another. Mind you, this is the most sweet, sweet cookie and caramel triple blend Nestle chocolate, and when it melts in your mouth it's like you are heaven, oh dear...aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhhh (as Homer Simpson says). Oh hell, why should i ditch the sweet, sweet cookie and caramel triple blend chocolate, I think i deserve the two goods right? I know most of you are now drooling on your keyboards right now, i honestly am just remembering the taste of the sweet, sweet cookie and caramel triple blend chocolate, aaarrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh..............................

Anyway, did you hear that the teaching of Mafia Studies has been introduced in a number of Italian Universities? So, what are they going to teach? How to kill 101? Interesting course to introduce to University don't you think?
And Deno, I have become quiet. I have gone through alot of shit here in Aussie, that i just became reserved, but these shitty experiences will perhaps be revealed in due time. Charlene, i really missed you too.
Anyway mates do take care. till tomorrow, cheers.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Is The Worst Vice Really Advice??

Someone pretty intelligent (at least in my assesment) told me that once and i'm beginning to realise just how true that might be.

I've got one problem in my life and that is my ability to churn out good ideas alot of the time. I mean gimme a situation and more often than notI'll find a way to make it work either for money or for something equally valuable. However my problem is I have soo many of these flying around my head it takes time for me to settle on to one idea. In fact most of the time I am soo confused I lose them all.

Anyway I finally did and was doing pretty well with it until two heads became too many cooks.

It hit me as I was contemplating coming to work today that although my main reason for the pause on the follow up of my idea was the new job and settlement, I found that I am feeling under presssure to pursue other goals instead of my original plan. I guess since most people are unaware of what i have brewing in my head they find it necessary to advice me on what I should be doing with my life right now and I'm all confused now. So many ideas and so many inputs and unfortunatlely they've all been good ideas. Not being one to put good ideas to waste, I've been trying to find a way to do everything at once. Well that was until this afternoon when I realised I have to live Kui's life. I need to do what seems right and feels right to me because thats when I'll give it my whole heart and soul.Thats when the sacrifice will come easily and thats when I will succeed.

I donnu why I felt the need to share this.

Maybe just to demonstrate to VICKY that indeed random inconsequential thoughts are what virtual insanity is all about

RE: thank you

You sure know how lay on that charm on pretty thick dont ya!! must be all that sun in Aussie..hehe..on the real, I found your polite approach to your first blog refreshing novel..

but allow me to comment:

1) This is a Blog and not really a forum. Dont mean to be a grammer bitch..but the main distinction here being there is slighly less order than a forum, and that new threads are completely randomn and a lot easier to start. I found the wikipedia commentry on the history of blogiign(see link) quite interestng..great to be considered as one of the original surfers of the blog wave!

2) Throw your politeness out the window! V.I. is built on the very essence of free speech. So rest assured you will not be offending anyone by speaking your mind..basically what i am saying is..dont conform to the tone of the blog..Set the tone. That goes for all you other New York times editors hehe.. I think some of the most thought provoking blog threads have been out of the blue, and been based on unique ideosyncratic tendacies/insights of the author. Follow suit.

3) You can get a great headstart of what we have been talking about since we began this whole shindig by sororaing the previous posts section on the sidebar on the bottom right------------------------>

4) I dont believe for a second that you are may have been a while..but you dont seem the queit type..(that didnt quite come out right..but u know what i mean) shout out!

Now..I'm the one who should be thanking all those of you who actually cared to wish me a happy birthday..Incase your wondering if it was a happy as it should have been..wellll not exactly..I learnt the painful consequences of procrastinaition...I had a term paper to work on the ENTIRE night. It fikad 5 in the morning and i was not even half way. It was terrible i tell you. Aweful feeling. Especially when the idea is not gelling together..each new sentence is a mental everest to climb..(pressure and sleep depreviation dont mix). I havent felt that way since those dreaded mornings in Std 2 or 3 when I would be doing my homework on the staircase at 730am(of the due day) or at the back of the car driving to school!!! lol more than half of the time your concentrating more on which excuse sounds better than on the actuall gibberish you are scrbbling down...then vuump ! my old lady speeds over a bump and I mess up the entire text book!!!! dooooooh!

Anyway..11 and some odd years later, aint nuthin changed but the homework!!! Anyway handed it in shingo upande earlier leo..but wasnt too pleased with myself.

Meanwhile..I am getting very worried with my eatig habits. One meal a day if i remember to eat..and its not the healthiest stuff in the world either .. Woi If theres anything i could have..I mean anything right now...(yaani if a genie popped out of a bottle my first wish would be ) A Mbotch!!!!!! Ok so im a spoilt brat..but hey..I'm a product of my childhood environment. My cohorts here at school can never get over the fact that we hav e 'slaves' in try what i may I can never convince them that the word is Househelp.. anyway..Patrick (our AMAZING cook back digz) if you can hear this.. I need u!!!! I miss your kuku and kunde?!

Anyway..jolted back to reality by one of these annoying invincible fruitflies that have become so comfortable in this crib..maze ud think they were lipaing rent these days! Eish wacha i sort this place iout it is a mess...

OK now im just rambling on thoughtlessly(which while fun sometimes) can become a not so fun for those reading...If youve read this far, i hoe its not just out of pity hehe..

One love.

Thank You!

I would like to apologise for not showing my gratitude earlier(well yesterday), which I strongly believe that I should have, so here goes. I would like to thank you: Dennis, Charlene, David, Kibet, Nathan, Wangu, Rachel, Brian, Thomas, Chris and Angie, (and any other person I have forgotten to mention) for allowing me to grace the V.I. forum with my 'royal' presence.
It will take me some time to make regular and substantial contributions to the forum because: Firstly, I yet have to understand the concepts or ideas entailed in the forum articles. Secondly,I have become a lady of very few words. Finally, I would like to understand what stories or opinions that you people have and like, to avoid being an offensive presence.
All the same, when I do get over 2 out of 3 of the above obstacles, I hope to make my contributions as regular, interesting (am not interesting though but I'll try) and as insightful as possible.
Incidentally, I would like to say that the individual articles or contributions made to the V.I. forum are of a very high standard. The level of writing in most articles is very impressive, I must say. You should all seriously consider writing for the New York Times or the London Daily, and not to forget, our Nations and Standards. Keep up the good work, mates!
Again your comments will be highly appreciated.

Monday, November 08, 2004

where is SABABADY!!!?????

lol! Same question. Where is Sababady? He's been quiet for quite some time. U there?

Wangu as well should get a spanking!

nuff hating

.pole abt that.Shifta,its a Subaru legacy GT wagon with 2-stage twin turbo,17in henkel rims, with a Powerboost exhaust and muffler, kitted by auto evolution. The car next to it is an Impreza owned by a chut thats been souped up more that i can describe on this.
yani i've been looking for this wangu chic for so long am tired.didnt even know she had a bday bash.anyway gotta run,for my spanish tuition.
hate the game deno, not the playa......

ok enuf hating


princess viki from Aussie...It's been long....

oi mates how ya goin? am writin from the land down under, as some of you know. how are you guys? its been so long mates.i've been wondering how youse been doing. em em em em...i don't really have much to say at the moment, youse know am talking to most of you after 1,2,3....yeah 7 bloody years. so please feel me in on how youse guys are i'd really like to know. well mmm ciao to youse soon. (don't hesitate to comment, i really need some comments to feel a little bit welcome. thanks guys.) Sorry, Deno...but how do you put posts in your profile page?

Sunday, November 07, 2004

sweet change and a great promise- join me?

You all jua how i have never, well- i dont remember ever having any pleasant thoughts bout my campus. I finally have something nice to say bout it. God will probably strike me with lightning if i dont blow my horn kidogo- in praise of his intellectual providence, without which i'd probably be a retard! Our 3rd year results chucked last week and to my great astonishment i clocked a record (my personal uni best) 5-As, 4Bs, 3Cs and 1D. I'm still dazzed when i think bout it, THERE IS A GOD! So perhaps, graduating wit a 2nd Upper is not way out of my league. So u all who think that Kibet's a sharp dude- u were never wrong! lol!

By the way my guys, who's ever worn a bald head since your mothers stopped dictating your hairstyles? Its a very interesting thing to do. I'd been playing with the thought with my barber and we finally just amuad that the day had fikad. So i fungad my eyes and told him to let it all down. I laughed at the end result. I must add that a 'who's-the-man' euphoric feeling checks in after u surpass the fear of a bald head. U shld try it then post pics. Wangu's bday pics have one of my bald head and enormous (i recently learnt) and sexy gap! My advice... most important- get the bald head cut on Fri, so that by Monday the hairs have started sprouting.

Has anyone read the Drum magazine- last week's or is it this months issue. The one with Gaetano (Big Brother Uganda) on the cover. Its a must read. There's an article on Kenya's new millionaires about 8 guys (dude and chics) who are millionaires before their 30s. Truly inspiring i must say. The youngest among them was a chile who's only 25 and she's an account manager at UUNET- and i used to say that employment is a bad thing!??? Anyway- now am sure that there's hope- the first guy to make a million among us shld throw a bash and invite us all. Good pact, dont u think?

I'l start- when i make my 1st million, i promise/ undertake to throw a party (for u all whole be in the motherland). Who's joining me?

Picture worth more than a thousand words!!!

koi copy
Originally uploaded by kuiwamaina.
I always though I shoudl shout it on the rooftops. Denis you make me happy, Happy birthday.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Wangu's birthday pics

These can be found here not many but you can tell we had fun

Happy 22nd Denis....keep that smile on!!

Class of 2k5

Sup folks..Hope all is well. I have a pretty bad weekend, so ma make this quick...need your help:

Need to pick a grad photo..and coz i'm so vain, i couldnt pick any good pics out of a set of 12 - what can i say..I dont hate..I conratulate . Take a look at one POSSIBLE(oooh its far from over) member of McGills Class of 2k5 .

OK so u can have fun with this one..imagine you were so special as to recieve one of these as a wallet pic that you would show everyone who would care to look at what a wicked pal u have..fantasies aside: pick the image that bests looks like me, or rephrased, the image of me that looks best. Rate by indicating a score (1 - 5) in the comments section of the 3 best pics.

NB they came out a lot brighter..jus the scanner that sucks..
My grandkids are going to hate u if u play around with this one...

Thursday, November 04, 2004


. havent yet processed them but got some of me&nephew Hose but in the wrong format.did it with Paperfront scanner software, but will change and post at flickr (thanks Deno) he's my car tech is hard!

May God have mercy on them

. It's confirmed....we are doomed to a short span of joy.Enjoy now for tomorrow, Bush will destroy the earth and all that lives of it. Deno we're are so screwed! I didnt think americans could bite themselves in the ass again, but i've seen some preety weird things so anything goes. Knew Bush mite win with a small margin, Ohio was a shocker, didnt consider Kerry giving up.
now lets wait and see what dumb thing he'll do first:
a)go and try to make N.Korea stand down on nuclear power
b)say that Saddam was actually a minion in Osama grand plan
c)send more military presence( ill equiped ) to Iraq
d)take Michael Moore to court

on other matters, i have no idea wat man deno is talking about in his tech guide...pointers pliz?
PS: Some folks in Kisumu actually think that that Nyamongo village will be made a district of Illinois, on top of that, over seven kids born at the provincial referral hospital in Nyanza on the 3rd landed the names Barrack Obama. Jengs went on a drinking spree of that poison called SENATOR

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Preperaing for a WHITE christmas

Hope you like the new (temporary?) timely democratic spirit I welcome any suggestions as to how ud like the blog to look..
Some slight technical difficulties are being bear with us ehhhheem ..not so competent..administrators..

On a more pessimistic note..I just gave up watching the race to the american presidency..decided it was not worth me getting ulcers.... I scares me that the fate of the world will be decided in a couple of hours..and it frustrates me more than all the whining, mocking and disgust of our friend mr George Dubya will not change ONE thing in the outcome of this election. The closeness of this race just leaves me shocked at How divergent/skewed our views of leadership are. And one of us has to be wrong....sometimes its not that obvious when it appears so. maybe that redneck in a trailor park somewhere in 'bama' is seeing something I'm not.

Anyway all this rambling..lemme get to what you avid readers outside of North America and away from the Mind numbing media analysis have all been waiting for: my prediction....

Bush wins popular vote by negligible margin..
Bush wins Electoroal vote by not so slim a margin..
The end of the world gets oh so much closer..

One way or the other..we'll probly have found 'our' fate by the time you read this. God help us all.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

VoIP is finally here..

Well truth is its been here for a while..but only intul recently have the big boys( a la sprint, primus, verizon, other baby bells and newcomers like Vonage) began the marketing gold rush and service offerings.

Adoption is a tough thing to do, even when the service is cheaper. Its a lot about the hassle of keeping your number, compromising on sound quality and getting into a headlock of a contract for something your not sure about..(atleast those are my reasons...). After significant reading and quering, such voices have won me over.

I, Denis Gikunda, for once am going to be an early adopter. Shoving aside my conservative approach to new technology, I a, ready to make the leap. Those bastards at Bell Canada have taken enuff of my chums anyway.

Vonage seems to appeal to me somewhat becasue of their aparent emphasis on software. some of the features like voicemail-> email(via attachment of a .wav file) are nothing short of COOL.

Making a big mistake? too late..minds made up!
I will give u the real lowdown on how good it is after 2 weeks of service.

NB Kui u better act FAST.