Saturday, May 29, 2004


Hey people..
I finally make an appearance... Been quite busy at work then i had to read all your crazy blogs...(and you saythat you actually study in some library(ies)???) Am the acting office manager at the firm that i work for and it's been quite a hectic week.
My exams are finally over.. and i still ihave hair on my head. Somuch for balding from stress!
Hey Sababadi, i also thought shifta would be hakeem. Though i still find the name Shifta a bit shifty and dodgy... whats the history behind it Isiaho???? bY THE WAY Rachel is in law school.. we are in the same campus though she is two years behind me.She actually started with med and stopped at some point, i think she onad that law IS THE IDEAL WAY TO GO!!! he he
Thomas i think i have selective memory... ie my mind purposely sahaus all funny stories that i fear might be defamatory at some later stage... i wonder what stories those were that had people chucking clad...was i really there????:) we should really start writing a book...
Thomas leo i'd really love to be on your case but i made a personal covenant to be very moderate and polite in conversation. DID YOU ACTUALLY HOPE TO GET A JOB WHICH WOULD NOT REQUIRE ANY BRAIN EXERCISE???? (sorry this could get milder!!) Fly back home and come throw stones with University of Nairobi sling experts!!! No, that also requires a bit of strategy. Just fall asleep.. that might be thoughtless. Ha Ha Ha. Anyway... i feel your vibe. Sometimes i get some clients at the law firm asking me some serious questions.. and the client's probo most of the time is about issues that we've covered or should have covered in law school... but you end up realising that you learnt ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the lecturer who was paid a tidy hourly sum to while away (polite version) your semester. ANd i consequently end up spending endless hours in the office library just to make sure that i dont make a fool of myself. I actually lied to a client once and i had to call them up and correct the legal advise that i had given them before the firm gets sued for proffessional negligence. u are allowed to whine...lakini kumbuka at the same time to be thankful for the job, back home many dudes are professionally would be a profitable idea to start a factory producing iron soled shoes to sell to tarmacking graduates..he he he BUT THERE IS HOPE!!!!
THe prison monger story was actually quite nice. The book i did not like was this one by Ken Walibora... man it was boring with this angellic dude (you'd think it was an adulterated jesus story) who had absolutely no sensuality!!!! AND also this girl power book bout Akoko. I've never heard the name Akoko again!Akoko this Akoko that. Am actually surprised she wasnt called Atoti.
Hey Dennis, my good Kenyan self has been kidogo busy. My Kalenjin ego et. al is still infantile. Imagine i barely speak 10 sentences of Kale and i have thus concluded that my kids will just have to be taught the lugha by a maid ..sad eh? Right now i actually want to learn french and maybe spanish. The day that my masters in diplomacy requires kale, thats when i'l shughulika bout it. Just for the record, i blame it on my parents!!!
Charlene sexy, i'v not yet read the article thats got you all up against us irrestitable kenyan men but am sure once you step on kenyan soil... you'l quickly snap out of it! All the boys.. three cheers for the Kenyan girl!!! HIP HIP HIP HOORAY!!! Ati when are you checking in...Sema the exact day and time then we can organise for some Umoja Womens Group to fika the airport and ululate n shangalia for the arrival of the gikuyu darling.

Dennis, there must b a very fishy reason why the cologne is mysteriously referred to as 'X'. Are the ingredients written in kikuyu ama arabic??? We wont hate... just taja the name. Ha! Ha! For real i'l probably hate on you if the ingredients are inscribed in luo, why lie!

Hey Wangu, i lost my sim and thus i potezad your number as well. Kindly blog it on... am text me.
Chris.. pia wewe fanya hivyo.. Alex Mugo was requesting for your number. Pole bout the jamaa that u broke up with. Its probably for the best...what with all we serious jamaas out here. he he. Lakini for real, God's grooming Mr Wangu somewhere!!

Charlene, we should seriously panga a visit to MKA,ie after kulain lots of meat at your digs.. thats for those of us whole be ON HOME SOIL ha ha! Am sure akina 'shifta' are seething with envy... Dennis...sema when you'l be checking in. Timanoi told me she's flying in sometime mid next month... i dont jua if Tepeina will also be flying in around that time. I'll find out. Teps is in the UK choping Electrical Engineering i believe.

MKA nostalgia? I kumbuka the day we went to Mrs Mwangi for dinner... man i loved her compound, there was so much space to run around and the stream.. there was a stream right? i found that so cool!I hope she still lives there.
The laps that Mr Matu made us kimbia round the field in penance for our sins was quite amusing on hindsite. Ati that was punishment... AND WE actually dreaded it. Then the tembe for Kiswahili day. The disc was it, that you would be given if you spoke English on the kiswahili day.. that was funny, i actually wish it helpedmy kiswahili.

Now i need to bounce... people do stay alive and dont do anything i wouldn't be able to do on a bicycle!!!! (I really cant do much on a bicycle so you should be safe!)He! He!


Friday, May 28, 2004

And then some..

Haiya..this shits addictive I cannot lie...I managed to waste kadhaa time blogsurfing and happened to come accross some crazy stuff. I felt we were kinda in our own cocoon , So I opted to link us to the rest of the bblogosphere thru a blogroll of some interesting blogs that I enjoy the new blogroll on the side bar and dont feel shy to recommend any additions.

*With all this abortion clinic buzz going on back home (after the grizly find of dead babies in paperbags couple of days ago)..I was curious to know your thoughts and opinions on Abortion in Kenya. See the poll, and post away too.

*Thomas..your spontaneity is admirable..a book idea seems brilliant idea. what better platform than the blog??!!
How bout we have a short story(fiction) contest on thru a series of blogs at a given time. We can all easily vote through a customized poll, then all storo's can easily be compiled and published if desired. Another thingif you want to post a is fairly easy..jus highlight the text u want to be linked, then on the toolbar of the text area there is an icon of a globe with a chain. easy as ABC. saves the reader the time of actually copy pasting the link to the address bar.

*Kui..interesting read..however i wasnt particularly it possible that the reason your so freaked is coz u exhibit some of the psycho traits mentioned? they say self realization can be a dauting affair..hehe (sort of the shock effect when Neo refused to believe his first experience of the matrix)..Just curious thats all..

What ever happned to our Kalenjin Friend mr Chebiii?? reveal yourself kijana..

The one, the only

If this doesnn't scare you nothing will

..Read and run... Seriously bana I read this and quickly conferred with my good friend. The next time I mention marriage someone shoot me. Whats gong on in Kenya.Maybe I should just stay here and find a safe non-Kenyan man to marry if this is what the Kenyan relationship scene is coming to I don't even wanna go there....I concede no more M...(choke choke)talks till I'm over this......(which may be never)

On a lighter note, I found this site really entertaining especially interesting to those of us not in the motherland and intertested in keeping up to date with the local music scene.Burudika with a taste of Home

..Mission Accomplished...

Well, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that i've had a pretty emotional week. I have also been studying seriously all week and its been taking its toll.For the last few days I haven't even bothered to comb myhair Ijust put on my stylish hat and go to uni. Well I'd had about enuff of this drudgery adn decided I was gonna look glam and sexy today.

So I put on some make-up, did my hair and dressed apporopriately..Whats appropriate?
Well if you ask Denis about the women he's always gawking at when he goes to the Library to ahem study...I think i was on the ball there....(by the way Denis I think you shoulda just walked up to that hot receptionist and flashed the Kariithi smile as Shiku would say)...Well there is no test like the public, and boy did I get complimented . All day everywhere I went and everyone I met even my number one love hate friend complimmented me. what can I say mission accomplished. So anyway I wasn't planning to go into town but my makeup artist(no not my personal one just where I get proffesional photos done) called and said she'd like to enter my pics in a competition so I went down to sign a consent form (you can see here I'm getting the full ego massage) . If she wins I get to be on billboards well not me just6 my pic how cool is that. Anyway i think the Lord has spotted my pride here but i hope for her sake she wins she's such a great gal.Anyway I got those stares you know those ones that say damn you are sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok maybe I've blown my own trumpet a tad bit here but man after having a low week........and then such a successful attempt at getting a makeover that causes people to be blown away is a worthy cause to get excited about!!!!

I'll hola when my head gets smaller..until then

God bless and stay beautiful coz you all are...............

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Baada ya kazi, wakati wa...

ya'll remember that add? The thumping "kazi..kazi" intro,..the tum contractors with yellow helmets lifting some heavy shit, sweat profusely dripping from heads further drenching their overals, then after the Ear to ear smiles of content they would adorn as they held up their optimum-chilled pints of Tusker...

ahhhh this productive feeling, foreign as it may be, feels great. Yaani I actually put in a hard days work. For those of you whove been itching themselves to death wanting to know what the average Productive denis Gikunda day is like.. you are in luck..I am in the mood of feeling better than everyone else, so I will let you in on it.

2.30am 27th:
Badly need to get keep studying but will not concentrate for the life of me. I have set personal boundaries..I cannot go within 3 meters of my kitanda or comp(but with the size of my apt that doesnt leave me with very much). Alas I find away to cheat myself into a break and decide i have to print something out. So i'm off to the Chris' To use the community printer(haha thats sure to tick him off) and as if to spite my valiant midterm preperatiion efforts, the jamaa is watching season 4 DVD's of the sopranos!!!!! wa tests u in funny ways..but this time i passed..ignoring the magnetic lure to that couch and straight for the printer.
Print my stuff out amidst Chris's consistent wife-style-nagging about sijui "aaa h u guy si u use your own paper etc etc.."
man the bitch slap is coming closer urself..

3am: 27th:
Notoriously indulge in a cover to cover read of my favourite magazine..Business2.0. I cant get enuff of that stuff..Soon after completion I smack myself upside the head and curse myself for not having finishied the 2 remaining LONGEST chapters which will be on my midterm...In a shocking personal display of both arrogance/stupidity/confidence, I go to bed, promising myself I will get the chapters done sometime onward into the day. Sleeep is far more important i convince myself..

8am 27th:

Alarm seems louder than usual. I feel drugged and like I'm tied down on the bed with chains. I manage sit on the bed, with the damn obnoxious thing echoing throught my floor, and review my life in a few seconds , and in that moment of clarity surmise that a "few" more minutes wont hurt. back under the covers..

930am: 27th
After a full thorough evaluation of my life, my dream persona decides to smack some sense into me and I'm suddenly alert as an owl.
pull a few dance moves in the showi to michael as he howls Bille jean(its the thrill of slipping and falling that gets me fully awake i think) . Leo , nimedecide hata kama ni Monday I will vaa like its Sunday...I pull out of the closet one of those shati's my zacks gave me that is a pure classic..nothing but the full Savile Rowe..I need to stua stua the world a bit abit...splash on the X cologne(I never tell people what I'm wearing..Mysterious like that).


I am posing at the Electronic Arts Devoloper studio, in montreal. (here to do an interview a HR specialist for a class project)
but I'm finding it hard to stop staring at the receptionist...ok I lie..I'm finding it hard to restrain myself from jumping on her right ther and getting it on right on her table with all the paperwork. in Chriso's words.."ggggggdaaaaym". Stunning. Heeneway in true corporate beauracracy..miss Hr specialist has a minor appointment before my scheduled one, but I'm not complaining..more time to gawk at missy over here at the counter. oh by the way, just so that i dont sound like a rabied, high strung sex crazed maniac, the facility at EA is off the hook. (EA..u know , creators/publishers of intereactive entertainment software for XBOX, PS2 etc). employees here are spolied rotten, from bonuses, to Salary to stock is insane. The to ongeza chumvi..jamaas come to jobo in sandals and shorts. I felt kinda silly in my wall street uniform.
Anyway.. I do the 2 hour interview..I am tempted to turn into a maniac and avenge all my other gone-sour interviews, but the nicer deno prevailed...

My regular daytime Job..nothing worth writing about..jus the usual humdrum of computer lab maintaince. The frequency of my yawns are starting visibly irk my boss..hehe have u ever tried to yawn under pressure without panuaing your mdomo??? some major stuff done, but the whole time I'm thinking you could you not have finished those 2 chapters..a mission impossible will have to be pulled. How can i possibly clone myself i'm thinking...

6pm:(midterm time)
Two chapters have been processed somewhat thru osmosis..But i waltz into class with that characteristic beaming smile (that annoys people who havent somad enough). I am glad to tell you i think i RAVAGED the exam..for lack of a better word..but les not get cocky too soon. FOr those who prayed for me asante sana..they seem to have been answered. For those who didint, ebu start..the final is coming up.

1025 pm:
Sitting here typing away and starting to think that this is enough verbal diarrhoea for one day. Just keep in mind that I'm writing for the sake of writing, not for the sake of your reading. you dont like it..tough...(i've been feeling too accomodating lately)

Mluya ulikuwa umejifichieko wapi pwana..Ebu to hadithi ya ingoho tusikie..

Thomas..youve inspired me. Guitar mara tatoo..kumbe i'm not the only one going thru a quarter-life crisis. I think i want to get hit another first in the Gikunda dynasty..(i was the first with the stud)..Kui are u still game?????????????????????????
Wangu wa makeri...The eagle will be landing in good time..BTW can all u folks in the motherland post up your mobile info? muchos gracious. Kui great work emailing everyone else..u other folks Need to follow suit.

Now a sopranos DVD must be allow me to make myself scarce.

Much love,

The one, the only.

..Virtual Insanity...

Yes I think there isn't a more perfect way to title my bolg.

Strange things be gwan down in my life you know.

I discoverd my right hand is slightly darker than my left.Is that normal?

I found that I can actually do anything for love .... seriously I just said it before I hadn't had the chance to prove it...

I've started an intelligent (in my eyes) correspondance with someone I've never met.......(more like scary than strange)

I am actually finding myself in the library reading for my finals....note:I haven't done this throughout my entire degree.

My most exciting moment of teh week has been noticing that shifta also known as da g kid a.k.a Isiaho is on the blog wooohooo...

Please tell me I'm as normal as the rest of you....

On the case of ex-mka storo's who remembers when Wangu and Chris were under that tree in the fireld near te basketball court chattign for like 2 days (ok hours) but its my blog I'm allowed to exergerrate. But hey thats one highlight of mne from back in the day

Well I'd better get a reading if I want to successfully complete my degree
Once again welcome David

God bless you all

LOVE KUI (its all very strange)@@[smiley: Chiseling I Love You: [11/11_6_102]]

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Its been emotional


I guess it all begun yesterday when I was having a so-so day. Thank you those who noticed it put a smile on my face. Anywya my highlight thanks to Thomas was the old school visit the link . Brought back fond memories and I found myself emailing mka. Well guess what I recieved a reply this mornign from the ever wonderful Mrs Charity Mwangi. She is soooo sweet.

Anyway I just thought I should let those of you in Kenya know that I am on my way home yipee, and I'm hoping to have you all down mine for a weekend of loads of nyam chom and friends.. you know i aint seen you all in a while, may be a good idea to combine this with a trip down to mKa or somin Mrs. Mwangi said she'd love to see us so if thats not too much trouble you are all invited to mine and tell those other nomads who refuse to settle down and blog.(Which reminds me hebu I get my begging mail in check and ask them all nicely to blog) You guys should join in this appeal. and Wangu jua you shoulda grabbed Husna's e-mail address...but you know I love you regardless right.....

Apart from that I am having a looking glass kinda week spiritually. I've been forced to look at some things in my life that need some addressing so I'm kinda glad for it.....

I've realised how important some people are to me....yes you are all included. I mean my friends and man I am soo glad i met all of you. I'm richer for it.... Ok if i go on I'll sound like I'm dying and this is my farewell speech, but today I just wanted to send my love out to you'all and let you know i care.

God bless
be Good
and stay real...

Chris call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Just me on a monday

"whisper to me intimately, like a lover for tenderness is rare in this world. it is difficult to convey the magic of love to those who are made of dust"

Rumi-the hidden music

apart from all the boring things taht are going on in my day,i.e. studying and studying this sparked something inside me and i had to share it.

GOd bless you all and i'LL BLOG SOON.

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Thanks for this Denis. It was a good distraction from my wacky world of revision. I knew I'd have a more interesting result...;) LOL

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Damn I think these last few hours have been Godsent bana..Just when I was having doubts and generally bila psyke about coming home this summer.. MAAAAD PROps to OYUNGA PALA..his article on Man Talk - Peculiar habits of Kenyans has reached classical status in my books.. so much so I have began packing a month in advance -

*THought you might be interested to know that I just took my garbage out..and LAWdy was that a job and a half..It was biohazard in my crib lately....some Vitunguu's I had left in my cupboard since Lord Knows when had reincarnated into something not so nice...mpaka the yellow rubber cloves had to be pulled out. Then I have this other habit of wekaing my fruits right in the back in my fridge(i like the cold Dammit!!) - Lo and behold..Leo as I am doing 'spring cleaning' I found what appeared to be a pear...Auwii i thought the thing would jump out and attack me...But *sigh* all is well, all is well. Most importantly..the Krib is safi. And I'm on a mission..I'll be doing Dirisha's - which to be totally honest..I have NEVER done....should be interesting hehe.

Ok . so I have to admit..I have been reading too much of pulse lately.. LEo I slapped myself before i finished reading this silly article on PREzzo of the(damn i laugh everytime i say this hehe) Cash money Brothers which, since i am so ashamed of reading, will not even care to proliferate. I mean dont get me wrong.. I love Wayua Muli..been reading her stuff since High school..but who the F*&# cares about Prezzo's bling..I think what really bugs is first..these guys try too hard. But such coverage is slowly going grow into Tabliod culture, something I wouldnt want our media to be a part of.(and neither would many of our tum local Celebs I'm sure).

DENO is out!

My Results...

You have a mysterious kiss. Your partner never
knows what you're going to come up with next;
this creates great excitement and arousal never
knowing what to expect. And it's sure to end
in a kiss as great as your mystery.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, May 22, 2004


Sema folks...Ok so heres my latest attempt to Vanquish whatever is left of that shady perception you all have of me..I thought I was being ati sincere and I can openly share my other culture-embracing side(sniff sniff)..but I guess not..So here I am trying to look cool as usual..this was not too long ago actually..The second purpose was to mention .DOESNT CHRIS LOOK GAY!!! I swear we vote..

A) chris looks Gay
B) Chris looks Gay

ama I should change the poll question!! (this is another weak attempt to get him to blog again hehe..a kajamaa all these other mr and mrs feelgoods who wont respond to my invitations..needs a lil bembelezaing).

I have been literlaly rolling on the floor laughing at your posts and man i tell you Am I glad u I'm keepin in contact with all of you..Too bad these other folks need me to Kiss their behind kabla they make an apprearance!!! I suggest YOu drop them a kam email and hammer it in..I might have lost my "charisma"(Kibet, Kui haha..maybe Ive never had it!!)

I will hit you with another phase of the good old days very soon..Some stuff i still chuckle to myself has to come out since there is a mood of confession going round..hehe ..hold ya horses!!

Take care and signing off for the week..yours truly,
MR COOL...(cmon..u know u love the pic!! Click it to get the full view)

Monday, May 17, 2004

Of drop-tops and near nudity

Ok so I've veared of topic here but I had to as thats all thats been in my face all day. THE SUMMER IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee my one excuse to wear almost nothing and get away with it...! BUt i must be well behind eveyone else here coz I was in for the full bare midrifff sandal deal today. Oh yeah and men in shorts which my brother insists is a weakness of mine. Prior to coming here however I used to think that these white poeple were just slutty with theyir dressing, lakini the jua here has taught me somin else. Now I'm in the front line to take of all my clothes and catch as much sun as possible. (you don't know what you've got till its rationed) plus man the heat is too much. So hello slutty clothes its time for me to wear you...oh yeah and hello body firming and slimming exercises.

Back to the point though.

So glad I can do that among friends. You know what really comes to mind when I think back....well apart from Joy coming out of the pool and all the pubescent boys shamelessly ogling.............(that girl had game and she played it all too well. thanks Joy I learnt a lot from you)....
Its the trip to tharua farm. No not of the stuff we were meant to learn sijui castration techiniques and A.I., its the safari ant attack. Coincidentally it began in Joys sleeping bag. Yaani those wadudu's had a plan of attack that was something serious. How the were in all the girls bags and none of the guys and how they bit simultaneously was amazing. Mad respect. Then how we tried to wake the boys up and alert them of the danger to no avail....(sijui women should be seen and not heard).. Anyway an hour later around 5.00am, as I'm sleeping peacefully though not very comfortably in some seat on the bus I hear screaming. Wa the boys are getting their just deserts.I t was really funny how they lit this huge fire and they were jumping up and down around it and flicking their sleeping bags about. It looked like some messed up juju witchcraft... I remember speculations of what would happen next. Would the boys join us on the bus to maliza their sleep. Speculation was going round as to whether chirs would join joy in her sit..(young minds) well the teachers weren't about to let that happen so the boys did breakfast. I can still see Denis seated by the fire looking disgruntled as he fried the eggs... Well I found Anthony and started chatting but helped with the breakfast....the rest is sketchy but I only need to close my eyes and see the mad dancing of the boys around the guys were mad funny!!!!

Another thing I like to think about was how before any trip anywhere there would be gossip in dorms about who was gonna kiss who when we played catch and kiss because catch and kiss was just standard... Well obviously Wangu was the local target for the boys and Chris for the girls.... how did it feel being sex symbols at such tender ages.... ?????????????

aaah so much is rushing to my brains right now...have to stop and talk about it next time. But was Miss Dorothy's rock playing guitarist impression the best good luck anyone got for our KCPE or what?(lets vote )

Let God Take Care of You


Saturday, May 15, 2004

Is that really 10 years ago???

Leo after nursing some major hangi's, I made some breakfast(at 3pm) and was halfway through my sandwich when it hit me.yiikes..Those pics were taken a stunning 10 years ago!!! At that point I looked closer into the pics grande conclusion? We don't really change that much in Ten years for real. A little height, slightly better looking , broader shoulders, a deeper voice and that's about it for me. My mentality/approach to life is not significantly different..just upgraded really.

Tena after our big "reunion" last August, meeting you folks only helped reaffirm this idea..Anthony is still but jokes..Nathan the calm and collected Mr suave..Cina the Lifist with a deadly sense of humour,..Joy and that biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ..SMILE (hehe)...Wangu the principled , ever cheerful...Kibet yule yule tu.

My memories of MKA are scattered here and there but there are some things that made this school different:

*The sense of elation(aki it was such a natural high) when it was time for Sunday breakfast it was not just any was sausage Sunday. Not only that..but some sucker you had conned earlier in the week OWED you his sausage....Then sijui 70% of that breakfast would be spent preparing for that best part of the meal.. meticulously slicing your sausage(s) and superfluously spreading our 4 half slices with enough peanut butter and jam to feed an army. LOL..great times..

*Being such a slacker of a headboy..I remember the bell for breakfast echoing in the dorms with NONE of us in big boys dorm(std 7's and 8's) even remotely awake..(ok maybe Steve organised chap he was)...Lakini even in our deep slumber..there was that sixth sense for Mary (boys dorm matron) arrival..the second she was pandemonium!!! ties and socks flying all over the place, the screeching shrabs Mary would pull, bedcovers instantaneously falling into place..Amazing how much could be accomplished in sijui 2 minutes.

*Oh my now who could forget Sunday 3 pm??? This was time for "NBA action" time..and wololo i tell you Kids were inspired by the time that show was over. The basketball that would ensue on our courts thereafter was sheer gymnastics and fantasy.

*Something I have never quite understood to date...Shower time. Oh the things hot water would make us do...remember speeding for the dorms at 4 pm(std 8) then arguing who got booked which shower when? haha..then going on to squeeze into a shower already full of like kidu 6 chaps and the hot water slowly trickles to and end -at that point it was survival for the fittest bana...

*Any class of 94 jamaa will ATTEST to having a MAAD crush on Miss Dorothy...I am man enough to admit it..are the rest of you???? mamama that woman was something i tell you. She had it all..the Charisma, the smile, the mwili and she COULD COOK!!!!!(or atleast we thought so given she taught home science haha)
Even getting a look from her during class made u feel special!! mpaka there was this inner hate for this boyfriend who she would mention ..damn we had it bad..

*Haha this one's etched in my memory..std Six..kidu 3 something ish pm... I had only been in MKA for a couple of weeks now and would hear horror stories of how Mr Matu would turn into the rage monster and slap people sober....never quite believed it ..well up until this day...The class is a hurricane..people making noise..some folks playing tipo in class , Just utter chaos...the teacher(presumably Mr matu, is late for his math class. Its beyond a ten minute there is real lingering doubt that he will show at all, hence the madness going on in class...Ok so as the class builds into a frenzy ..i think Roseanne appoints herself class vigilante and is peeping at the door every 5 seconds or so...heee she peeps one more time and comes racing back to her seat screaming "MR MATU MR MATU HE"S COMING!!!!!" LOL In seconds , even before he puts his first foot throughout the door, pin drop silence...everyone "busy" trying to look serious at work....Mr Matu , visibly unamused, paces slowly round the class and the straight to Roseanne's desk, where she's standing , guilt all over her face now. wa..the chep LIFTS Roseanne onto her desk like she's a balloon, and proceeds to zaba her anaa of his classic u-don't-see-it-coming slaps..Folks in class were jus wincing in pain for this girl..that was by far one of the harshest slaps I have seen live to date!!!!! There was rage bana.rage in that slap.
Needless to say, All the stories were confirmed. I made a mental note not to be caught in the line fo fire that day..I watch TV huku and they talk about abuse in schools and sijui harrasment and just laugh man when i think of this incident. Human rights abuse should have Mr Matu on watch bana..

*Another thing I still cant fathom is the fear MR Mirobi would instill in the hearts of us kids...I particularly remember us reading out our marks and making note of those who had being doing consistently badly...those few weeks I had not been particularly sterling in my efforts bana..a few 20/50's in lugha papers...So he reads them out..and comes to my name..hears yet another horrible mark...He asks what the problem is..and as i stutter and fumble for a answer he sees right thru my bullshit and interjects me with a terse, firm -"DENIS, UUUZEMBE UTAACHA!" and the class bursts out laughing and I was sooo mad..felt like such and idiot. I vowed i would be first in the next Lugha exam just to prove him wrong....haha never quite happened...But I will have the last laugh someday MR MIROBI!!!!

I have thou more memories which willl be released in due time...
Need to get back to work..Memory lane has hit a dead end for now.

Take care and God bless.
Get your blog on..

Friday, May 14, 2004

When the paparazzi caught Denis and got even on my behalf....I mean bana whats with the statement nini? (forgive me)  Posted by Hello

We certainly had potential...some things never change Posted by Hello

when i had a crush on Kennedy, Eva was still my homie, chris was taller than Denis, Jonathan was my deskie, Irene the baller, Hakeem kippin it real and Eddie still didn't talk to me Posted by Hello

Anthony and I the King and queen of the class of 96. Don't hate you know its true.. Posted by Hello

Do you remember those days huh Kibet. I'm sure Priscillas(that was her name) hawk eyes were watching in the background.This didn't work so I'mma try again this space. Posted by Hello


Hey people... may i suggest, if you all permit me to, that we have a short moment (series of blogs) of reminiscing and mulling over our youthful days on the slopes of Mount Kenya.. Kumbukain akina Miss Sonya, Wahu, there 's this old lady who used to stand like a scarecrow in the dining room during mealtimes covering her mouth with her lesso , the name eludes my mind... etc etc..
Would be nice, huh? Revert.

Stay alive!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Just testing this new application out..will tell you about it soon.. Me in my Lakefied days before McGill..I have offically disposed of the Shades so tafadhali lets not go there Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Sermon on the Amount

This last weekend i went to a conference and heard a very intersting story trhat I thought I would share with you.

A man once walked into an airport cafeteria pretty hungry. So he bought bag of doughnuts and some coffee and tried to get a seat for himself. However the place was mad full so he ended up sitting with another lone man. He therefore sat down and placed his stuff on the floor next to his sit, sat down and started having his coffee.
He picked the doughnut bag of the table picked out a doughnut and ate it. A few minutes later the man across from him picked the bag took out a doughnut and ate it. So the first man thought very strange........ but just to be polite he let it slide.
He then picked the doughnut bag, picked out another doughnut and this time placed it right next to his cofee. A few minutes later the man across form him stretched out his hand pulled over the bag across picked out a doughnut and ate it. The first man thought aii wassup with this dude lakini he must be mad so I'll let him by. So they kept doing this doughnut eating thing until there was only one doughnut left in the bag.

First man was thinkin aii does this jamaa have the nerve to eat the last one of my doughnuts? Anyway the other man promptly picked up the last doughnut cut in two and gave him one half of the doughnut.He then stood up and walked away.

Typical thought the first man eat all my doughnuts and leave.After a while he finished his coffee and made to leave the cafeteria. As he bent down to pick his bags, he saw his bag of doughnuts sitting on top of the his bags.

The other man was actually sharing his doughnuts. Its the same in life.Everything we have is gift from God and he is just sharing his wealth with us. Lets be willing to share our doughnuts too.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Case of the Monday Blues?

I have no clue what is going on..but I don't like. My week so far is about as exciting as watching a table rag in your kitchen..I've ogt mental, writing, and generally excitement BLOCK! I feel soo tired of the seeing the same people at work & in the neighborhood everyday, eating the same ol food, working on the same little projects, studying the same damn textbook, reading the same damn novel. Blogging might be the only remaining thing I find mildly stimulating. No clue what is going on..I feel like I need to be zapped with two electrodes and get back into gear. the bleak, grey Montreal weather doesn't help either. A friend suggested traveling..getting out of this box of mine..which I think is a good suggestion, but for now I need a quick fix man..I'm a pretty intense, energized guy usually..this foreign feeling is very SOS call..

*On a less eccentric note, Wangu your blog on Love got me thinking...doesnt happen very often so I am thankful hehe..Love love love..Does love exist?all the cheesy crap aside -
Love exists because we have an innate nature to have a fondness(for whatever), otherwise. We were purposely made the need for love, and the need to love are so tightly bound to our constitution, it is almost gives us a finite reason for existence alone.
I'm trying to understand this love thing. DON'T. I feel society(media, hollywood,music) forces us to overanalyze what love is, and how to get it. It is somehwere in human nature and man's relentless quest into the unknown..but Love is one of those things that the more we try find out about the less we find out. Allowing oneself the experience of Love is most key. The power of Love is one of those very few things that are none depleting..u know, like a smile, an idea, a shared candle, that dont diminish when given, and is independent and undiscriminating of the objects that it was applied to..i.e I can love u whtther u like it or not, whtether u know or not. So to answer your question on hearbreak, that sense of loss when love and life dont follow the same path...I think it is too much of a focus on the object, rather on the fact that you loved. YOur love hasnt gone anywhere..u just feel that loss. I think moving on has a great deal to do with this..realising that the most important thing is that YOU LOVED, and not that that love has been betrayed (or whatever the casue fo the breakup). The fact that 'U experienced love', that u were a vessel and a meduim of it is HUGE importance to who we are and how we percieve ourselves..Becasue thats all life is about(proogressive life at least)..the endless pursuit to making ourselves better(whatever your "better" means) people. Love,in this way, gives us a form of fulfilment..makes us stronger people. So hearbreak is really nuthing but that bruise after tripping over while jogging..jogging sure gets me in shape though so I'll keep my focus on that. Where I get all this from????? Well Wangu, it is no secret you broke my heart remember..(lets not even go back to circa 1994 lol toooo painful & running out of tissue huku)
Can you love someone and not love them almost in the same instant? to quote Chris Rock, you know you've not been in love if you havent contemplated murder bana..If you havent practiced your alibi in the mirror aint been in love.
Not sure I have a semblance of sense int hat rabling..but hey, I tried.

*Maze There's an opportunity for me to be a Swahili tutor for some chap who wants to travel there i think..Kinda not sure about my ability bana..I was thinking if the swahili staff at Starehe /mr mirobi ound out public demosstrations would be organized !! I havent practised in a while so I run the risk of make a complete buffoon of myself(and being a terrible representative of our country) in the process..then again I like to think of myself as a risk taker..If worst come to worst..jamaa will be fluent in sheng hehe..same difference for the guy !! You guys probly heard Microsoft finally released the completely translated Swahili version of Windows...I friend sent this to me i pasuad bana but on the real..i realised how bad my lugha was and how hard it will be for system admins in future bana..enjoy..

Terms unveiled at the Microsoft conference last week in Nairobi

Madirisha Elfu Mbili na tatu Tandabui isiyo ya bui Mtumishi (Windows 2003 Web Server)

Madirisha Elfu Mbili Mtumishi (Windows 2000 Server)

Madirisha Elfu Mbili Mtaalamu (Windows 2000 Professional)

Jedwali Changamfu (Active Directory)

MS Mtazamo (MS Outlook)

Mtazamo Ulioharakishwa (Outlook Express)

Mtambo wako unakimbia nje ya kumbukumbu dhanifu (Your system is running low on Virtual Memory)

Punguza namba ya Tumizi zilizowazi (Reduce the number of open applications)

Mtambo wako umefanya mpango kabambe usiokuwa halali na sasa utafungwa

I read somehwere that ati there is a prediction that languages not firmly in the interent come the next sijui 100 years or so will be extinct...what do you folks think..

*Thomas..welcome to the wonderful world of Summer school!!!Tell us how ur first day went...Kibet hali ya exams? Rarau those things in true Magadi magadi kids always had that extra spark..All the salt ama? How are akina Rachel, teps etc? What they up to these days? You guys still swimming to work huko Nai.. i skia its a hurricane those literally..what happened to city in the sun? Trying to get Munene, Nathan, Anthony up to speed on this thing..anyone in contct with the buggers pleae holla at him & send me his current email..Chris should be in in the next couple of days.

Gotta get some shut eye kids..Blog on!!!!!

Friday, May 07, 2004

This time l know you've missed me

I knew I had to post when Thomas asked about my lazy ass. My dear it isn't really a lazy ass, just felt rather dissed coz I had written a pretty entertaining(in my view) blog just to have my comp crash and cause me to loose it. Oh yeah and the paparazzi mania by Denis exposing my trip to Holland to al you'all without my consent, but my fury was quelled by the fact that he actually like the pic enough to just show it to the world.......yeah he just didn't have any others in hand.

Lifes the normal hoolabaloo for me at the moment trying to balance work and rest . This time I willl succeed. Kibet I feel your pain. Soon I'll be down there and we can go out together because this whole boyfriendless scene is cramping my style. At least with a chaperone I may be able to wad of all those meat feeding vultures that go by the title single or creepin men.

I donnu wassup with me but ever since I read random and inconsequentual at the top of this blog my random and inconsequantial thoughts have hit an all time low. Maybe when the excitement/shock wears off I'll get my bloggin back in order. until then, may help come to Nairobi university and may sanity reign over Thomas and Denis as they dig deeper into cybernetics. And Wangu I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hey Denis do somin about Chris, he says he can't log on.....(do i hear excuses excuses..I'm not surprised)


Thursday, May 06, 2004

Just in one Week!

This is an early morning, and i have a long day ahead which i really dont feel like beginning. I had a CAT (yeh we still call them CATS in university) last night which could have been worse but i'm being prudent and not really expect 90%...but being in my campus you really dont worry about CAT or exam results for long because the results are released a year later.. I t defeats the purpose of doing the continuous assesment test, right! Yeah, but you get used to it, believe me. Yesterday they released our results for the exams that we did in April 2003 which were inclusive of the CATS done early last year... and inspite of the results coming out one year later.. (more than 1 year) some danda of a lecturer decided to loose our CAT papers. For crying out loud, he should have told us about this maybe 6 months ago, like half a year after we did the quiz, so that at least we would have a llittle vibe to right if we decided to do a replacement quiz.. but no, they decide to disclose their gross negligence one year after, and just 4 days before i begin my 3rd year first semeester exams... hows that for a campus.

You wont believe that we are in third year and there are still results missing for some unit that we did in 1st year. And they will probably seek to address the situation just when we are about to graduate!
Yes, thats Nairobi University for you.. i would bet that u guys dont have to contend with such crap!
(I'm sounding bitter- arent i? Its just a bit of spite for the gross negligence and nonchalance by the members of the system)
But thank God that i actually passed my 2nd Year though the results are provisional pending the doing and marking of a replacement CAT for the unit that had the lost papers. Now i have to go and que outside a small room in our campus, which is called the examination centre, where a corrupt individual (well reknown for switching marks for those who can afford to fully compensate him for any attendant risks) will go through some records and shout out to me my grades. ... D!..C!....B!...D!...C!, Picture that! But i'm generally hoping that i'l have a number of As and Bs.
Enough whining... I'm actually looking for a girlfriend. I was invited for a birthday party last week where my boys came with their girlfriends and everyone i knew was deeply engrossed in conversation (it better have been meaningful) with their "better half" and i had to seep my drink and listen to the music playing while forever reassuring the host that i was fully enjoying myself. After that experience, i must look for a permanent chaperone for such events of a girlfriend.. i'm not sure which i should... i have yet to sit down and think which would cost more financially and/or emotionally. Generally i wouldnt want to attach myself or fetter myself but, the occasion demands. There are a number of graduation parties that i am to attend this weeekend and i am tafutain a chaperone...
Can you imagine, i have an accounts unit.. the call it Accounting For Lawyers... wherein a lecturer comes and tries to squeeze in as much accounts as possible into our heads in 15 weeks. If you ahve done accounts, you know, with no doubt that you can not teach accounts in 15 weeks... or anything close to that definition! Yeh, so the accounts exam is on monday and i must pass it at all costs! if i knew who to bribe, i so would!!! If i dont get a D, and i get a resit paper, teh worst part about it is that the lecturer demands that you do coursework as well instead of simple sitting one resit paper (which according to university rules only gains a D- irrespective of how well you answer the question!)
Hey people, i need to go que for my results... Do ennjoy yourselves and be very glad that i have blogged this long... it might not happen again for like the next 3 weeks!
Stay alive!


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

And you this was just jokes eh..

Sup folks...First but not least I have to issue my discontent with the drastic weather change here in mtl..all cloudy and grey all of a sudden. Spring showers they call it..not my cup of Tea. Somehow it reminds me of th June-July drudgery that we would endure in MKA when the ka ghetto basketball court was swamped in pools of water and all the boys wanted to do was play! Only this time i just want to sit out on my baclony and kula nyamchom!! did I mention I am super keen on buying a bbq grill? Part of my wait gain program..but thats another story all together. Today I have a few ramblings I want to get off my chest:

*just a point of info..Just wanted to show u guys that u can add pics up incase u wanted to show yourself off once in a while ama jus add spice to ur blog. Kawaida html. THis is example code of the pic u seejust put it where u want to see the pic
<span><img src="" width = "320" height="240" style="float:left;"></span>
Take for example this one shady chic papparazi caught giving Uhuru park poses in I kosad a pic woi nisamehe Kui.

*Thomas so interesting how this whole cybernetic business intercourse steered towards something that i had been thinking a whole lot about recently but could never quite fit it into my daily blog; It sort of follows(and debatably supoorts) your inkling-->"It is my thesis that the physical functioning of the living individual and the operation of some of the newer communication machines are precisley parallel in their analogous attempts to control entropy through feedback.(p26)...It is the pattern maintained by this homeostasis, which is the touchstone of our personal identity". From my understanding this is also a view held in the explanation of "emergence" or "emergence theory", which is basically used to explain complex phenomena that involve simple units e.g. a crowd of people can be said to have emergent behaviour because it acts independently and often unexpectedly compared to each single persons behaviour. This timam paper I read on emergent democracy thoroughly did justice to the job of explaining what I mean. (not a short i would advise u get a cup of java and some mkate before clicking the link). It is probly the top reason i'm so into this blogging thing...

*I had my first Summer class jana..I left feeling bewildered bana. It is a course on HR management(since i want to run a huuge company someday with you all as my slav..ehem -employees..I will need all the management skills i can get!) which from the course layout, spells doom on my social life for the next 6 weeks.. I wont whine though..I was warned about the course but the brute force approach pays.. sometimes at least. Aanyway thats not what relly bothered me. What really bothered me was that It was a continuing education course, meaning
1) I was the youngest, greenest fella in the room
2) I was about the only one without a full time Job to bitch about
3) Everyone else, consequently, was some unhappy employee who took this course to either to a) Escape the clutching claws of obsolescence in their company
b) Figure out how they would make life hard for their know all bosses
c) ...(ran out of witty reasons)

Maybe Ive gotten too used to talking about last nights bash, the slutty girl in class, or where me and my mates will grab the answers to the next assignment from.. amaje Kibet..your in the workforce..maybe U should teach me how to fit in the corporate/legal world...

Thas all for today folks. This is Immanuel Juma..I mean denis Gikunda..reporting for viiirtual insanity..*wacky intonation*

Saturday, May 01, 2004

On Que Sera, Google(again), and Nature

OK, the fella masquerading as Thomas on this blog - halt..Tell us us what u have done with the real thomas that we knew!!!! I had to read your post kidu like 3 more times befor eit sunk in vizuri haha.. at some point after like the third reading when i finally began to see clearly.. I was like hmm this is interesting..somehow i feel like i've read it somewhere before..(haha yeah like 3 times on this same blog!!). OK that should tell you one of 2 things..Either you have become a prolific writer, well read spontanious young fella or I have been spending too much time on my balcony sipping on Corona's after my exams were done like a week ago.uuuh not quite the conondrum u were expecting eh..Mad respect for the guitar..I had the same epiphany, only I think my motivations were slightly different..lets face it...guitar players get laid more often than average bums like me...

Aaaanyway. As Kui will so quickly attest..i have been quite intrigued with the subject matter you brought up.. I bored her mindless about it like a year ago on a phone conversation in my terse anticipattion of the Matrix:reloaded. I was jus very jazzed at the entire philosphy of the Warchoski brothers and their approach to "simulating" their idea of the Matrix. So it seems they Picked a whole lot form this french author of yours, specifically on his third simularca,..yaani one modeling information, with the aim of total control. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like there is this 4th dimension that we are unconscious of: one that is is directly related to this physical one that we see, one that cues in on our reason for being. Plato so vividly illustrates it in his allegory, whereas I more simply visaulize it as the spiritual dimension to our lives: the invisible war for our Souls. WE are living in armageddon, daily; a fight against good and evil. Only we are not caught in the crossfire, we are the soldiers. Our lives(physical/material/visible) and the choices we make are the ultimate simulation: of this war.

So you ask what the future holds eh..Much as I hate to appear a modern day soothsayer, a doomsday conspirisist, I have to say we are headed in that direction(converging to the third simulacra), and I'm not so sure its a great idea. I think about the world we live in today..the information revolution they call it. All the simularca that you mentioned..both 1 and 2 depend on instant access to reliable information. Atleast, we have reached an era where that dependancy can be met, a la the internet. Now look a little closer.. The technical nature of the interconnectivity if the net is very unwelcoming to totalitarian control. SO basically the only way to control/harness this free flow of information is yeild & direct the need for this information. It is interesting to note that this is the sole intent Search engines today. Knowledge is power, so the old adage goes...I say COntrol of this knowledge is the where this poer lies. Google(yes i am going there again) have complete control here. I dont know anyone out there who's written papers/done research who could survive without google today..Lord knows how they managed sijui 20 years ago. Where do you go for your information? Thats who youll be paying your allegiance to in a few years.

I see a future where machines/software/computers will be so well aligned with the user's need that it there will be no real "search for info". Even with Googles ingenius, 'democratic' site ranking methodology(where a page is ranked according to how many other pages on the web link to it), it still takes some time long to find EXACTLY what you want, for those of us who've not majored in Information/Library sciences. Major research is already going into making these search engine's "smarter", meaning that they will will sort of have an idea that if I search for the word "cougar" i will mean I'm interested in a sugar mummy to pay my school fees and not some wild cat in the jungle.

Future of the world aside,.. I couldnt but help notice how beautiful nature is. Today I woke up, and to my suprise i saw something outside my window that was not there the previus day: Lush green buds had sprouted from the tree outside my window. I continued to observe..Every single bud on every single branch on every single simarlar tree on my street, in a fluid uniformity unparralelled by any manmade system, had sprouted. Not only that, but on the first day that it the Sun had decided to show its face upon Montreal streets..It was great..I felt as if Nature had consipred to make me smile this morning, the sun gleaming on those ordinary mellow green buds. If such sweet synchrony alone does not coax you of a supreme yarn tying up this fabric..I guess you will have to look closer.

Word is on the streets Wangu is about to Jion our lil community??? where is tha girl!!!! someone done got me excited already! Show your face woman!!

Guys, Its been Real.