Friday, May 07, 2004

This time l know you've missed me

I knew I had to post when Thomas asked about my lazy ass. My dear it isn't really a lazy ass, just felt rather dissed coz I had written a pretty entertaining(in my view) blog just to have my comp crash and cause me to loose it. Oh yeah and the paparazzi mania by Denis exposing my trip to Holland to al you'all without my consent, but my fury was quelled by the fact that he actually like the pic enough to just show it to the world.......yeah he just didn't have any others in hand.

Lifes the normal hoolabaloo for me at the moment trying to balance work and rest . This time I willl succeed. Kibet I feel your pain. Soon I'll be down there and we can go out together because this whole boyfriendless scene is cramping my style. At least with a chaperone I may be able to wad of all those meat feeding vultures that go by the title single or creepin men.

I donnu wassup with me but ever since I read random and inconsequentual at the top of this blog my random and inconsequantial thoughts have hit an all time low. Maybe when the excitement/shock wears off I'll get my bloggin back in order. until then, may help come to Nairobi university and may sanity reign over Thomas and Denis as they dig deeper into cybernetics. And Wangu I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hey Denis do somin about Chris, he says he can't log on.....(do i hear excuses excuses..I'm not surprised)


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