Friday, May 28, 2004

And then some..

Haiya..this shits addictive I cannot lie...I managed to waste kadhaa time blogsurfing and happened to come accross some crazy stuff. I felt we were kinda in our own cocoon , So I opted to link us to the rest of the bblogosphere thru a blogroll of some interesting blogs that I enjoy the new blogroll on the side bar and dont feel shy to recommend any additions.

*With all this abortion clinic buzz going on back home (after the grizly find of dead babies in paperbags couple of days ago)..I was curious to know your thoughts and opinions on Abortion in Kenya. See the poll, and post away too.

*Thomas..your spontaneity is admirable..a book idea seems brilliant idea. what better platform than the blog??!!
How bout we have a short story(fiction) contest on thru a series of blogs at a given time. We can all easily vote through a customized poll, then all storo's can easily be compiled and published if desired. Another thingif you want to post a is fairly easy..jus highlight the text u want to be linked, then on the toolbar of the text area there is an icon of a globe with a chain. easy as ABC. saves the reader the time of actually copy pasting the link to the address bar.

*Kui..interesting read..however i wasnt particularly it possible that the reason your so freaked is coz u exhibit some of the psycho traits mentioned? they say self realization can be a dauting affair..hehe (sort of the shock effect when Neo refused to believe his first experience of the matrix)..Just curious thats all..

What ever happned to our Kalenjin Friend mr Chebiii?? reveal yourself kijana..

The one, the only

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