Thursday, May 27, 2004

..Virtual Insanity...

Yes I think there isn't a more perfect way to title my bolg.

Strange things be gwan down in my life you know.

I discoverd my right hand is slightly darker than my left.Is that normal?

I found that I can actually do anything for love .... seriously I just said it before I hadn't had the chance to prove it...

I've started an intelligent (in my eyes) correspondance with someone I've never met.......(more like scary than strange)

I am actually finding myself in the library reading for my finals....note:I haven't done this throughout my entire degree.

My most exciting moment of teh week has been noticing that shifta also known as da g kid a.k.a Isiaho is on the blog wooohooo...

Please tell me I'm as normal as the rest of you....

On the case of ex-mka storo's who remembers when Wangu and Chris were under that tree in the fireld near te basketball court chattign for like 2 days (ok hours) but its my blog I'm allowed to exergerrate. But hey thats one highlight of mne from back in the day

Well I'd better get a reading if I want to successfully complete my degree
Once again welcome David

God bless you all

LOVE KUI (its all very strange)@@[smiley: Chiseling I Love You: [11/11_6_102]]

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