Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Guess who's back...

Hey people!!!! sorry i should probably be saluting you as tourists! How do you all get time to travel!!! When????? This is not fair!! Sijui mara Dennis goes to his relas town to take the kids to Disney world (was it) [by the way its a far cry from my relatives who are almost all found within a 20km radius of each other in shugs! lol!]- mara Charlene travels to which part of which town- Thomas flies to some town and drives back (which would probably mean- pun intended- that at some point he could afford the luxury of a flight but then got hit much later that aaaah! there's a road that gets there- Thomas, by the time we meet i trust you'l have forgoten my curt vibe lol!) then Chris calls me to tell me how he's traveling with his ex (for some strange i didnt attempt to understand). But again, i mustn't be envious! Which of u was almost suffocated in your grandmother's smoky hut? lol! Its really nice that u guys get to travel alot- i bet it has some restful effect and the change of scenery must be beneficial (it best be!)

Man the last weeks have been pretty busy. (I must capture this passing thought before it vanishes) I met Anthony Kamau gallavanting- as Mr Njau aptly described Anthony's motions in class 7, anyone remember?- in town right from campus. He's doing well but still looking kidogo dishevelled and rugged (man, he'l kick my backside when he sees this!). I mean him absolutely no disrespect- surprisingly i had and still have tremendeous respect for his intellect and reasoning capacity, which albeit the fact that it didnt shout out loud, i do take take cognisance of.
Yes, back to my last weeks. I was busy studying for a take away assignment that we were forced to redo because the lecturer, who taught us the particular unit about 1.5 years ago, lost our scripts and informed us only this year (i must have grumbled about this earlier!). So that kept me off the net for a while, then i had to prepare for some International Law Moot Court (Intercampus) which i was initially was taking part in justfor the certificatethat would be issued after the preliminaries. Surprisingly, the judges thought i had some skill albeit the fact that i had to confess that i hadn't researched for any authorities (cases decided by the International Court of Justice) to support any of the propositions i was ferociously putting across. Man i felt embarrased- i fell short of asking them not to refer to any cases. "Are you suggesting that the Nicaragua case is not of relevance to the Republic's claim?" "Do you want this esteemed court to listen to your bare-chested arguments?" I was humbled! But at the end they semad that the liked my poise even in the brutally poorly researched submissions i made.

Our results for our second LLB year were finally released a record 14 months after the exams- so i'm probably not going to cry or stalk and stab a lecturer for any bad results (because i might not remember who taught me what!). Man they were bad, but for the fact that almost the whole class appears keen to accumulate averages of Cs and Ds and spots of As and Bs- i feel pretty consoled. Apparently there was a student who went to the exam office to inquire on his results breakdown and he was politely told- in a bid to save everyone's time- ' You have all Ds". The shocked student then replies "Sorry, i didnt get you right.." The exam clerk quickly retorts" D for dog, D for desk, D for disaster and 9 more Ds!" Yeah D for DAMN!!!! Sad story right? some guys do that bad... so i feel pretty accomplished with my slightly better grades. Trust me, in our campus it takes strength not to get complacent.

Thomas, i'm anxious to hear what you think about Life after death.. throw it on!

Dennis, wash those dishes. You'll catch cockroach diseases! ie. the cockroaches will fall sick because of the dirt in the dishes and their sickness will be transmitted to your (healthy??) body. lol!!! Are you through with your Continuing Ed classes?

Charlene, did i mention how gorgeous you looked in the red dress/gown. Man! You are truly ageing gracefully!!!!

Hey guys, i must run or i might get fired! Do stay alive and be good. And go to church!!!!!



Sunday, June 20, 2004

WHERE YA'LL @!!!!!!!!

Just got back in town and noticed that Denis has really had his blog ont he last few posts. Where is the rest of this virtually insane world.
Personally I've been taking a well deserved break and getting pampered massaged fed and spoilt in Edinbrugh Scotland. LOVELY PLACE I'd recommend it to anyone serioslu pretty place. For the more cultured among you I haven't seen soo many thearters in such close vicinity from each other. I didn't attend any show or visit any of the historic sites as I was avoiding the downpour half the time I was there so don't ask about those.

So guess what was picked as the theme music for my trip...BOB MARLEY...woud you believe it I was listening to this man there and back. I didn't pick it though my sistter did. I however hogged the walkman the whole time I was there so you can tell who got the most of the theme.

While Denis was busy watching and critizing todays movies I was hopelessly trying to get to see MEAN GIRLS but it wasn't showing. Every single movie at teh theatres there I had seen...'part from harry potter :( anyway all thing considered I don't regret it too much. I'll watch it another day..

Its time I left now though. I believe I've said my piece and made my presence felt in this here blog.

Come on over and blog aiihgt

Let God take care of you

film critic extrodinaire..

Ok I jus gathered a fresh layer of respsect for Steven Soderberg - So jana I watched Solaris (2002) amidst an undying urge to do something other than studying - what with my big exam tuesday. Wow. Talk about a beautifully delivered art form. This guy does this remake JUSTICE. Brings the whole issue of the limits of our perspective, to perspective. Killer soundtrack. And clooney doesnt disappoint. Anyone read the book? Need to get my hands on it. Thomas - needless to say - UTAPENDA. Everyone and Anyone whose seen this flick has their own interpretation..yea its one of those ones that encourages everyone to be a mjuaji...I'll save my opinions until I'm sure uve all seen it. So see it if you havent then we can all get-a-bloggin! dont believe me? check the site out..

I also saw ninio...what it called again..aah Secret window..Jonny depp and all..not a bad ending..but for the most part it was just warped. Nothing ati mindblowing. Or am I jus getting old and harder to please..hmm. I'll tell u hat i cant wait to see is Spiderman 2. Bloody thing premieres the day I fly out though..so not sure I'll catch it. Ok Hard as it may be to admit. I also sat throught the WHOLE of GIGLI. yeah I said it. too late to trun back now. Let the damage be quick and painless....
and u know what..it wasnt THAAT bad hehe...ok now that my entire Taste for films has been completely and utterly vanquished with that past statement i will continue with my Assessment with to whoever is still listenening...THese were my conclusions..
1) JLo still has a huge behind.
2) JLo has a big behind
3) Did i mention SHe has a big behind?
4) THe media sometimes just loves to hate people. They will love u when ur at the top(my love dont cost a thing days) and eat you and Spit you out when they are done and tired.(bennifer break up..gigli). SO I really think this flick got a bad wrap. I eman dont get me wrong...it ABSOLUTELYY SUCKED. but lets face it. Ive seen worse.

I also (damn what is happening to me) sat thru the worse half of maid in Manhattan. and I'm sure you can predict my first three observations, so i wont care to be redundant. Hollywood is a bizzare creature. This movies rags-riches-doomed-love theme is perhaps the most hackneyed of them all..yet it still raked in quite a bit at the box office. I swear I have been thinking about shooting a film..Only i would have to sleep with sijui who at Miramax to get it on screen. ah well..maybe in another life.

OK relax..i saw no other movies..I actually did put in some study for the weekend. I intend to do my mountain of dishes when i get up..so let me get some rest..I WILL NEED it.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Wonders of the African World..

Ever wanted to smack that obnoxiously ignorant foreigner who wouldnt stop issuing snide, misinformed opinions about Africa? Or bitchslap that North American Friend of yours who had NO clue where Africa was or if we learnt English at the Airport?

I have a better Idea..Howbout we make the effort and teach these lazy bastards(no offence to athe few those informed ones..) about Aour Continent..I mean if we dont..who will. Came accross these Wonders of the African World on a fellow kenyan bloggers site and pendad sana...Ignorance is the wolrds no 1 pandemic!! fight it!! if that fails bitchslap..but it is worth the effort...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Open Source taking over the world?

In this hereopinion It seems that There might be a future for Pharmacuitcal innovation..but is there enough goodwill to go 'open'? The industry's track record appears to to disagree - once again I will quote Chris rock - "The last major thing that they cured was POLO!!!" that was yeeears ago.

Anyway toeni Maoni..This "open source" initiative to biotechnology might be the our worlds only hope against this patent-clucthed deadlock to find cures to lots of diseases plaguing our continent. GO open Source!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Starehe Girls??????

And the Griffin Dynasty lives on.. Come January ,Starehe Girls will be a reailty that many Kenyans girls schools wont be able to contend with if built on the same fundamentals as their male collegue school. I being a valiant proud alumni am particularly curious as to how they will fair - and more importanly; how those mamis will look with bright red tops and Electric blue skirts!!!!

Long live Starehe!!

Shattered Dynasty..

Ok AS if my day wasnt bad enuff..I get to gether with my boys to watch the laker pistong Game 4 , thinking that atleast something will go right leo.

I mean jus think about it. I am Still Beat from my fun but sleep deprived road trip to London, eaten out by allergies to my own apartment(!) , and overwhelmed by work and school. Then I'm slapped in the face with the news that I did NOT get that cheap Ethiopian Airlines ticket I had put my life on.. Man you would think Murphy would give me a break just this once for these extenuating circumstances..

The lakers lose by a convincing(read: disgusting) 20- somehting odd points and I am served to admit the certainty that indeed, upsets do happen. I must have been THE only laker fan in that pub. So much for fairy tale endings.

had my last class leo. It is is a continuing Education class remember, so i took the extra effor to schmooze with the working folk and build my networks..I have only but recently come to the surmise that the 'weak' links are EVERYTHING. In my small class I quickly became famous for being the 'nice' 'Kenyan' 'technology-expert' persona.. always being there in the nick of time to fix the digital projector and help with the presentations..Hopefully My black face will stick in their minds when i bombard them with emails and calls soon. (woi I pity them..they dont even know)

Funy on my way back home , and I''m sure this isnt the liqour talking...I am so keen on getting a Dog. We laughed with my buddy over how bloody spoilt k-nines this side of the atlantic are - sijui getting haircuts..going to doggy day care..mara mandatory walks and having to collect their shit..unbelievable..'Dogies' back home are content just getting our left over kuku bones!!!! not only that..they are loyal as a mu**f**..
Ahh It doesnt help that I live in a tiny i bedroomed pad, but my intent is still brimming and in great fervor. I am thinking some sort of Terrier. Any suggestions..I am pretty weak on my knowledge of the species..Ive had German Shephards all my life so i want to take a detour from that breed and welcome all suggestions with pros and cons. Whatever the dog..it would have to be a puppy so I can train the lil mut and hopefully get used to wahsing the thing oftean without much of a probo. I'm really excited about it now actually..It s like i want to make up for all my past transgressions as a Kenyan Dog owner in nai..

Folks..Ive got work Keshos at 8 in the cox.. wacha i be off. Wont even bother reading the Nation lets another member of parliament is getting his hous built on 1 billion of taxpayers money.

One love. Get your BLOG ON!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2004

the full road trip...

Man , two days with my aunt and already I feel like a zacks!!! LAAAWd have mercy I dont want to get old and live in the suburbs!!! I feel like I'm in the truman show all over again , only this time I know and theres absolutely NO WAY OUT!!! hehe ok I've ongezad the proverbial chumbvi a bit toooo much..its just that when you get used to the fantastically hedonist life at Montreal..the dead Town miles away doesnt exactly grow on you if ya know what i'm talkin bwaot..

Seeing my lil Cuzos is great though..The lil Muts are convinced ati I'm the Rich cuzo from College with a car(READ: DISCOUNT CAR RENTAL) who they can scam - kids of today I swear..not even wekad both my feet in the door and they want to know what I've brought them from mtl!!! Anyway after all their nagging I decided to surprise them and drive em down to Canadas wonderland..yes I know I'm a sweetheart of a big cousin..So leo theyve been on bestest behaviour , mpaka even offering to serve me, fluff my pillow, the works.. coz its pretty obvious I'm hiding something from them...
I actually dont plan on telling them until we drive up to the place..see how long they'll survive..

Jana i fikad London(ontario) in the cox..Woi word of caution..driving all night is not exactly cracked up to all its supposed to be..I was stuck with my boy Hani who, believe it or not, about as bad as my Dad with his insistence of low volume levels, and expects me to school him on Hip hop. So about half the way to Toronto we are arguing about the volume lol..then I decided I'd rather die for a worthier more noble cause than hearing Talib enunciate 'revolution'. SO anyway I drop off my buddy at hamilton, and then I take the bloody wrong exit and dont relaise for another half hour or so...Get to The city and Bloody Yahoo directions are fucked..(some roads have changed..) so i end up driving around the city for anaa hour or so until its like 7am and I can call my aunt and succumb to the idiocy of asking for directions!! Anyway..thereafter I stop off at a gas station, nunua kadhaa redbulls, only to drive off , get lost again, and then realise the biatch at the counter at the gas station didnt return my debit card. wired on Caffiene, tired as fuck, and aggrevated to the point of contemplating murder..not a good combination i tell you..lets just say it wasnt a pleasant experience reacquanting with the lady over the counter at the gas station.

Leo we did more driving..went to the beach..had a deadly bbq..sun was out, girls were hot and the nyama was checking in like Kobe in the 4th quarter..holy Cow..speaking of which..I missed games 3 and four( i think leo) and couldnt stop thinking about France whopping Englans butt in portugal..lakini sports aint everything!! wacha i enjoy the country side with famo for a while..them come monday I will be back in MTL with a vengeance..

Still searching frantically and in utmost desparation for a flight to Nai..my Zacks the Master of Conne's might have pulled the ultimate..I might be Jobbing at the NSE(Wangu I am fuataing your tracks..dont falter) ..its still a 'might' considering the cost of flipping Tickets at this point! My friend whose trying to get me a ticket is kidogo concerend that Im willing to fly Ethiopian or Saudi - I assured her that they wouldnt be bombing their own planes hehe..matter of fact its probly the safest place to be in the air. I feel like if its your day, IT IS YOUR DAY. Gods calender is pretty legit if you ask me.

K. More driving keshos..so ebu i get some shut eye. Folks have nyamazad sana...Theres too much goin on..
Kui graduating,
Kibet Stonethr- ehem Working..
Chris mourning,
Thomas nashing on the guitar..
Isiaho chillin like a villian,
Charandeep frightfully SILENT,


Baadayes folk. BTw 'case i forget to mention..enjoy the Blogroll on the side...some quality discourse on some Kenyan blogs out there..
.Wonderland here I come.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I'd mentioned a ball earlier in the blogs.
heres me and my date Sony.

And I'm hoping I can get you to see althe pics if I just post my album paage. Lets cross our fingers.try this

Its Over Now

Praise the Lord its over now,

Its funny I didn't think it would be such a big deal getting done with uni. I mean most of my classmates were into the whole lets now get drunk its over thing but i knew that was not my inclination. Anyway this morning I got up bright and early 5:49am to be precise...out of no strength of my own and got a chance to read for my final undergraduate exam. Well I must admit these last three exams have been full of blessings. For every exam I have done God has fully answered the part of my prayer why I say lead me to what i should study because what I placed emphasis on this tiem was what showed up in all three finals. So wow, if you are searching for miracles theres one.

I'm sure you are a tad bit jealous having at least a year to go most of you, so how does it feel. HONESTLY, I was strangely happy when I walked out of the exam room, almost gave my lecturer a big hug! No I wasn't jumping all over the place just quietly contented. Now I think its dawnig on me as I write this that I've actually finished school. I feel old. Not to be a wet blanket on the whole leaving schol thing but wasn't it just yesterday I thought anyone in form 4 was old. Wasn't I just learning the alphabet two years ago? Really I feel like ive grown old without being involved in the process. Won't they start asking where my house is? When is the house warming.....and worse still where is the LUCKY man? I have got to find a way to get back into the education system and be completely lost..........NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I feel like a bird let out of its cage, I can sing I can fly, question is what's the tune and where am Igoing? You know what I don't care because as long as i start I'm sure I'll find a destination.

stay safe.

Let God do His Business

Monday, June 07, 2004

na hiyo..ni maendeleo...

We need more progressive Kenyans( and Americans to report about them) Like Kakenya..even these bits her story(washingtonpost.com) leave no excuse for those Kenyans who come and waste their chances...check out the entire series on her @ www.washingtonpost.com


Hey good people... i trust we all survived the last weekend.

Hey Thomas.. true what noted, we ought to style and get a bit 'noisier'. What exactly is thermodynamics about and what are its practical applications... beside all the assumptions. There was some vibe you chomad about The Matrix... kindly recant- what was the jist of the movie ie the bigger picture. Personally i just saw the stunts and made very little of the message or concepts if any that were being posited by the producers and directors of the flick.
Dennis did you mention that Charlene is graduating? How is that possible? Kwani she;s malizad how many years.AM JEALOUS!!!! I should be done by mid next year and i am in such a rush to get there. I realised last week, that i havent joined any student organisation and my under graduate years are almost coming to an end.. so my most immediate goal is to find some student org. eg SIFE to affiliate myself with.
Dennis, if this rich, sorry WEALTHY boys folks own a myriad of companies that are not on the brink of collapse, then it would be very advisable to suck up to the boy and make his campus experience any better than it already is, with the hope that you will one day get to meet his folks who by that time should have heard of all your excellent skills and attributes SO THAT when Dennis starts looking for a job, he has the benefit of the said WEALTH? Good idea perhaps?? Only if you are the typical Kenya Opportunist, which ofcourse you are!!
Now i need to get back to work. Do enjoy yourselves people and do stay alive!


Friday, June 04, 2004

Don't call this a comeback.....

Mood [ Tired ]
Music [LL cool J: momma said knock you out ]

Sup family....Granted the public demand..It was only natural that I pay tribute to my fans hehe..believe it or not its been a week or maybe more, and it feels good to be back. The feeling that I am accountable to you fellow bloggers is great...Something we are also learning in our HR class..some personalities perform far better in a team than they do alone..I happen to beone of those people. So much has happened where do I begin..I cant taja everything..jus the things that have been wallowing at the cesspool of my mind...

* This week was my first ultra - close encounter with WEALTH. and allow me to make the necessary distinction pointed out by Chris Rock..I don't mean RICHES..I mean WEALTH...the kind that lasts generations; the kind that that cant be lost over a summer with a drug habit or t a careless hand at the stock market; OK Shaquile O'Neal is RICH...but the guy who signs shaqs salary cheque at the end of the season is WEALTHY..comprende???
Heeeneway There is this chap in My HR class who happened to be on my team. We had our presentation last Tuesday, which meant we had to meet the weekend b4 that and get ours shit together...This is me, two other ladies, and the man in question. anyway..this jamaa NEvER shows up to class..so the minute our prof put us into groups me and the other two chics cursed silently that we had a major slacker in our group. Anyway.. The chep insists that we go over to his crib and get the presentation going... to which the chics issue faces of discontent but play along and agree. Anyway..Sunday 2pm we are at the lobby of his appartment building...already we are starting to wonder..this is a nice spot..u know..it already looks pricey..like in the $1500-2000 range for one bedroomed apartments..(folks in Kenya 1can$=60 bob..u do the math..lakini even by our exchange rate..that is not meagre).

So up to the tenth floor we go...and what do u know..the guy was aswatch..so we knock for kidu half an hour and he finally funguas...the chics are exuding some serious negativity about this guy already...there is even talk of ati how we should staki his ass to the prof vile he aint doing jack for our presentation. Anyway in we go and BAM!!!!!! The opulence of this guys spot Smacks us in the face like the humid monsoon winds...ma MA MA
talk about Gisty..this place would be the flosser Jengs Haven...we are talking every imaginable gadget...51+ inch screen TV, crazy Bose sound system, some seriously snazzy leather couches, sweet Mini bar - cleary very affluent taste in decor and technology..Money CaN NOT be an object with the type of stuff in his crib.. I mean everything in there was TOP OF THE LINE.
OK at the time I'm rather unimpressed,, i mean he could've stolen the stuff for all I could know..(kind of made sense since the guy was never in class hehe) lakini that is slowly changing as u sit and listen...we throw questions back and forth...wondering what a 20 year old Lebanese Kid whose been in Canada for not more than a couple of months is doing living this large. His attitude is Nonchalant , calm responses showed no sign of haughtiness or pride..he didn't show off at all really..
Turns out he wasn't linked to any aristocracy in Lebanon...Rather jus an incredibly successful family. Apparently, and he showed no real need to prove this to doubting Thomas' like myself, His family entirely owned the KIWI licenses & manufacturing rights in all of EUROPE & ASIA and Middle EAST. That was just one of the small companies that us bourgeoisie would recognize..there were many more that he cared not to mention. summary: The dude was WEALTHY. You think you know..but you dont know..

I began to realise that i was getting slightly aggravated by the the whole situation..i was puzzled for a bit..but i finally realised why. It wasn't because the dude had 3 unique Sony Eriksson cell phones and I had none.. No was it because he had a computer system dedicated to JUST his wide screen TV. noo it wasn't the fact that this guy had traveled to more countries thatn I have even heard of, nor was it the fact that the punk already had a Canadian passport and had only been in Canada for like 4 months. Nope..not not even that this guy had a life that even I the average,well-off kenyan could not fathom. None of the above.

What bothered me is something that is implicitly understood, but not quite that obvious - that Money/affluence (or huge sums of it) radically changes our perception of people. Sounds like something obvious eh..lakini hee i tell you. You should've seen how these same chics who wanted to rip this guys head off, warm to the idea that this was one wealthy MOFO we had in our hands. You could see how their attitudes changed the more we learnt of his lavish lifestyles..I figured had Peirre(wealthy dude) been the same lazy bastard he was but lived in my apartment..These chics would not even waste their time. It was sick.
I have to admit that even I fell subject to this 'halo effect' , and smacked myself every so often for treating him different coz of his cheese..

*So many of my pals we graduating this year..but it never uite hit me until I saw them in their capping gowns taking the podium to shika their makaratasis.. The pressure to graduate on time is suddenly on like never b4...I was curious as to which of u folks are heading off to grad school when your done...I am certainly beginning to think about it more concretely..
Isiaho what are u Majoring in again??? Wangu habari ya Acturial?? when yall do you graduate?
Kui Hongera mama... graduating ahead of ALL of he pack....mad props..not sure how you managed to pull it off..(pesa zilimwagwa eh) but let me be the first to pat u on the back..graduation is a BIG deal contrary to popular belief.

I've ran ou of steam and havent eaten all dayyyyyy ebu wacha i bail...Hope I'm forgiven for my silence....

More soon.

ule mmoja, ule pekee..

Thursday, June 03, 2004

One down two to go..and i don't mean pints

Hiya people. Wagwanning???? How come no one's blogged for ages? Are we dead? Ok those in Nai I forgive you lakini you should still feel Kidogo guilty but the rest of you with broadband and sijui wireless sijui cable sijui developed world who go to jobo to slug,...ama visit their neighbours to watch sijui soprano's and the soprano watching neighbours....as well as those loungers whose photographic evidence is about to be reposted for effect.........heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee watch yourselves....

Anyway so much for the hating. I've just finished my first of my final undergraduate exams...yipeeee. Thanks for yo'all praying for my ass. I was nervous yaani I don't think i've ever been soo nervous for an exam. Anyway got another one tommorow so I'm still here languishing in the library and on a sugar high. Yeah i went and bought myself a whole bag of pick and mix and I am on another energy level. I hope I don't crush and burn tommorow at my paper.

Whats good...well I corrected the link to my site..still haven't put up anything really meaninigfull but will do in a while.Need to clear these exams first.....

Just wanted to blag and cause controversy..

Chris I wasn't dissin your ass I was asleep, so call me aiiight sooon I miss you.

Thomas pole I really was asleep both times you msned....maisha ni magumu hope to see you soon though

David I'm about ot call your ass so anticipate

Denis .. you know you is a star right?

Kibet...hola at Ses for me

Wangu ...I miss you soo blinkin much and as Denis would say(well not word for word) you better show your ass up or I'll b*!~ slap you!!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The wknd hopin we can chill again......

I've had a mad interesting weekend. I was sooo tired and emotional last week I was fraying on the edges...Don't get me wrong here I was still manicaly happy but I was mad exhausted. Anyway I call my sis and tell her I feel a mess on Saturday and she , bless her cotton socks, came down the very same night. (its out of the way by the way so I@m sppecial you see) Anyway had a great night just chattin winin and dinin...I cooked she brought the bottle. Church Sunday morning, pub lunch with my pint a good movie and then off to my boyz house for a BBQ.(oh the pleasures of Summer). Had the best time there will hook you guys up with pics when I get around to compiling the decent ones..they all were .... anyway Had a real blast. The funny thing about my boyz is that whenever they have something gwan at theres they always invite me and my sis and my friend shiku (you remember shiku karanja right?)and when we get there we are always the only mamas.. So I asked about it lakini I got no reply ...any ideas? Well I'm guessing its coz we are such nice chicks to hang out with. Later went out to this next club Diva the music there is all that. One of my boyz Moses was my official boyfriend to everyone in that toen. I mean for no good reason from the day I met him everyone assumes he's my boyfriend...no why would I have a boyfriend i don't display public affection to... well these peeps have no explaination. So we at the club and he's trying to get some gal to dance with him and she wont I mean none of them would because his supposed girlfriend was there. Anyway since I'm really cramping his pulling powers we decided to break-up for the sake of all the decieved people, however at the afterparty which was at theres some next ol' mama was trying to get a handle on him so he goes you know what my wife's over here...(reffering to me)so I just had to play along all night sadly these other women who we are trying to get to accept that we aint together were at he after-party. What to do? Anyway we broke-up yesterday for goood......or until the next unseeming mama comes his way...Hope he can get a mama before the next time I go over to the boyz house. Otherwise I promised not to dance with him the next time we are out.......

Anyway so much for this I have my first exam on Thursday....you'all best pray for me coz I'm asking you nicely......

Be good have a ball and Let God take care of you.......

p.s I'm shyly givin this away.... my site .....its still in construction phase but David I'll be putting up my poetry so you can check it out ther. Plus I got your phone number will do it justice soon..

Kibet...can't wait to be chompin down that nyama

Chris....missing you say somin

Denis.... like the pics you added...