Man , two days with my aunt and already I feel like a zacks!!! LAAAWd have mercy I dont want to get old and live in the suburbs!!! I feel like I'm in the truman show all over again , only this time I know and theres absolutely NO WAY OUT!!! hehe ok I've ongezad the proverbial chumbvi a bit toooo much..its just that when you get used to the fantastically hedonist life at Montreal..the dead Town miles away doesnt exactly grow on you if ya know what i'm talkin bwaot..
Seeing my lil Cuzos is great though..The lil Muts are convinced ati I'm the Rich cuzo from College with a car(READ: DISCOUNT CAR RENTAL) who they can scam - kids of today I swear..not even wekad both my feet in the door and they want to know what I've brought them from mtl!!! Anyway after all their nagging I decided to surprise them and drive em down to Canadas wonderland..yes I know I'm a sweetheart of a big cousin..So leo theyve been on bestest behaviour , mpaka even offering to serve me, fluff my pillow, the works.. coz its pretty obvious I'm hiding something from them...
I actually dont plan on telling them until we drive up to the place..see how long they'll survive..
Jana i fikad London(ontario) in the cox..Woi word of caution..driving all night is not exactly cracked up to all its supposed to be..I was stuck with my boy Hani who, believe it or not, about as bad as my Dad with his insistence of low volume levels, and expects me to school him on Hip hop. So about half the way to Toronto we are arguing about the volume lol..then I decided I'd rather die for a worthier more noble cause than hearing Talib enunciate 'revolution'. SO anyway I drop off my buddy at hamilton, and then I take the bloody wrong exit and dont relaise for another half hour or so...Get to The city and Bloody Yahoo directions are fucked..(some roads have changed..) so i end up driving around the city for anaa hour or so until its like 7am and I can call my aunt and succumb to the idiocy of asking for directions!! Anyway..thereafter I stop off at a gas station, nunua kadhaa redbulls, only to drive off , get lost again, and then realise the biatch at the counter at the gas station didnt return my debit card. wired on Caffiene, tired as fuck, and aggrevated to the point of contemplating murder..not a good combination i tell you..lets just say it wasnt a pleasant experience reacquanting with the lady over the counter at the gas station.
Leo we did more driving..went to the beach..had a deadly bbq..sun was out, girls were hot and the nyama was checking in like Kobe in the 4th quarter..holy Cow..speaking of which..I missed games 3 and four( i think leo) and couldnt stop thinking about France whopping Englans butt in portugal..lakini sports aint everything!! wacha i enjoy the country side with famo for a while..them come monday I will be back in MTL with a vengeance..
Still searching frantically and in utmost desparation for a flight to Zacks the Master of Conne's might have pulled the ultimate..I might be Jobbing at the NSE(Wangu I am fuataing your tracks..dont falter) ..its still a 'might' considering the cost of flipping Tickets at this point! My friend whose trying to get me a ticket is kidogo concerend that Im willing to fly Ethiopian or Saudi - I assured her that they wouldnt be bombing their own planes hehe..matter of fact its probly the safest place to be in the air. I feel like if its your day, IT IS YOUR DAY. Gods calender is pretty legit if you ask me.
K. More driving ebu i get some shut eye. Folks have nyamazad sana...Theres too much goin on..
Kui graduating,
Kibet Stonethr- ehem Working..
Chris mourning,
Thomas nashing on the guitar..
Isiaho chillin like a villian,
Charandeep frightfully SILENT,
Baadayes folk. BTw 'case i forget to mention..enjoy the Blogroll on the side...some quality discourse on some Kenyan blogs out there..
.Wonderland here I come.
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