Monday, June 07, 2004


Hey good people... i trust we all survived the last weekend.

Hey Thomas.. true what noted, we ought to style and get a bit 'noisier'. What exactly is thermodynamics about and what are its practical applications... beside all the assumptions. There was some vibe you chomad about The Matrix... kindly recant- what was the jist of the movie ie the bigger picture. Personally i just saw the stunts and made very little of the message or concepts if any that were being posited by the producers and directors of the flick.
Dennis did you mention that Charlene is graduating? How is that possible? Kwani she;s malizad how many years.AM JEALOUS!!!! I should be done by mid next year and i am in such a rush to get there. I realised last week, that i havent joined any student organisation and my under graduate years are almost coming to an end.. so my most immediate goal is to find some student org. eg SIFE to affiliate myself with.
Dennis, if this rich, sorry WEALTHY boys folks own a myriad of companies that are not on the brink of collapse, then it would be very advisable to suck up to the boy and make his campus experience any better than it already is, with the hope that you will one day get to meet his folks who by that time should have heard of all your excellent skills and attributes SO THAT when Dennis starts looking for a job, he has the benefit of the said WEALTH? Good idea perhaps?? Only if you are the typical Kenya Opportunist, which ofcourse you are!!
Now i need to get back to work. Do enjoy yourselves people and do stay alive!


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