Sunday, June 20, 2004

WHERE YA'LL @!!!!!!!!

Just got back in town and noticed that Denis has really had his blog ont he last few posts. Where is the rest of this virtually insane world.
Personally I've been taking a well deserved break and getting pampered massaged fed and spoilt in Edinbrugh Scotland. LOVELY PLACE I'd recommend it to anyone serioslu pretty place. For the more cultured among you I haven't seen soo many thearters in such close vicinity from each other. I didn't attend any show or visit any of the historic sites as I was avoiding the downpour half the time I was there so don't ask about those.

So guess what was picked as the theme music for my trip...BOB MARLEY...woud you believe it I was listening to this man there and back. I didn't pick it though my sistter did. I however hogged the walkman the whole time I was there so you can tell who got the most of the theme.

While Denis was busy watching and critizing todays movies I was hopelessly trying to get to see MEAN GIRLS but it wasn't showing. Every single movie at teh theatres there I had seen...'part from harry potter :( anyway all thing considered I don't regret it too much. I'll watch it another day..

Its time I left now though. I believe I've said my piece and made my presence felt in this here blog.

Come on over and blog aiihgt

Let God take care of you

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