Sunday, January 30, 2005
V.I. Travel Guide: Australia(Perth), with Victoria K.
It has come to my attention, that some of you (i won't mention names) have absolutely no idea about Australia, mmmmm what a bloody shame. If I asked one of you what do you think about Aussie, I believe your answers would be as follows: "Kangaroos come from Aussie, si ndiyo?" "Si it's near New Zealand..." So what...Aussie is the home of Kangaroos and its near NZ, and then?
So, I am taking it upon myself to teach you about Oz and Perth. You have to know these things you guys eh? Do you know that ignorance killed the cat...or did it? Wee Kariuki is this the right saying? Kariuki tells me no such saying exists, he says am ignorant...shish... eti ignorant, that word does not exist in my vocabulary.
Anyhoo, let me give you the 411 on Aussie:
Settled in 1788, became a federation in 1901 and a federal constitution was adopted in that same year. So, Aussie is officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is a monarchy, the monarchy being Queen Liz 2. The flag is navy blue on the background and has the British Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross (constellation).
The PM is John Howard, opposition leader as of last week is Kim Beazley. Being a federation, Aussie is divided into 6 states and 2 territories;
State or territory Capital
i) Western Australia(WA) Perth
ii) South Australia(SA) Adelaide
iii) Queensland(QLD) Brisbane
iv) Victoria (VIC) this is true) Melbourne
v) New South Wales(NSW) Sydney
vi) Tasmania(TAS) Hobart
vii) Australian Capital Territory(ACT) Canberra (Oz's Capital City)
viii) Northern Territory(NT) Darwin
Perth, WA...according to Viki
Most beautiful city in Australia. It's a 'multiculural' society (that's what the politicians say)...tumechanganyika hapa kama sisimizi na kwambia- waafrika, waitaliano, waufaransa, wakingereza, kila mtu. Nightlife-if you want to go clubbn, that is if you ever visit this place, go to Safari Bar(owned by a Kenyan and looks like a smalll Carni), Burswood and Harbourside.
If you want to go for a romantic getaway (this is strictly for people with gacungwas or side mbisikits), the best place to go is known as Margaret River-a very sophisticated place, which boasts of wineries, beautiful white sandy beaches, etc, etc.
Now, kama huna mboiflend au ngaoflend or what polite people are likely to say, eti 'if you are unattached', you can go anywhere here in WA-anywhere is good fun. Now I said Perth is behind, that is not so (that was bad publicity). Infact, some guy called Notorious BIG hit here like 3-4 months ago. Now who has ever heard of Notorious, the one you guys know passed...take that! we are sooo ahead, I tell you.
Sasa, mkiulizwa maswali juu ya Aussie, mtajibu taratibu sivyo? I don't want to hear answers like, "that's where Nicole Kidman comes from..." ama "it's that hot place with Aboriginal people."
And if we ever meet don't ask me questions like, "have you ever been to Ramsay Street, where Neighbours is shot?" You will answer that question yourself.
Ok, enough of me and Aussie for now. I think we need more Travel Guides from other parts of the world.
Friday, January 28, 2005
whose bored?i am
Thomas: I think facebook is only for guys in the states.
John Legend has finally fikad Aussie, but only one song, titled,"When i used to love you" or something like that. I only heard it once at 6 am in the morning (now seriously who would be listening to the radio at this time?). So much for being happy that Mr Legend was finally gettn Aussie airplay.
As if bills pockets werent fat enough..
agagolafn(tongue tied)...youll understand why when you read about Microsoft's profits doubling this quarter
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above
O enough banter..prepare to be moved..
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above
Natulenge Juu!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
RE: Mad ancient arts
The chic is do i put this......MMEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
point to note, we may often take this for granted, but do we actually study our texting habits?careful how fast u send your next txt, and to whom! its got me doing a lot of explaining!!
Souls, pliz tell me wats the big deal about this Guevara dude? Been seeing merchandise all over, but when i ask guys, most of the replies go like, "Dude, just thot the t-shirt looks cool".
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
che in the making
soo...ive always known that Che Guevara was some sort of a 'different' kind of revolutionary...and as a student of politics, im embarassed to say that i ahve yet to read his FULL storo...but this movie!!!
WA WA WA !! lets just say that
1. the CHE merchandise will be bought
2. South America is BEAUTIFUL
3. ain't nothing wrong with doing what you believe
if you havent watched it! its about the period in Che's life BEFORE he got involved in political movements, when Che was still thought of as just a regular jamaa who wanted to be a doctor!!
and the cinematography is TO DIE FOR!!!!
Shi mian mai fu
Just watched House of Flying Daggers and was so awestruck by Zhao Xiaoding's (same guy who did Hero) cinematography,there is no surprise behind the Bafta nominations it has recieved.
The best foreign language film snub for the Oscars is another story(shame on you academy!)...Overall the film had me to wondering:
1) China is an incredibly beautiful place..shouldnt it be tourist capital of the world??
2) zhang ziyi of crouching tiger hidden draggon fame is stunning!! there is a heated debate with my buddy if she is the hottest oriental chic that ever walked the planet..if you dont agree maybe you might want to look here, here and here.
2.5) on that note, why do women who kick butt always end up so much more appealing?
3) isnt Kung fu the shiiiit?!!!
4) not to get philosopical or anything..but is true love really about whether or not u will give ur life for them (literally as in die for them or figureatively as in give up all your hopes and dreams through marraige hehe)? the director of this flick has addresed this theme twice (first in Hero). Cant we all jus live happily ever after together???
and most important..
5) What am i doing watching movies on a tuesday night when ive got so much work to do????? (dont answer that please, let me save face)
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
RE: gold fish
how do i get to see these nice gadgets guys be sporting, plus ur more memorable occasions?.....what was i saying?......Mum, you there?
RE: Yo soy caliente!!
Since we talking fantasies, mine was in Spanish class. Twas a scalding day when Spanish was boring. "Hola!....blah blah" went the teacher. The door cracked open.
"Is this the Spanish class?" In the sweetest voice i've heard in soooo long! I turn around slowly, can't lose my cool.
This very preety, african sister of proper proportions checks in. I go like, "WO!", with the sound of horses neighing resounding in my brain box.Get to know she goes by the name Slyvia.
I smile, not too goofy, just like Joey of "How you doin....?" fame.
Fast forward 2 weeks. So we're doing group work in class. Am in this tired group where the chics (was the only guy) are burying their heads in the course text, ok I know, should have been doing the same, but don't they say make learning an adventure?
Pause: Who are "they"?
The lecture,Senorita Rosa, comes over and says that we're too many in our group and she wants someone to move to the other group.@ guesses whose group she's pointing to....Slyvia's!
"Don't panic! Score one for the team!" I tell myself. So i glide over. She looks up from her books, smiles and gestures to the seat next to her. I accept (duh!). Since it's group work, we get to chat a lot. We're supposed to organise a trip, in Spanish. So we chat about it being on the Valz weekend, where to stay.....
Good sign, she's smiling at me like from ear-to-ear, and she's put away her books!so we endelea like that till the end of class. As i get up to leave, i drop my specs, thank her for the enjoyable session, and wish a nice day. I swear she blushed!!!
Next class is 2moro, so we'll how it goes. Mojo don't fail me now!
And I quote
For a guy with nothing to say you sure have outdone yourself. I may not be speaking for the whole of VI but your absence was surely felt.
However, the reason I came in to day was not so much to welcome the prodigal home but to vent about TOOTHPASTE ....I know what is with me and toothpaste anyway.
Anyway, this morning I go into the bathroom to spruce up on my dentures and find we have yet another deviation in the close up range in our bathroom...its is now official that when it comes to toothpaste we are definately consumers...I mean can't we just stick to traditional white colgate?
So I open the blue(somehing good at least blue is my fav colour) close -up I believe extra whitening tub, and onto my toothbrush slides a light blue gel with thousands of dark blue, white and lighter blue speckles(yes Denis I'm sure they must have names like azure or sea blue or whatever...but your the expert here no?) If anyone has seen facial scrubs, exfoliators and the like well thats what it looks like.If you haven't, get a girlfriend or visit the nearest department store.
The whole time I was brushing my teeth I wondered who it was that thought i needed them scrubbed ??????? What happened to bristles and their efficiency??? What is the big deal with toothpaste anyway ??????!!!!!!?????
It really is an insane world...
Monday, January 24, 2005
Kenyan Blogger bandwagon grows..
Laundry room honour
So 10 minutes into the tumbling and drying walks in this jungu chic who can easily fit into this fantasy..but u know me it cool, brush the dirt off my shoulder..haha so she falls right in the nonchalant charm and initiates vibe and before u know it are chatting away. Now she's moving her stuff from the washer to the dryer as we chat, but not paying very much atention to what she's doing...
So just as she's done with her final load, she drops fate would have it, it was one of her of those old abuuused undergarments that all of us undoubtedly have atleast one of. Nothing to be proud of..hehe..lakini this one ai hapana. I didnt have the heart to tell her. Either that or she walked out of the laundry room too fast. I'm thinking she'll be sooo embarassed, and me running to tell her that she dropped one her really really old thongs just seems over the top.
So i decide wacha i let her save face..this way my hopes of a laundry room fantasy stay alive haha..but thing is she'll be back soon as her stuff dries, and it'll appear akward that i didnt notice a ngotha staring me in the face and i was in the room the entire time!!!..shoot so i decide i'll give it like 2 minutes till the room is guaranteed empty then i'll throw it in the dryer for her like nothing happened. The thought alone of anyone (not to mention her!) walking into the room to find me holding a thong is enough to break a cold sweat. I ended up chucking it in the dryer for her in lightning speed.
So i took the higher road, lets just hope karma will smile upon me in my next laundry session.
All corners of the continent
Pay close attention to the subject's eyes: to me they communicate a a strong message of pain and joy, of poverty and wealth, despair and hope, contentment and disdain.
A beautiful visual commentry on the faces of Africa.
What do they say to you?
[ All credit to "Departure Lounge" of flickr for brilliant photography! ]
miss me?
The effect of such a long 'rehab' is that i dont know what to talk about now that i'm lemme stick to the ever-safe 'hali ya hewa'- what is really insane is how unforgiving the weather has been past two days..There's no more room to feel like a ninja and venture outside without headscarf and/or gloves..and i tell you this from experience now that the edges of my ears still hurt from last nights assault. Mpaka ive resorted to heating the crib by cranking up the oven! Ghetto as it may appear, its actually a pretty nifty solution given that i cant control the 'legit' heating system.
The winter does have its benefits...for one I dont have to stop and exchange those meaningless pleasantries with randomn acquantances on campus - a mere nod of acknowledgement suffices! Ive become very tired and cynical of the routine jungu banter in fear of adopting it.
good to be back though..will be blogging you all under the carpet in no time!
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Re: iiiim back & Hawkers
Olympics... (pls keep in mind my firm anti-olympics nairobi 2016 stance) well, i must concede that the publicity aroused by Ayako's announcement must have its advantages and it surely has put us in the map. I'd bet that it doesnt hurt to have our country mentioned in international news every so often... keeping Kenya ringing in people's heads, surely will help when marketing Kenya as a tourist destination and cause quite some curiosity on what we have to offer. On the other hand, it has inspired/ gotten some of us to think about how far away we are, in capacity, from the western or developed countries of the world. We can look forward to the day that we can host the World Cup or Olympics comfortably and work towards it. I must pat the Minister on the back for bringing that dream to the front of our minds... one day it won't sound incredulous... the suggestion that Kenya can host the Olympics. What the heck... we are the future!?
Hawkers... Thomas you are right... there was a time when the hawkers were kicked out of town and sent into alleys/ vichochoros from where they would sell their wares and if they were found selling stuff in CBD, they would be arrested. Actually that is the current status, they are not allowed in the CBD. The Minister ordered them out of the Alleys/Vichochoros (alleys sounds too nice) just the other day and they are now to be relocated to some markets that the Council/Govt is constructing in Ngara and other places. My take on it... i preferred having them in the alleys because then they were easily accessible to the Nairobi Citizenry at any time i.e. after work one was able to walk down the alleys (when the sun is still up) till about 6.30 and buy your tomatoes or your clothes etc. So both the hawkers and the citizenry benefited. I personally pigad laps down the alleys sometimes and i found it pretty safe. The Minister complained about safety but i think if that was the problem then the guy should have gotten his Council Askaris to provide security and further to weka good lighting among other security measures. Anyway, wherever they will be taken, if it is much further out of the CBD, their clientele will drastically reduce and they'l make much less in sales because those customers who would go shopping after work will not be able to get a matatu to Ngara at 5pm to shop then get back to town to board another matatu to take them home. EVen if they wanted to, it would be extrememly hectic because of the 5pm traffic. I fear that the Minister just wanted to feature in the news or become relevant, having lacked any other means of flexing his muscles or looking active and beneficial to the Govt. Just like charlene said 'When the Cats Away': it aint helping in job creation at all!!.
On the other hand, and away from the defeatist doomsday attitude, its about time that we de-clog or decongest the city of nairobi. There's just too much activity in the city which should be spread out to its outskirts. The CBD needs to grow to meet, match and facilitate economic growth. Matatus and buses... something needs to be done about their stages. The streets in my view need to get wider. We need to actually pull some buildings down and start thinking about a plan to make Nairobi a more efficient city. And that can not be done by Musikari (i shouldnt go round naming names, aint wise) that can't be done by the Minister for Local Govt., the Mayor and the Provincial Commissioner alone. Some sort of commission should be constituted to work out a major plan about how our CBD transport infrastructure should look like, where we want to have our markets, how much office/housing space we want to allocate to the CBD, etc. So maybe the Minister has his head looking in the right direction, just needs more top notch Govt croonies to join him.
Dear Administrators... i noticed a 'tag' feature the other day. Kindly fafanua how it works
Friday, January 21, 2005
so heres my rant. Ok just a few things that have been bothering me since I came home in order of their impotance
1. Why does colgate herbal look and taste like awuafresh herbal?
2. Why does colgate (the read one I think fresh breath) look and taste like Close Up?
3. Why are the nimechill adverts so unappealing compared to trust ones?
4. Why are most Kenyan chicks I've met soo protective of their men. What am I missing here?
5. Why are we kicking Hawkers of the street when Kibaki clearly said everyone should work and the 40 000 or so jobs have not been created?
6. What is the big deal with KERORO??
7. Why are Kenyan shoppers made to feel apologetic and like thieves when they attempt to purchase anything over a few thousand shillings?
8. Why are some Matatu's just labelled 'mini hengs' some of those long rides home from tao feel like I've been in da club!!!
9. Whats with prosecuting a journalist if we have right to free speech???(on that note soo glad that case is out tha door)
10. Whats with soo many africans dying all over the place in internal clashes and the rest of the world pretending its not a biig deal?
11. Why is it easier to ask WHO'S FARTED in the company of people I don't know ?
12. Why do people cringe when I announce I'm takinig a nature call??? Don't we all???
When I remember the rest I'll get back to you....
was jus thinking the other day wea that word came from...hawkers. My knowledge of a hawk is a predatory bird with superior hunt&kill skills,like lightening coming in for the kill. Before u know it,it's made of with that piece of chicken you were raising to ur gaping mouth...quite a common feature at Kenyan weddings!
Hawkers in the CBD operate in much the same way. The appear out of nowhere and pester u to buy their goods.The particularly aggresive ones are those on the highways. They strike at peak traffic hours,during jams. And many a motorist have lost their belongings to these wolves in sheep wear.
Ours are the only hawkers in the world who demand it as their right to sell their wares in the city centre. Do you know anywhere else that this happens? I support the government in their decision to relocate these guys out of town. It may seem cruel, but thats the only way. My opinion was cemented when i saw a very funny incident. Was walking down Tom Mboya St near Afya house (i dont advise it, that place is a war zone with muggers lurking). A bus was negotiating the corner to get into the bus park. Now knowing such large vehicles they need to be given room to do this. As the driver was swinging out as is necessary, some women selling tomatoes and stuff started screaming as they jumped out of the way. They then pelted the bus with the tomatoes while hurling unprintables in vernacular. Note, they had laid their tomatoes on the road.
What you guys think?
Thursday, January 20, 2005
write.... i have absolutely no incentive to get any of them off my desk.
Its that time of the year i.e. the END of the month of JANUARY. It surely
doesnt get worse. To make my incentive even less, our accountant decides
to bail and leaves his office in a mess, which office i must organise and
get running before his replacement checks in. Anyway... this is not the
forum to rumble. Lets talk Kenya.
The Planning Minister was the guest on Talkline on KTN yesterday and it
was quite an enlightening and interesting show. The week earlier, Louis
had interviewed Musikari Kombo and i wrote the Minister off. The guys
conceded with no sense of remorse that the City Council is bila records
for auditors- internal or external to prepare any sort of balance sheet
or profit/loss statement and Kombo didnt have any serious strategy. It
was depressing. So last night when Anyang Nyongo, the Full Proff! was
hosted by Luois, the Government came out standing head high. He had
concrete solutions (well convincing would be the better adjective) and he
had full grasp of various developmental projects that the country has
going on right now. He vibed us bout donor programs, absorption capacity
of the country of donor funds, Millenium Development Goals, the works. I
was pretty impressed, actually saw a future for the country. The thing
that jazzed me most was his closing remark that Kenyans should quit this
Doomsday attitude that they have ati our economy is sinking lower and
lower as if the world would end in Kenya only! He challenged us to get up
and start working even harder for the benefit of our children, in the
even that the fruits of our labour take that long. Pretty encouraging
show it was!
Now, its finally 4pm and i need to drag myself to campus. Wish there was
a payroll for attending classes!
Do have an inspired week... but i still dont think i want the olympics in
Kenya :)
Kibet Chebii
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Nairobi Olympics 2016.... my foot!
I must apologise profusely for shoving my foot right smack in the middle of the lofty dreams but i think it is just wicked, evil and conceited to even dream that we could afford to host the Olympics 2016. The country just has too many other more important matters (of life and death to the poorer citizenry) to concern itself with. The gov. is grappling with the task of raising funds to fund the expansion of our primary schools to accomodate the influx of students who took up the offer for free education... lets put aside some funds there.
Next, the gov. has to contend with Ngilu's health scheme that will take money from the rich to fund the provision of free healthcare to the poorer populace. For this, the gov has to undertake a serious re-evaluation of the quality of healthcare that we the kenyan populace deserve at an equal platform for the rich and poor alike and this will involve serious chums to upgrade all the district and provincial hospitals and even involve the building of new hospitals to cater for the influx of persons who will take up the free health care. Modern equipment will need to be bought for every provincial hospital to cater for serious health conditions eg. heart, lung, kidney ailmnts. Lets allocate some money there.
Next, the Nairobi City Council, which collects millions of shillings on a daily basis cannot afford to pay their staff's salaries for three months and all pending bills outstanding to suppliers of the council have been halted to enable it accumulate chums to pay the staff salaries and arrears. The situation is the same in Kisumu. Musikari Kombo tells us that the councils have no records with which to carry out any audits- internal or external; no profit and loss statement or any other sort of balance sheet or accounts can be prepared because of the jungle management of the council. So.... the govt must put in funds to undertake a radical surgery of the local administration in the country.
The list of concerns for the NARC government could go on and on and on. But more importantly is that the hosting of the Olympics involves billions of US Dollars and given that US$ 1B is equivalent to kiddo KShs. 80B and further given that our GDP (2003) was a humble US$ 13,842 as compared to Australia’s US$ 518,000 and Greece’s US$ 173,000, I doubt we shall be in the race. The IMF and World Bank would take a hike! See Worldbank statistics
Anyway… I have this feeling that our Minister for Sports had taken to much coffee in the January heat when he made the visionary statement!
Monday, January 17, 2005
Caught up in a whirlwind
I will every once in a while pop by to check if atleast VI still has a pulse - I'm hoping the 19 (yikes..first time i made a head count!) other contributors will do Virtual insanity justice. I feel like ive been suffocating the forum with MY opinion..consequently suppressing VI's ability to evolve naturally. Its time for new voices to speak up and contribute.
for the first week I'm cutting down on VI cold turkey style: I will not visit the blog even once for 7 days. See you when i get back form 'REHAB'. much love.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
I'm a C.O.P..u?
To steal from one of the comments on the thread..I feel it is all in the power of the mind. I initally began thinking - bottom line it is what your mind convinces you that you are willing to live with...All this sound like gibberish? read the damn link aready!
And dont be ashamed to comment your choice and reasoning.
Friday, January 14, 2005
call me conservative...
I am caught between having to empathise/sympathise with one of the managers whove been charged by the gvt - whom i know through like two close degrees of separation(He's the brother to the friend of my brother) - and having my opinion on the whole incident persist.
Let the law decide his fate, meanwhile i will continue to beg to disagree with bankelele's take on the Carnivore case. (who ,I might add, is blogging up a storm and singlehandedly making we "team" bloggers look pretty bad)
I was quick to suggest litigation in my earlier posts , based upon accounts from kids who were at the event. I mean if a tent colapses(within the carnivore) , clearly adequate was not adequate enough. Keep in mind it could have been ALOT worse with the same set of conditions, mpaka i think they were lucky.
Harsh as it may the hosts of the event, they must bear the final brunt, even if it means serving as an example. The cops and any independent security should be handled kando. I do agree though that some sort of policy has to be in place to prevent the systemic causes of this tragedy from ever happening again. Somethings gotta give..
what if...olympics 2016
what if this bid is the Smartest urban management tactic that ochilo and his buddies are pulling?
imagine if kenya actually went ahead and put into place all the wheels to improve our current infrastructure so that we could host the olympics with some ounce of decency?
Fix the roads... fix up the least create some form of subsidized stock housing, so that when the international press is wandering round nairobi...they dont focus on the slums and the parts of kenya that we ought to be ashamed of.
they may even decide to flush the toilets in nyayo stadium and use harpic to make it smell nice.
RESULT...the Green City in the Sun is BACK!!
and not just for nairobi...imagine if this could happen in many of the surrounding cities/ towns!!
even if we lost the bid...think how different a nairobi we would have. think about the scores of revenue that could come to the kenya because of this infrasturcture that is there..just waiting to be used.
and since people will have stopped complaining about how bad nairobi looks, then we can all seriously focus on economic issues, poverty, unemployment and education issues!
i think it could wrk...stilll havent figured out where the $$ will come frm to do all this...but id be interested to watch this one unfold.
Olympics, '16 remains to be seen.....
Thursday, January 13, 2005
patently open source
I felt the news of IBM going Patently Open Source was one of thosse pieces of news that blow up in the news in about 1980 of Bill convincing IBM to retain rights to MS-DOS. We all know where that ended up.
So why do i feel it is so ground breaking..well, IBM releasing 500 of its patents is like Coke releasing like 2(out of who knows how many) ingredients/portions of its syrup! I mean they both rely on both means of intellectual property protection to make the billions that they do. IBM generated about $1 bill last year in revenues from licensing their patents. These guys are a patent factory..forget all the Computer services and consultancy mumbo jumbo. The article explains it very well, i suggest you edify yourelves..
The key arguments are:
- do software patents encourage innovation due to the huge economic value they bring through licensing?
-or do software patents suffocate innovation, by roadblocking the open source development drive?
So how will it affect you? Dont know yet, just certain that community centered develoment will prevail over a purely economically driven maendeleos. Pharmacuetical companies pay cloose attention - you are next to be hit with the open souce tsunami!
Way To make Those Shillings
So for all ya'll with strange but beautiful (may be embarassing) skills get rich and pay me for turning you on to this.
Strange bedfellows indeeeed
I suggest u get a cup of java, snuggle up, read this without the boss over the shoulder...Its is just the way i like female legs - long and revealing.
Someone needs to make a movie out of this!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Wheres that silver lining?
I watcehd hotel rwanda yesternight - and believe the hype: you will be moved. This film uncovers that lingering suspicion of the low regard in which African lives are held by the rest of the world. I dont want to begin pointing fingers 11 years down the line..its a bit late for that, but at a time when there is this HUGE overwhelming support for the tsunami victims(approriately so), 911 victims,etc , it sorta lends to the question - Is one Human life worth more than the next? we get the short end of the stick each time. Darfur? how many people are even aware of whats going on, or how many people have died there?
OK so i am pointing a finger. Movies like these, at the very least, are a long winded attempt to raise major awareness on issues that were PURPOSELY forgotten by the media. Journalists need to become a lot more courageous and aware of the magnitude of impact they leave when choosing what (not)to report . And Koffi Anan needs to get more shit about his lassaiz-faire(sp) approach to his duties as the key decision maker then.
so again, Is one Human life worth more than the next? In however many directions you argue this, i will invariably insist that the answer is NO . None is worth more than the other. But i welcome the argument.
what makes us more sympathetic/empathetic to some tragedies than the others. They both boil down to loss of life no? Does it have something to do with The cause of the tragedy? Can we bridge this huge disconnect between Individuals in the West and the stereotypical, 'helpless' African?
For Shiku you aren't as old as it sounds..Kip it you ng and happening
JOY.....get your ass a man and SETTLE DOWN...You know I'm playing. But like I said before there doesn't need to be a rush in that direction just coz you're 22. Did you hear just how YOUNG that sounds. Let me say it again... 22 ...
Glad to Be Kenyan!!
Have a thankful day now..
P.S I haven't actually watched the movie as its not out in Kenya yet. You Canadians/American (and no I'm not making you cousins just your physical locations) how was it. Is it as thought provocking as it looks? Worth my 200 bob at 20th????
Monday, January 10, 2005
The kenyan blogs keep on comin..
The days of "nick-beggings" , while fondly remmebered, are over..Found it interesting thought i should share things that go bump in the night.
The box..
Just thought i should put this comes as a bit of a awakening for me..Ive frequently used the phrase "think outside the box", but it only really occured a few minutes ago that the biggest task here is in determining what those boxes are in the first place. I also realise boxes are not static and standard rather diverse and differ from person to person. FInd thos eboxes my friends.. and you have the key to success!!! When they say knowledge of self is liberating, whoever the hell 'they' referes to, they may be on to something!
I am training myself to think outside the box. I have been practising this new mantra that nothing is impossible when dealing with people. I try use it in every context, but mostly when im in trouble and have to beg for something hehe. but i digress..If only i could remember in time to use in in other situations..tkae for example a few minutes ago.
Starving. havent had anything to eat all day. Come out of that loooong 3 hour class and all i can think is foood. every but cafeteria on campo's i know where im going. Guess what theres nothing to eat, except for some old shrivvelled up gslices of greek pizza. I mean the pizza looks like Abraham baked it. but zi Me i'm ready. so I go ahead and buy it. it wasnt as bad as expected.
10 minutes down the line, my nothing is impossible mantra is stirring at the back of my mind..and i'm thinking..shooooot. I couldve got that and more pizza for free! They throw the stuff out anyway, and they were closing, AND the tired lady at the counter didnt appear like a nazi to me. Whats the moral of the sotry here..? that i'm a cheap bastard? noooo... its the BOX! I was confined to thinking that the rules and regulations stipulate theres NO way around old terrible looking pizza (that infact they should be paying ME to eat it). Where does knowledge of self come in? I find i have avery passive approach to such scenarios when im hungry! I can relate this confinement of thinking to so many other situations ive been in its not even funny. So thats one box..
Ive found majority of the successful people i know(and i hope to be one of them soon hehe) APPROACHING things with this mindset are far better off than those who use it as a contingency.
Song quote of the day:
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Bob - Redemption Song
Just a thought.
what 1000bob can buy in Kenya
Nothing moves me
No unlike Denis I don't admit to being turned on by powerful women, of sexy laptops one because powerful women don't have that effect on me and two well ok I must admit sexy gadgets do it for me but not to the cataclysmic propotions that they do him...
Mostly its been personally challenging to me. Reading all these tid bits of info from the news Denis shoves down our throats( I enjoy reading them by the way so keep it comin) Reading all your thoughts on literature, life and all has made me look myself in the eye. And reflect on what my life is about. The Obama article esp(k I admit it revved me up some..powerful men...???? well actually its the man on a mission thing that gets me) got me thinking quite a bit about the reality of my destiny being my own. I have to admit to having given up on some plans or dreams and ambitions that actually meant a bit to me... some are beyond my reach because of financial constaints like taking a holiday abroad this summer but most i could have done a thing or two about. Well the regret of having pushed aside a few things while in uni made me push a lot for my working life conditions etc.. however reading the article reawakened many sleeping giants. I want change but sometimes I don't push for it as much as I should. Ok so I'm going back to school this week to study and improve my marketability, but it took ma reminder from my mom. I should grasp things more firmly. esp things I consider my own.. Like how I've been putting of my proposal for a pay rise coz I just don't want to face the politics involved but hey thanks VI here goes it.. and this tsunami relief thing I'm going to fight till I know i"m beaten until then ..
I mean i've finally gotten around to regular exercise (touch wood) growing my nails, my hair...proactively sorting stuff out at work and yes going back to school even if it meant facing work politics again. And another shot at a non compromisory lifestyle.. And you know what it feels great... So now i"m after the big fish all thanks to the VI gang. I knew you guys were good for something...
And Deno, yaani the whole new look so challenged me I'm getting me a whole new look too.But I be jealous if you know what I mean... ooops should i have tagged that??? my bad
Sunday, January 09, 2005
the great black hope
Newsweeks pieceon him reiterates only how steadily his popularity is increasing - my only hope is that it doesnt work against him...
However premature it sounds, I would support him for the 208 ticket wholeheartedly.
His wife sounds like such a dominatrix!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Grungy new look
So what was i thinking????? well vile Kenya's dusty and all, i thought White was not truly representative something more palpable and that resembles myself - simple, ruff, rugged looking and scares the women away(atleastof recently!). I did get a haircut btw for those who'll be lucky enough to get a peek at me sometime soon.
I also found that with blogging going mainstream at such a unrelenting pace, many of the blogs look erringly simalar(all use the same kawa template..). So in michaelangelo like fashion think of this as a renneissance to blogging of the old..
Ive found since we inducted the new team members a lot of inside connecting has been going on..(I seem to be the only one who hasnt been given a long dist call (sniff sniff) in that spirit, I ongezad a TAG BOARD , that should funtion as a quick- post notice board-ish lil ninio that we can all use to have our own lil (not so) private go ahead and check it out on the ABOUT page(use the menu annd get used to it!).
Coming SOOOON, for all you other fellow news junkies is what i like to call the feedroom, which will a neat lil room where all the news will come to YOU..rather than u fetching that space..ahh the wonders of RSS. Tell me the sorta news that you read on the regular and i will try see if they have feeds for them..(forget about Nation and standard...mpaka ive emailed the bloody managing editor on convergence of media - fruitlessly needless to say - no official office responds to email in that country!)
If u have any ideas..ebu shout them out!
so there is hope after all...
Secondly, i was rather impressed with her HP's strategy for their stake in tech - an exceprt of her speech at the ongoing CES conference:
"She added: "The real story of the digital revolution is not just new products, but the millions of experiences made possible and stories that millions can tell."
Part of giving people more control has been about the freeing up of content, such as images, video and music."
So here is Ms Neo sayingMore power to the people , freeing us from the matrix of Digital Rights Management from Mr gates and company.(and to think they were hosted in the same conference! hmph)
THe brilliance in their strategy is in the fog of HOW exactly HP intends to make money by freeing up content and by making us the center of technology...this woman must have something under her sleeve better yet under her blouse...(hmm something about women,technology , power that just does it for me..sorry)
Friday, January 07, 2005
uncouth part2
and this article is an example of EXACTLY why Kenya is not going to advance as fast as other nations..and why, developmentally, we will take eons to get anywhere.
first of all...i cant even believe that this guy actually sat down to write this! i mean i know that there is always some form of animosity between those who have left the country..for whatever reason and those who stayed at home...but to relegate those abroad to a 'non-kenyan' status...thats abit harsh, and quite regressive if you ask me.
now...maybe im talking like this coz if i dont go home in the next 4-5 years...somebody may categorize me in the same way okungu did the KCA people, but i dont get why EVERYOTHER country has no beef with their fellow citizens being at home or long as they dont forget where they are frm. i had come across some forums and message boards where there was clear beef between kenyans at home and those abroad, but i had never taken it me, it was just ignorant banter between groups of extremely bored individuals...but this article makes me think that this problem is so much deeper than i thought it was.
For those of you who are at this REALLY what people think of Kenyans abroad?
when we take on the attitude that kenyans are only kenyans if they have lived in we destroy the entire concept and impact of a diaspora.
two: you will lose CRITICAL support. i mean why lie..its people like these ones in KCA who are in the best position to bring in some foreign currency, solely because they identify with the land where they were raised...
With all due respect for the founders of Kenya Community Abroad, there is not much you can do to help Kenya as Kenyans, because you are not Kenyans.
But we are ready to welcome you home as our distant cousins and foreign benefactors for our poor villages, just like any missionary white American from Nebraska or Colorado.
Welcome home!
three: we ignore sooo many circumstances that have led to kenyans being abroad adn staying abroad...dual citizenship issues, exile issues.,...
How can we literally categorize who or what is a kenyan?And if those who are in the diaspora are not Kenyans...and are merely 'benefactors' or missionary white Americans (k! how IG'NANT is that)....then where do they belong? do they lose citizenship/ nationality?
Heres another response to Okungus article...maoniz?
I'm sure you've had loads of replies to your piteous cry for equality with the brain drain crew. You certainly have a point about foreign benefactors; Kenya is only one of many African countries with a major source of foreign exchange in its diaspora. However, with regard to your upset with erstwhile Kenyans who left and have not returned, now being in their 60's - do you mean to condemn us all to their fate? The almost brain dead functionaries of the Ministry of Planning and National Development will doubless consider themselves vindicated by your lining up with them, displaying the same kind of mental processes.
The exigencies of higher education in Kenya being what they are, I was 27 by the time I was able to leave the country to get the training I needed to do my work, to open my cartoon studio in Kenya; my life carried on regardless, and now I have a child to think of. I am 30 now, halfway through my training, and at just the delicate moment you identified. I have carefully chosen a mate who would be happy to move to Kenya with me - but how will we manage, in the end, if you guys don't let Britons hold dual citizenship with Kenya? Are our families to come home on 3 month visitors' visas, renewable 3 times? Is someone who grew up in the UK to consider holding different citizenship with her mother because you champion narrow mindedness? Be sensible - that kind of thinking kept one generation outside your borders, at least learn from it!
It is fatal to back yourself into a corner - to claim that to be a Kenyan you must meet some standard of suffering, or be able to influence the world on Kenya's behalf. In fact the suffering faced down by the black emigrant to a white man's world is likely to cause him or her to value the home country far more than anything Moi and his ilk could bring to bear.
Don't imagine that because we managed to move to the West we must be Supermen and Women, we're just ordinary people trying to get the best out of life like any Kenyan!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Kenya's spoilt exiles have nothing to give this country
It left me with sorta a bitter taste in the mouth..thought i should share it even before my opinions settle. GUy sounds like he sucked anaa souuur lemn for a couple of hours..
Here's an exceprt of one reasonable reply to it by some kenyan chap in sweden: if u want to read the rest of it email me...
Stockholm: January 5 2005
>By Okoth Osewe
The savage attack on Kenyans abroad by Jerry Okungu in his January
5th commentary in The East African Standard newspaper needs a quick
reply. Although the writer raised some very legitimate points especially on
his characterization of Kenyans abroad into three major categories, he
messed up his commentary by unskillfully meandering into the un-chattered
waters as to why many Kenyans abroad have been reluctant in abandoning their
foreign bases to return home.
Crazy how all of a sudden eeeveryone got swallowed by their respective worlds... me included.
Tremendously busy(last semseter and all) , but i decided to grab 2005 by the balls and say BRING IT....Which is why i'm finding time out of nowhere to splatter my thoughtlesness into webspace leo..
This being last sem..I have been inundated with thoughts of What next what next what bloody next. Its like no one knows what else to say to graduating folks like myself. I usually start a long winded schpiel which doesnt quite answer the question, and usually that is a good filter for the people who actually care, becuase they will prod me with questions and all if they really are.
I found a hilarious blog the other day that i should share..authored by a waiter in New york, im sure mtapenda..can you say 'book deal'?
Natizzo?Hizo picha niaje bana.. Thomas? hali ya mwaka mpya?
Its my favourite part of my house, right up there on my list along with my bed,
Looking at the trees, the grass the view of south B and in the distance my workplace ,Parkside towers when it hit me that was my balcony on the other side of the flat, I would have been looking into a slum, soo funny how in Kenya at least wealth and adept poverty are juxtaposed.
Made me think a little more at how opposite things are in life. I have been rallying for my company to do a fund raise for the tsunami victims and since we are getting our bonuses this month I thought you know people might be easier to sway . I infact insisted we find another way to raise money instead of diggin into our pockets. I got some response and more silince. The funny thing is that the response I got was from the not so well off (lower paid) people in the firm offering to slash their bonus' while those taking home major cheddar and driving the cars even avoid talking to me.
I've managed to put on some weight which I am now working on (yes people I am actually jogging and doing exercise...learning yoga(loadsa fun esp because I get into the pre exercise relaxation positions and never wanna leave it feels like a soothing massage) any way since i'm not advocating for all you to join yoga lemmi move on. Anyway as I was saying as a result of my weight watching I'm now hungry and I mean really really really hungry I'm eating 24/7 this what is supposed to help me cut down???? hmmmmm
I like to sleep but nowaday i find that sleeping moore than what has become my customary 5 hours a night max 6 is causing me headaches and making me even more tired...
And finally now that I'm in a new year shouldn't I be resolving to do new htings?? I find I want to keep what I've been doing in the last year it was great 2004 (on a personall level) .....
Many thanks Vicky for calling me all the way from Australia don't be shy to call again I am not as bad as I sound on the phone, ask Thomas first time he called me he had second, third and i think another number of thoughts before calling me again... (twas a hectic day at work really that one)
Ok People lets blog and Chris, Angie and Denis ... good luck with your final sem.. I demand invites to all your graduations...!!!
Monday, January 03, 2005
im heading back to canada tonite.
its been a wonderful christmas break....WARM adn FUN and good family time too.
i hope and pray that you all had a good time, and that you were able to rest.
and may 2005 be a year full of promises and many-a- blog...
blessings always
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Another reason I'm glad to be a last born..
And yes, for those of you who didnt knoew.. i am a news Junkie...
Economic Hope?
For prospective entrepreneurs, this I would imagine from my econ 101 would be great news in terms of bringing a few steps closer a larger market with disposable income than was reachable prior to the accord.
My fear is that this will not be realised until each of the countries internally rid their systems of the beauracracies and status quo's that are already rampant in their havoc trail. I also feel that strong cultural forces( the tribal demarcations that have plagued Kenya itself) will serve as a blockade to the road to EAC fruition.
Then again mimi ni mtoto wa 'Nyayo era', completely unaware of the functioning of the previous East African Community. My instincts tell me that more than political decay caused the accord to crumble..GHC specialists care to comment? THis wasnt always my forte. Hopefully we wont let history repeat itself.
I think we should pace ourselves in our pro-capitalist models, by focusing more and a robust, safe framework (Canada vs the US) that evades the oh so common, tragedy of the commons. (Thanks Kibet..I feel a lot smarter after reading it.)
Saturday, January 01, 2005
progressive or coup-de-tat?
Check out Angie's baby -
I was super impressed..has a very classy feel to it hongera.
lets hope she'll still have time for lil' ol us!
Hope the rest of you are insipred! happy 2k5!