Friday, December 10, 2004

irony of it all..

AIDS...guess which continent holds 2/3's of the AIDS guessed it!..and do you know that drugs or vaccines developed to treat HIV strains in the northern hemisphere probably wouldn't work for those in sub-saharah African, due to the differing strains? about trying to help your fellow man. But that's a while other issue on its own.

I've come to the conclusion that we are deliberately trying to wipe ourselves out of this beautiful green earth of ours. You know about the greenhouse effect and the gapping holes in the ozone layer, right? (indulge me for a sec) Well, question, if you knew that the city you lived every so often fell under this free access to UV radition, would you (a) try catch that fashionable tan, not that most of us need it anyway, or (b) try protect yourself from getting skin cancer?
..... maybe the answer's not as straight forward as you'd think ......

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