Wednesday, December 08, 2004

sleeping giant waking?

Being a tech news junkie and getting more and more hits thanks to the beauty of this nifty not so new thing called
, i read about this
Chinese firm buying IBM PC business, and i couldnt help but think LOOKOUT , 21st centurey superpower coming!

With all the news of their insane growth rates of the middle income demographic, unparalleed rate of urbanisation, source of cheap overflowing labour, and large percentage of the educated being technically empowered (think of all the Asians in computer electrical and software Engineering) - it seems to me, simplistic as it may, that it is only a matter of time before the americans get beat at their own game of capitalism. How long..well now we would need the economists here to break that one down..but being the techie, when a Chinese company buys out a company that invented the PC market, this is a sign of greater things to come.

ha i cannot but help remember that Wangu was learning Chinese at some point..and when asked what the hell she was doing, she quiped(keep in mind this is several years about foresight!!)
"China are the next world superpower..I'm getting prepared"

She may be on to something!!!

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