Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Wheres that silver lining?

I had a horrible day. For me horrible is when i get home and feel a hollow exhaustion, leaving me no way of measuring whether anything I did throughout the day succeeded in the grande scheme of things. aah the uncertainties of life. And im starting to feel like most people you think are freinds will sell you out when you least expect it..but thats another story for another day.

I watcehd hotel rwanda yesternight - and believe the hype: you will be moved. This film uncovers that lingering suspicion of the low regard in which African lives are held by the rest of the world. I dont want to begin pointing fingers 11 years down the line..its a bit late for that, but at a time when there is this HUGE overwhelming support for the tsunami victims(approriately so), 911 victims,etc , it sorta lends to the question - Is one Human life worth more than the next? we get the short end of the stick each time. Darfur? how many people are even aware of whats going on, or how many people have died there?

OK so i am pointing a finger. Movies like these, at the very least, are a long winded attempt to raise major awareness on issues that were PURPOSELY forgotten by the media. Journalists need to become a lot more courageous and aware of the magnitude of impact they leave when choosing what (not)to report . And Koffi Anan needs to get more shit about his lassaiz-faire(sp) approach to his duties as the key decision maker then.

so again, Is one Human life worth more than the next? In however many directions you argue this, i will invariably insist that the answer is NO . None is worth more than the other. But i welcome the argument.

what makes us more sympathetic/empathetic to some tragedies than the others. They both boil down to loss of life no? Does it have something to do with The cause of the tragedy? Can we bridge this huge disconnect between Individuals in the West and the stereotypical, 'helpless' African?

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