Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Am i cool or am I coool

ok ok..I could not resist the urge to floss juuuust a lil bit....this is Gmail people...it is in Beta testing..in simple non techie language..that means only the cool people get it first to get a taste before the masses are allowed to flock in...right now theres only 2 types of people...those with Gmail accounts and those without....Where do you belong muhahaahahhaa...it feels great to be in an exclusive group no lie..this is no thrid Reich..just a gmail account. I feel like one of those silly kids with an ipod aki...this is bragging rights for atleast a week before google take over the world!!

SO whats the big deal with this anyway..why is this kid so excited. Well i'll take the liberty of filling you in incase you werent alreayd aware. Google, my friends, the search engine geniuses, jus made anodther great leap. The apparent April's folols Joke was quite real - they were indeed offereng a free email service with 1Gb of service to rival the existing yahoo's and Hotmails of the industry. Thas like 250 times more storage than any of their rivals offer for free. THis is basically free data storage . Google have made in my opinion a significant step towards the impening war against microsoft. A war for Data. A war of mass numbers and traffic that they are currently winning. They are taking over the desktop as the conventianal platform for organisation of Data. THere has to be a catch your thinking..well sorta.
Wthin the service, emails will contain unobstrusive content based ads ..sort of like they with their ad-sense program. Not too much to ask for something free..

Anyway I'm off tangent...bottom line.. I'm cool and your not..haha
Though i think you will all recieve one shortly just by the virtue of being an active blogger..

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