Monday, April 05, 2004


Bad habits are hard to kill I tell U..It is 3 am already and still wide awake..(great improvement from 830 am yesterday)..Well not just wide awake..quite industrious actually..and that is exaclty the problem..I am beginning to find beyond regular school work, I have gradually degenerated into an information junkie...hours and hours reading /learning stuff on the web are my daily hits and I am hooked I tell u -
or is it Hard habits are Bad to kill...On weekends I have found I get most work done in the wee hours of the morning - well maybe coz I am asleep for most of the other hours haha..

2 weeks to exams though..things gotta start changing..need to get back into form if I want to stand a chance for those killers come the week of the 19th. Still cant believe it is Already April!! What's even harder to believe is that it snowed today!!!!! Alas I can surmise that God does have a sense of humour...

I think I will call it a day now before I get another craving.....Later folks..

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