Sunday, May 23, 2004


Damn I think these last few hours have been Godsent bana..Just when I was having doubts and generally bila psyke about coming home this summer.. MAAAAD PROps to OYUNGA PALA..his article on Man Talk - Peculiar habits of Kenyans has reached classical status in my books.. so much so I have began packing a month in advance -

*THought you might be interested to know that I just took my garbage out..and LAWdy was that a job and a half..It was biohazard in my crib lately....some Vitunguu's I had left in my cupboard since Lord Knows when had reincarnated into something not so nice...mpaka the yellow rubber cloves had to be pulled out. Then I have this other habit of wekaing my fruits right in the back in my fridge(i like the cold Dammit!!) - Lo and behold..Leo as I am doing 'spring cleaning' I found what appeared to be a pear...Auwii i thought the thing would jump out and attack me...But *sigh* all is well, all is well. Most importantly..the Krib is safi. And I'm on a mission..I'll be doing Dirisha's - which to be totally honest..I have NEVER done....should be interesting hehe.

Ok . so I have to admit..I have been reading too much of pulse lately.. LEo I slapped myself before i finished reading this silly article on PREzzo of the(damn i laugh everytime i say this hehe) Cash money Brothers which, since i am so ashamed of reading, will not even care to proliferate. I mean dont get me wrong.. I love Wayua Muli..been reading her stuff since High school..but who the F*&# cares about Prezzo's bling..I think what really bugs is first..these guys try too hard. But such coverage is slowly going grow into Tabliod culture, something I wouldnt want our media to be a part of.(and neither would many of our tum local Celebs I'm sure).

DENO is out!

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