Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Nairobbery: Day 5

1) the web is painfully slow here..The pain is fromm pulling my hair out and considering stabbing myself severally wtih a pencil...whats worse..I'm the only one who seems to mind..oh if i could open your eyes ye blind ones;

2) politics is TRAGIC COMEDY in Kenya. I leave the 9pm news each day with about as much disgust as watching fahrenheit 911. It hard to believe ANYONE takes these scumsucking villans seriously.

3) Work is interesting. 98% of my day is spent learning the loopholes of the nairobi Stock Exchange trading system. The 2 % is when I'm falling asleep after lunch.

4) Celebrity mania has reached new heights in this city: I'm not angry. its just a change of venue for more thugs from the street to the studio. A very thin silver lining , i know.

5) I see investment busniess opporunities everywhere i go. I mean everywhere. I am venturing big time into sky-castle-building real estate. until i get the money that is..any venture capitalists out there.. give me a hollaaaa it is 0720 490616(EDIT)..i think...sucks i got the phone jana.

6) the weather, the weather rocks. pics coming soon.

7) I met Mrs Dorothy at sarit Uchumi hyper recently..Damn the woman is still looking good..some lucky bastard that husband is. She's got two beutiful daughters and is teaching at Brayside. Seems the pastures have been very green there hehe..

Ok i must get out of this cave we call the IT office and buy a basketball. I'm feeling like mike.

Those of you reading this in Kenya..PLEASE GIVE ME a CALL.

One love.

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