Friday, July 09, 2004

Nairrobery :day 8

My oh my doesnt the week fly fast. It was just a few days ago i was pledging that i would be blogging daily. So much for mental notes...

I'm at a loss of words. THese punks..i will not name names..are all gone! My workmates that is..a team building retreat for the IT and accounting departments is happening at Sarova Shaba(for those of you unfamirliar with this, it is rated the best lodging camp in Sub saharan africa); i mean food ,accomodation ,pints all entirely covered by the nse. Guess who didnt get to go...yep.. no prizes for that one. ITs the same guy sitting here ALONE in the IT office whining into cyberspace.

OK I'm not sure whats more aggrevating - the fact that I wasnt budgeted for in advance or the idea that these folks take interns for Complete idiots..I mean complete retards. Before they left leo, i was taken through a repeated crash course on how to lock a door from inside, inject a tape drive into a server, and use notepad(!!!!!!!!!) among other things.

I being in IT also get the unexpected additional treat of showing some dummy how NOT to lose his main 'Start' toolbar on windowze XP. I mean unbelievable.

Someone said Humility, or was it patience is a virtue. If no one did Well hell I'ma say it loud and clear. When u can sit through bullshit and maintain your composure, u'll be a man my son..Rudyard add that one to your IF poem.
So my aim is to patiently pursue what i came here to do. Absorb as much as i can about the convoluted process of stock analysis trading & settlement and dream up a system that can enhance it.

For you folks eagre to make a quick kiling thru the short tem investements..I suggest you read up kwanza then we can talk. here's their portal It is updated daily by..yours truly.

So what am i doing this weekend? Trying to link up with old pals, going to see Spiderman 2 later this evening and perhaps
survey this tum new spots that have crept in since i left.

There was no way i was forgetting to mention this , even though its already on the calender:
Leo is my Niece Makena's Birthday..I take visa, debit card or cash for all you supporters out there..
How can you say no to such a face? hehe I'm playin..I will not exploit the lil girl..just yet.

Cheers folks. One love.

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