Wednesday, October 06, 2004


I am stuck in a group with absolute MORONs...morons morons morons morons monrons morons morons morons morons monons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons morons. I wANT OUT. CURSES. matter of fact. I am emailing the prof. call me a cop out..but i need to graduate - with or without them.

Had to let off a litle steam. theres plenty more where that came from. no such thing as teamwork alongside selfish, ignorant, childish,disorganised morons. I dont go without fault. I failed in my assumed leadership of this group. However this is a fast sinking ship, and you have to know when to jump out. Thats it .enough whining. I'm emailing my prof. too tired and frustrated to explain my predicament people.sorry.I'm sure your all smart and can figure this one out.

Ok. back to my paper that i am experiencing tremendous writers block with. Anyone know of anyway to special tricks to get back into writing form? I'm as coherent as u go. my pont exactly.

Hopefully someones life out there is more pleasant than this.

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