Sunday, October 17, 2004

pins dropping...

haiya this silence is bothering me...There are waaay too many people on that list of contributors for one day to go by without a blog..i understand yall are busy but...
Still waiting for the rest of the responss to my post..
Most notably missing in action is WANGU!!!!! what corner of the earth mezad u..hope u aight. throw us some love!
THomas..i wont even get started.
Kibet..I got you.Patad your email..i will affirmatively confirm by end of next week if you permit me that amoutn fo time.
Chris..i know things are dhiiiick on the finacnial end..lakini holllllla.

and drumroll please..ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for irtual insanity's newest sensation..the bold..the beautiful.. Rachel N.!!!

Ok Rach..not that ive introduced you as bold..theres really no escape..your first blogpost is anxiosly awaited..(no pressure hehe). We want to know what you had for breakfast..that ka dude who hit on you in the mat, or how annoying u think that ad is. Toa stress, shout obscenities, spread some love, what you say when you have nothing to dont phil knight sez, just do it. Blog! very therapeutic i promise.

Ok time for bed. wish me luck on my midterm folks..

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