Tuesday, May 03, 2005

its abit tooooo much now

k, so at first i thought it was hilarious that Mama Lucy had become Muthaiga's official noise patrol, but after reading todays news about her storming of the Nation Centre , something just doesnt seem right, funny as the whole situation may still appear to be.The paranoia, the demands, the abuse and the petty complaints....not too mention the melodrama of wanting to carry out a hunger strike, are merely symptoms of what i fear is a much larger concern.

Its kind of embarassing actually, for me as a female who hopes to one day be involved in our nation's political landscape, that a woman in such a high position (albeit by virtue of her hubby's role) would be so rowdy, undiplomatic and quite frankly, a drama queen.
However, perhaps what is even more concerning, is the fact that Papa Emilio, is not doing anything to calm Lucy and her actions down. What sort of a president allows their spouse to run amock and embarass herself, and him, and the entire nation in general?

From literally holding the Nation Centre hostage with her body guards, to physically abusing a camera man, and imsulting what has been the country's forerunning media house, this mama has just done it all , and frankly if u ask me....its really time she stopped.

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