Friday, May 20, 2005

An Uncommon Dialogue

Ok i have a confession to make. havent completed a book in eehh..ehh lets just say a really long time. I decided to ease my way into this whole umm reading thing by beginning with audio books since that way my sessions will be less suceptible to my chronic ADD caused by my incredibly alluring ibook. (proof - i just stopped listening to jot down this blog! what would i do without wifi..)

Currently listening to Conversations with God , by Neale Donald Walsch and is thus far, nothing short of AMAZING. In the Book, Neale chronicles his 2 way dialogue with God.

Not just its comfortable prose, but the 'dialogue' helps one ease into the strong opinions emanating from this piece - as the reader it is almost as if you are a bystander listening in on a great conversation between 2 people, and the ideas(heavenly inspirations?) pushed forth by the author thus goo down a whoole lot easier. This literary style is great as it avoids the a condascending approach of other books of similar subject matter, which usually lose the battle to convince before they even begin.(at least for me)

It is helping me ask a whole lot of the questions about my faith that were stuck in the labyrinth of my spiritual senses - and is somewhat of a reawakening becuase of this. Highly recommended read. (or listen if ur as distracted as i am).

Jehovahs Witness wont know what hit them next time they come by my apartment..

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