Friday, November 25, 2005

RE: Kibaki roareth

hi everyone! yes twas the silence reminiscent of the mute. but am back!
Happy thanksgiving y'all! saying that coz we got to givre thanks for the little we have. In the aftermath of this referendum, Kibaki dun did it! His critics had written him off as a senile,gutless, post-golf husk of a man.But wen push came to punch, Othaya did us proud. Let's just hope things dont get out of hand. Since he fired the whole cabinet, vibe has been rife about the turmoil we'll end up in. Went to a Kao barber shop and the Kaos were rogain the way we'll see melee if Kalonzo is excluded from the next cabinet. Luos are here chanting "Tsunami!" if Agwambo is relegated to the doldrums of govt business. Halfway thru my cut, some Masai rushed in chanting war cries on behalf of Ntimama if their king is not returned to his throne.
all we can do is sit, watch, eat and gain weight, and hope that his decision will unite the nation towards our development goals.

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