Wednesday, December 07, 2005

RE: till the wind bloweth my way

Tis done now, not to be undone. I scaled the heights and conquered the mountain. As I rest by the fountain and quench my thirst, I ponder, "Does anyone really care/know what the hell am talking about?!"
Howdi folks. Just about to clear my exams. Been a long time, running scripts,late-night crash courses in Unix/Linux, coupled by the very tribulations of being a young man in modern day Nairobi. Atleast now I can kick back and take a short respite, as I will indulge myself in MCSE over the short break. Atleast I get to see my chic moro, after 4 months! Kui,pliz be happy for me, coz I know u can relate......
By the way Deno,u stil at EA? Am asking coz been spending my time (poorly) playing NFS- most wanted deadly stuff. wat u workin on?
let me bid thee farewell, for the belly of the beast rumbles (for real am hungry).
gotta switch to de-caf.....


Unknown said...

Nate - still at EA - NFS most wanted already home? Chris is hooked on tha shit too..I'm working on an IP title (read: top secret) that set for release not for a while..

ps2/Xbox? You have Fifa 06? you need to own that titlte man its legit. We have to connect in Jan kill a few pints over ps2 sawa??

Vickis back eh...pace yourself daddy..I know what it can be like.. ;-)

Cowi said...

Hey Nathan,
Course we care at least I do. I lost all my numbers when I sent out my phone for repairs so hola atme adn Holla at Vicki.. HOW long she here. Wanna double date?


Me and my other man that is...