Tuesday, March 22, 2005

the idiotic logic of our guvah

k! im just completing my 4 year degree in Political Science and Sociology, and even if i hadnt spent these last 4 winters studying governance, human rights and democracy...even i would have figured out that theres something wrong with Michuki!
Speaking out about people with illegal firearms, Michuki released an order to the cops that they should 'shoot to kill' anyone found in possession of an illegal firearm.
This is sorta thing im envisioning:
Scenario 1.
Cop spots civilian with gun [because apparently people just display their guns like that]
Because all 'illegal' firearms have huge visible signs on them, the cop shoots, not to injure, not to startle, nope....shoots to kill.

Scenario 2.
Cop spots civilian with gun, suspects that it may be illegal, [because you can identify illegal fireamrs from the 'type' of people carrying it]
Cop, because s/he is careful, decides to investigate further, ask a few questions...'sir/madam, is that weapon licensed? can i see the license? is that an illegal fire arm?'
to which the civilian replies 'no officer it isnt licensed.' ' Oh...umm I left my license at home.' 'Yes sir/madam...its the illegal AK47 i bought frm Eastleigh.'
The Cop,...following orders from Bwana Michuki, pulls out his 'legal' firearm, aims and 'shoots to kill'

Luckily, somebody is thinking, and the Law Society of Kenya, along with doctors and Human rights groups condemned the order, declaring it unconstitutional. But the most concerning thing is the mentality our own Minister for National Security displayed.
a vote of non-confidence? or another tame and pointless 're-shuffle'? I dont really care....something needs to be done!

and therein ends my first political vent of the month! back to the paper!
hope everyone is well and blessed!

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