Wednesday, March 09, 2005

MJ Blog Meme

Refer to Nick Gichu's Blog dated Thursday, March 03, 2005...

1.Best RnB song? One more chance [in love] (i think that's what the song is called)

2.Best pop song? Rock with you, Don't stop till you get enough, Blame it on the boogie-with Jackson 5

3.Best Rock song? none

4.Best Album? Thriller

5.Best Dance Video? You rock my world and thriller

6.Underrated album? -

7.Underrated collabo? MJ with 3T

8.Overrated collabo? -

9.Best sound? -

10.What about MJ u'll never forget? Kicking the air with the right leg or is it left... whatever, then spinning around, then grabbing the crotch, then whoooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

11.Do u think he is guilty or innocent? Mmmmm...Is anyone innocent these days?

12.Did u like him better black? Definately in ebony.

13.His song that u cant stand? Beat it

14.If he was to come perform in a stadium near you-would you
a) lie that u would not attend?
b) attend?
c) only attend cause u were forced to
None of the above. I wouldn't pay a cent to watch him perform live. Don't get me wrong he is one of the best music performers to have moonwalked this earth, but I am just a plain ol' cheapskate i.e. miser(I wouldn't even part with 10 bob)

15. Do u think MJ is a freak or misunderstood? I love him, but I think his freakkkyyyy...

16.Are those kids fruits of his occassionally grabbed loins? I can't nyita this question

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