Monday, March 21, 2005

Is it just me????

So I'm not only a consumer when it comes to toothpaste, I am also a regular consumer when it comes to south B matatu's. I try them out and elimidate so to sppeak .So like you will catch me dead boading an extreme makeover mat coz they once tried to con me of ten bob yes I'm that petty and a certain KAS mathree whose colouring I know but I can't defame it here. Anyway my favourite is one peach one with catskill written on its back. the music is great. (now you know I'm starved for a social life)

Anyway I've been dying to try out orlando Majic, and I finally got my cahnce on Saturday. Gladly ,I was its last occupant since I was in a hurry I couldn't have been more grateful.

To my dismay I ended sitting in the back row...(like duh i shoulda expected it) But I tell you five minutes into that ride and I was seriosly considering plastic surgery. I mean I had to battle the southward trend my bust was being forced into by the horrendous intensity of the bumps in this ride. I was in agony as only another woman would understand. So I assumed the position that would best protect my assets. i.e fold my arms across my chest tighter than a person under pressure and put on a front. The music was not disappointing nice dance stuff I chilled out to, needless to say however far my consumerist nature takes me I am never sitting in the back row of a matatu ever again.


p.s. Sleep over officially on the 22nd.

Bring your own sleeping bags please and do confirm soon places are running out.

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