Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Shu: Kenyan John legend?

OK this is a break from the scheduled programming that was to be a recap and reminisce of my trip to my beautiful home Kenya.

It is a deserving break, as I grabbed it it from the email rounds it is probling making and deemed it neccessary for posting in outer space and for those of you kind and lucky readers of VI.

So sez his website:

Shu grew up in Nairobi, Kenya, with the strumming of his father’s guitar and simple Swahili songs about love and loss serving as his first musical backdrop.

Then came Havard, then Oxford on Rhode scholarship, and Shusic, his more than warmly recieved debut album, amidst this brainy schedule.

It only takes a brief listen of the club-engineered single "Can I take you home with me" to figure out that this raw talent is headed the big league and out of independent label mess. These predictions are not rushwad ovyo ovyo by yours truly... Those who will choose to remember when I hand picked John legend as the future of soul (hehe waaaaay before the 8 grammy nominations) - I am feeding off the same vibe from these tunes. The ka clip of Amor sent me credit-card weilding across the web in search for the album.

Support Kenyan talent. Nunua....Any word from you folk in Nai who heard him perform in October???


Orkoiyot said...

i managed to get my hands on Shusic from one Shu's relaz who also happened to attend all his local performances. She gave him quite some accolade! (i can only hope its objective and not nepotism).

Nonetheless... i spent the whole day listening to the CD and its not bad at all. Uniquely Mwashuma (and Legend).

His rela tells me that he's apparently done some collabo with Legend. Going places!

Orkoiyot said...

U jua how when u become a celeb everyone remembers the smallest association they have with you?? Ya! This chile i work with [on seeing the Shusic CD] remarked how Mwashuma was the best KCPE candidate in their year. 'Brainy schedule' started a looooong time ago!

the authencity of the info is (ofcourse) not guaranteed. Errors & Omission... si mimi!

Unknown said...

so true..my story is that i was visiting Alliance girls on a funky when he (none other than mwaSHUma) sliced me - and she was a thwak so it wasnt ati a big deal...

hehe..ok those who can do some elementary math will quickly establish that is soo not possible. No harm done shu sio?

He good thing he shortened his juna..aki Im not seeing how Mwashuma as a stage name would've worked..or maybe im just a 'harer'.

Orkoiyot said...

Got my hand on Legend's 'Get Lifted'from Vicki and DAYAMMNMMNNNNNNNNNNNN- the truck 'Refuge (When its cold outside)'is WICKED!! I can't get the grin off my face!!!!

Anonymous said...

I said the same thing about Shu sounding like John Legend but he's good in his own right.