Monday, April 03, 2006

Kwanchetsi Makokha - a politicians nightmare

Commentry or not..this piece was smoldering.
Lies Too Often Told About the President (Page 1 of 2)

A tab bit too blatant if you ask me. Pesa zimemwagwa? Are we witnessing another Kwenda opnga in the making?

I think we need a new means to hold each author accountable for each article they publish..good or bad....WATCH THIS SPACE....


Girl in the Meadow said...

Wangu the only thing i agree with you is that for a journalist of Makhohas stature, it is an article written badly.

The thing is i feel zero for those ODM guys really.

Orkoiyot said...

The article is sad! Kwenda didn't get that bad.

The contents of the article sound like the ranting of an intoxated dude at a very cheap local - not worth the paper i just printed it on.