Monday, April 10, 2006

The X Journals: In search of a Goodman

These are Dr Xander’s journals.

Journal One
Location: A small science laboratory in the middle of the Perthazon jungle, Noongar Country. *
Time: Present

My name is Dr Xander and I am a Goodmanologist. Goodmanology* -the Kenyan chapter is my main area of expertise (at first it was the International chapter, then it became the African chapter. The African chapter was unsuccessful, so I decided to do the Kenyan chapter. It gave me a better and easier platform to work with, even though the rewards are unsatisfactory or non-existent). However, I have also studied Badmanology.*

I have been searching for a Goodman* for quite a while now. Sometime back Dr Othakenyan (my assistant) and Dr Aseean (trainee assistant) found a Goodman in the jungle. This Goodman was found among the Badmans. They brought it to the laboratory for further observation. However, I had to go for a conference. Took the first canoe ride out of the Perthazon and went for my conference. I left Dr Othakenyan with the task of doing what was necessary and success! With her success she had to resign. Now it’s just Dr Aseean and me. (sigh!)
I am currently about to close my laboratory as Goodmans are very hard to come by.
Yes, it’s been hard looking for Goodmans in the Perthazon. This is because, the Perthazon is saturated with so many Goodmanology scientists. As a result, most of the Goodmans have been ‘taken.’*

I feel sorry for my trainee assistant (She’s very ambitious. She has studied Goodmanology and wants to study Marriageology and Familyology, as soon as she gets a Goodman). What will she do without the lab? More importantly, what am I supposed to do? My time, energy and resources are going to waste. I need some assistance. I need someone to sponsor my experiments.

If any of you know where I can find a Goodman in this Godforsaken Perthazon jungle, please let me know.
You know where to find me- am at the small science laboratory…in the middle of the…yes! Perthazon jungle.

I finish this journal entry with these famous sayings:
"Why are all the Goodmans taken all the time?" Joe’s twin sister
"Don’t lose hope on all the Man Family"
Nat Izzo

*Noongar Country also known as Aboriginal Country.
*Goodmanology- the study of finding a Goodman.
*Badmanology- the study of excessively flirting with the Badman species. Sometimes yields dangerous results.
*Goodman- a type of species from the Man Family. Other species from the Man Family include Badmans, etc.
*Taken-this is the process where a Goodmanology scientist finds a Goodman and experiments on it. Consequently, if the results are very successful, they have to resign from their jobs. With the Goodman, the scientists go on to study Dateology and Courtshipology (collectively known as ‘Going Out’) and maybe…just maybe study Marriageology.


Orkoiyot said...

I need to go thro' that again.....

v-key said...

Simply Kibet, it's about looking for a good jamaa. Went for a bash and was so frustrated at how Kenyan jamaas are so immature e.g pinching bums etc.

Anyway, the blog is basically about searching for a good man in Perth. Dr Othakenyan is a friend of mine who found a good guy amongst bad ones. Dr Aseean is an Asian friend of mine, 20 years old and she wants to find a good guy, get married and have a family ASAP. Hence, the Goodman, Marriageology and Familyology stuff...

Cowi said...

Hey Vicki I feel you kabisa. Good men are way too difficult to come by. Yaani I've also been studying goodmanlogy so I know.
But they are out there hence my fav son BE without you.....Baby I can't

Samborera said...

I never get this. All my friends are good guys. And bad boys seem to have a certain allure.

gishungwa said...

i know alot of good guys but gilrs like sambs says would rather bad boys e.g artur Magaryan lush..... he he he