Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Worlds going crazy..

Not that it wasn't crazy enough with family visiting on incredibly short notice, my work turning upside its head, back to back road trips, chronic exhaustion - the middle east had to go exploding again.

Yeah..now we are on the verge of a third world annihalation. I watched CNN news yesterday in combination of disbelief, disgust and disdain - shocked at the now perfected tendacy of Main stream media to deliver incredibly honed knee jerk reactions to world crisis. Their polarization of this (and other) issue could not have been better. The capacity for deadlock is equally impressive -


Is it just me or does everyone the view just get cloudy for many during times of war and provocation? In the eyes of many human life ceases to be of equal value (if it ever was) the law of diminsihing return takes effect - the stimulus effected to solve the problem only aggrevates it further: The incessant bombings, the finger pointing, the inability of lebanese gvt to dissociate themselves from hizbolla, the silence of the US and Iran, the innefectual talking heads of the UN.

How do we also manage to forget all the others surrefing and fleeing their homes in other areas of the world? Surely, when it rains, it pours. This is a good opportunity for the world to re-align their priorities and really define what a crisis is - Suffering is suffering is suffering - no matter what time zone your in or what military power you wield. in a sad way this is a great opportunity for Darfur activists (a side job we have failed to adopt) to promote the cause of all those suffering africans.

There ends my rant on suffering and injustice. Just needed to get something off my chest this fine tuesday afternoon.

Conflict free day for you I hope.


Orkoiyot said...

I share your sentiments kabisa. Innocent Palestinian and Lebanese lives are being lost! I was doing a count of guys who've died of unnatural causes on the daily nation of Tues & Wed (this wk) and it came to a startling figure of at least 1500 reported deaths!

The need to lead folks to Jesus is getting more and more urgent.

More comment kesho

v-key said...

This is a sad affair indeed.