Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Da Vinci Code

Hey its me again, I have finished my last exam. I should be happy but am not.
Who has read The Da Vinci Code? If you have not I thoroughly recommend that you do. It is an adrenaline pumping thrill ride, full of suspense that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Best of all it's extremely engaging. In my opinion, not many books reach this high level of engagement, except Harry Potter 1-5 and other few books, Cina will agree with me on this.
However, this book is capable of making Christians and atheists alike mix their reality with the fiction in this book. I know my reality got mixed up, with the fiction, that I was so afraid. I had to stop reading the book for 2 days, until I was back to reality and my reality was that the book is... well... fiction.
Further, the first half of the book is overwhelming, with too much information being provided, that is too much too handle, for a small brain like mine. The second half is light and more enjoyable. I also found the constant interchanging of English words and French words a bit irritating. From the book, one can infer that the author appears to have his own personal grugde against Christianity, which I did not like.
I would also recommend that you watch the movie Quills-strange but very interesting movie set in the Victorian ages. Take care guys.

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