Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thank God for Kenya

Hi guys, how are ya'll doing? am fine studying for my last exam, maritime law it is. Kibet is there maritime law in Main? do you do it as a unit or an elective?
Anyway, in one of my Theology tutorials, one guy was giving a presentation about refugees and theology. For his presentation, he brought a refugee from Liberia. The Liberian guy told us when the civil war broke out in the 80s I believe, his family was killed in front of him but when the guerilla soldiers tried to kill him, something mysterious at that time happened and his life was spared. So, he told us, he ran away to neighbouring Guinea where he lived in a refugee camp for 15 years, and then he got the chance to come to Australia. He said he thinks God spared his life for a reason and I see why. I just thought that wow! thank God that Kenya is a relatively peaceful country, even though the politics and the economy are mbaya. Look at Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast now? That Liberian guy has no home to go back to and he does miss his home. We are lucky we have a home to live in and to go back to, and that is Kenya. Guys, I thought that I should tell you this story. Please thank God for Kenya and pray that God keeps it peaceful. cheers

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