Tuesday, November 09, 2004

RE: thank you

You sure know how lay on that charm on pretty thick dont ya!! must be all that sun in Aussie..hehe..on the real, I found your polite approach to your first blog refreshing novel..

but allow me to comment:

1) This is a Blog and not really a forum. Dont mean to be a grammer bitch..but the main distinction here being there is slighly less order than a forum, and that new threads are completely randomn and a lot easier to start. I found the wikipedia commentry on the history of blogiign(see link) quite interestng..great to be considered as one of the original surfers of the blog wave!

2) Throw your politeness out the window! V.I. is built on the very essence of free speech. So rest assured you will not be offending anyone by speaking your mind..basically what i am saying is..dont conform to the tone of the blog..Set the tone. That goes for all you other New York times editors hehe.. I think some of the most thought provoking blog threads have been out of the blue, and been based on unique ideosyncratic tendacies/insights of the author. Follow suit.

3) You can get a great headstart of what we have been talking about since we began this whole shindig by sororaing the previous posts section on the sidebar on the bottom right------------------------>

4) I dont believe for a second that you are quiet..it may have been a while..but you dont seem the queit type..(that didnt quite come out right..but u know what i mean)..so shout out!

Now..I'm the one who should be thanking all those of you who actually cared to wish me a happy birthday..Incase your wondering if it was a happy as it should have been..wellll not exactly..I learnt the painful consequences of procrastinaition...I had a term paper to work on the ENTIRE night. It fikad 5 in the morning and i was not even half way. It was terrible i tell you. Aweful feeling. Especially when the idea is not gelling together..each new sentence is a mental everest to climb..(pressure and sleep depreviation dont mix). I havent felt that way since those dreaded mornings in Std 2 or 3 when I would be doing my homework on the staircase at 730am(of the due day) or at the back of the car driving to school!!! lol more than half of the time your concentrating more on which excuse sounds better than on the actuall gibberish you are scrbbling down...then vuump ! my old lady speeds over a bump and I mess up the entire text book!!!! dooooooh!

Anyway..11 and some odd years later, aint nuthin changed but the homework!!! Anyway handed it in shingo upande earlier leo..but wasnt too pleased with myself.

Meanwhile..I am getting very worried with my eatig habits. One meal a day if i remember to eat..and its not the healthiest stuff in the world either .. Woi If theres anything i could have..I mean anything right now...(yaani if a genie popped out of a bottle my first wish would be ) A Mbotch!!!!!! Ok so im a spoilt brat..but hey..I'm a product of my childhood environment. My cohorts here at school can never get over the fact that we hav e 'slaves' in kenya..lol try what i may I can never convince them that the word is Househelp.. anyway..Patrick (our AMAZING cook back digz) if you can hear this.. I need u!!!! I miss your kuku and kunde?!

Anyway..jolted back to reality by one of these annoying invincible fruitflies that have become so comfortable in this crib..maze ud think they were lipaing rent these days! Eish wacha i sort this place iout it is a mess...

OK now im just rambling on thoughtlessly(which while fun sometimes) can become a not so fun for those reading...If youve read this far, i hoe its not just out of pity hehe..

One love.

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