Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I rest my case

After all those low blows from Chris about my sexuality(posting up a pic with me holding anaa silly handbag)..I think you are now looking at smoking gun evidence of the real villian !!!

The love interest(in black shirt), for those of you itching to know, is our good neighbour Mr Mwaura, who just happens to be collateral damage in the pic that is meant to showcase our dear buddy Chris's closet tendancies. Dude on the left is our Token White friend with some serious hair Gel going..(what is it with Jungu guys and their affinity to massive amounts of hairgel)

But wait..I'm confused..i was pretty sure Chris and Shiku were having a thing (the two have been going at it for a while now in Camera ever since they fell madly in love with each other over in Coast last summer) - While this may seem like a very desparate attempt to Get them to Blog (i have been known to bring out the best in people by any means neccccessary), I'm just doing my fellow readers the honourable duty of some romour-mongering that cant hurt once in a while.

So bwana Chris to salvage your masculinity?? what would your momma say???(muhahaha Ive won this round)

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