Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Shades of black

For those of you wondering what its like to be black in McGill..my man Leon, mr political genious in the making, breaks it down neatly.

I have beef however with this whole notion of the concept of 'race' to begin with. By continuing to propergate the notion of BLACK AND WHITE(AND BROWN AND YELLOW) people as logically mutually exclusive groups, then we as the oppressed will continue to fall victim to the fragmetation that arises out of sterotypes: (you all remember VISIKI?)

I understand that it is black history month and all, but i think by my very point, we should celebrate these past heroes as individuals, rather than as Black people, otherwise we perpetuate the very thing we are trying to extinguish: the perception that we are one and the same beneath the skin. can i get an AMMMEN..(feeling like Kenye on the pulpit over here...)

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