Monday, April 25, 2005

Almost over

Lenny Kravitz said it better than i aint over baby till its ooooover.

Indeed. I have to say that this morning 1030am marks a feeling that i hope persists and stays with me for a looong time to come. It is a feeling that is the palpable translation of "hard work and faith and preparation really do pay off".

At 1031am me and young startup team left the plush, glossy offices of a venture capital seed funding group in the heart of Montreal's concrete jungle, with our heads raised high, feeling a sense of accomplishment that was very much unexpected by the 75 percent of this 4 person group. (I was the quiet naive optimist)

This is for the first time, really, I have ever PUSHED 120 percent for something I really believed in. What is so satisfying about this feeling is not really that we really may score funding for this seemingly makeshift venture of 4 graduating undergrad engineers. Not the fact that we impressed the socks off our professor who is doing this 'live business plan' experiement for the first time. Not the fact that everyone thinks what we have is a great idea and wonders why no one has pursued this before. None if this. Todays feeling at 1030 am was an internal one.

It was one of those transitions where you felt that had changed your perspective and approach of things in life even if at that very moment, you didnt grasp exactly how. All future goals suddenly seemed that much closer and that much more attainable, that much withing your grasp, with just a lil hard work, faith, and preparation. Dont want to come down on you with the 'pep talk' been-there-done-that attitude at all. Just that it occured to me as we left that presentation that dreams, even daydreams, are really closer than we think - and only after times & situations of intense pressure and challenge and does this realisation really come out. We are moulded by these experiences. to put this into perspective - 2 days agao I was sick of this venture and all the preparation for it: it was eating me alive.

However you have to throw yourself in there, and litereally FIND out what youve got. Yaani if that makes no sense.."lose yourself" as eminem would so succinctly put it.Each shot is potentially your last!

So while i can draw some pride out of having delivered a convincing, thorough seed funding proposition to mean , vicious stereotypical Venture capitalists at 22 - I dont think it will help me much if I fail my elective course on 'wold of chemistry' tommorow and consequently NOT be able to graduate. On that note, lemme get cracking on those notes.

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