Thursday, April 28, 2005

High School

Denis I must congratulate u...i dont know if I did before....for attending one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.Truly a remarkable achievement.
My high sch also did the same for me. As a rubble u are in awe everytime the history of AHS is mentioned. 2nd form, and all you wanna do is wil'out. Come 3rd and all that sounds like hot air, as u have carved a niche for yourself in a BadBoy crew. In 4th it hits you, "what if am not good enough?"
I always look up to my fellow old boys eg. Amos Wako, Makatiani, Eng. Wanjohi just to mention a few. They were under the tutelage of the one and only Edward Carey Francis, world acclaimed. I know i will never achieve what this grand folks have managed. but am to cut my own path in the great savannah of life. But I fear i may never apply th great teachings that were instilled, whether willingly or otherwise, or many of the things i took for granted.
Both MKA and AHS have contributed a lot to my moulding. I managed to keep control of things, where my colleagues fell on the wayside. I shudder at the thought of what i'd be today if I stayed in Nairobi South B Primary School, where i was preoccupied with being 1st body. Cowi am sure u know where it is.
For this, my eternal gratitude and thanks to my wonderful and supportive parents (all of ours) for they take alot of crap from us. Thank God for your life, many would aspire for it.

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