Thursday, April 14, 2005


there has been a lot of reaction about my last blog, and no I didnt go into hiding. Just had a lot on my plate.
Cowi called me shortly after to tell me about the reaction it had caused. She asked me if I would consider retracting it. So to her, this is the first time am bloggin since i sent that blog.
First off, it was not my intention to anger or rub anyone the wrong way. I feel encouraged that my friends (or those i have left) came to my defense. But being a staunch supporter of people being responsible of their actions, i'll do just that.
My family are friends to the Kihoros. My parents know them rather well, but that it not an excuse. I stand by what i said before. It is a discussion i've had with all who care to listen to me "ranting banter". But if it elicited negative emotions from anyone, then I apologise for that. i was asked for my opinion and i gave it. if i was castigated for it, then i allow it because the other party is also airing their view.
Thomas, i didnt know about your dad. Trust me when i say that my friends and their families are always in my prayers.
Denis, i can imagine the pressure u faced on my behalf. you must have been torn but dont worry about me.
To all, as much as Humankind is driven by emotion, i like to believe that we can factor in reason and restrain from passing judgement. There seems to be a lot of hatred, one of the causes of the fall out: explicitely cited in the Chaos Theory.
My silence will be as a result of being away. I start my break leo.
May we all find the courage to talk of issues as we see them, we are here to pick each other minds. As said on.

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