Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nchi Yetu Daily .::. Unleashed

About a month ago when the explosion of kenyan blogs began, i found myself unable to keep up with the size of my growing blogroll, and the sheer amount of content that was being published daily.

Whats worse is, that being the blog junkie that i've become, I had this insatiable hunger to read every single blog of interest, every single day. Needless to say this was becoming an impossible task. I do have a life beyond VI. Really.

So I decided nuffs enuff, I would make the news come to me, By any means Neccessary! Its been an on and off lil thing that many in the blog ring have stumbled accross now and then, but what with my final semester drawing to a close i had to give it a rest. This is where it left off, and really the goal was simple:

Nchi Yetu Daily was built to find out in one stop, what was going on in the neighbourhood.

So what it does is essentially find all the most recent posts published on the kenyan blogosphere, and randomly picks a headline. That way i can always get a 'global' view of whos written what when. The linked posts link directly onto the authors blog, that way readers can leave comments there.

I have been intrigued with the popularity of Meme's in the kenyan blogospere particularly. The spread in inordinate spead and wildfire fashion, and are able to generate feedback and response in a process that is so unique to surveys, and other means of web-communication. One definition that captures this phenomena well is
A unit of cultural information that represents a basic idea that can be transferred from one individual to another, and subjected to MUTATION, CROSSOVER, and ADAPTATION
. Its like a useful harness of the broken telephone process. Ideas morph in transition while moulded by a cultural pipe. My next post will try to illustrate somewhat this trail of meme footprints. This was MEME's are also left OPTIONAL (if we avoid the dispatch mechanism) , that was no one has to feel obliged to do the meme coz someone else publicly recommended that the do it. Meme's work on assumptions, as mentioned in Pen-Elayne's post [via Mama Junkyard post], but isnt that what all of culture is? The shared basic assumptions of a group of people? I feel that trying to uncover whats hidden behind these assumptions, through meme's, are the most effective way of finding out what a certain culture is all about. Again, i will try illustrate with my next post.

My vision was for NCHI YETU DAILY to play a greater role in utilizing meme's and building upon their essence of information elicitation: rather than relying on the circular fashion in which Meme's circulate now, a reader/blog owner could go ino NYD, 'start a meme' , define their questions, and who they want an, slowswering them. A form of dispatch would be sent to these members, but more significantly this new meme would be listed/linked in NYD for ayone else with a Blog listed on NYD who felt like participating in the meme. Because the MOST RECENT POSTS are displayed on NYD, a initator of a meme ca , with greater ease, track whos done the meme, and enjoy their responses by simply clicking on the link to the post. So much more can be done to aide, simplify, enhance the process, but i want t take it mosmos as i further understand why meme's are so intriguing and work the way that they do.

In the grand scheme of things, I think this is a great way to get non-bloggers to quickly catch up with some of the wicked content that is getting published by kenyan bloggers. I am spreading the word through every avenue possible, so that people can get an idea of whats being published out there. I believe there is a incredible force that will come with numbers when all kenyan bloggers are on the same page.

if your not listed , email me I will ongeza u one time.

So Go take a look already, tell me what you think. Disclaimer: style/page design has never been my forte. Add it to your blogs tafadhali so i can see if its robust enough with the traffic.


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